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[BtS MOD] Wolfshanze 1850-1920 Enhancement Mod v2.0

I've poked through the events xml and seems to me a LOT of the events are buggy. It's like the programmers were half asleep + nobody went behind them to validate thecode.

My experience bears this out, as well. I've had events that didn't provide the benefit upon completion, etc.

Wolf, you should check out this post by frekk. I think it concerns you as well, and this is a good day for bugfixing! :D
Thanks for the heads-up... I just fixed the random event to read "Horseman"... "Horse_Archer" was listed twice in that file and I just fixed them both. That wasn't a HUGE problem, since random events are random... you can always just reload and avoid the random event... but if I know about it, I'll fix it, and that one is now fixed... I should have v2.73 up today with the latest bugs squashed and whatever else is on my hard drive... wasn't planning on a new release, but with two civs causing unavoidable late-game CTDs... I simply MUST put up a new version to fix that!
That's just fine, I was very close to releasing a new version, but now I'll wait and include your latest models and bugfixes! ;)
That's just fine, I was very close to releasing a new version, but now I'll wait and include your latest models and bugfixes! ;)
I'll have it out today, I promise... I'm just forcing General Matt to put a couple of lifeboats on the Graf Spee and we'll be good to go.
Available for download now... Wolfshanze Mod v2.73...
as usual, see page-1 for the new download

I am very confident that I have now squished any and all bugs... the new custom gamecore DLL I offered recently as an add-on is very stable... also, the biggest culprit of all (for those that haven't been following) that has been causing unrecoverable late-game crashes since v2.67 has been located, identified and totally squashed... simply put, if at anytime since v2.67 or later you have had unexplained late-game crashes that you could not resolve, it turns-out the Ottomans and Mongols were responsible! That problem has been squashed, exterminated and removed! Also, a little-known CTD bug with the Horse Whisperer random event has also been squashed.

As for backwards/save-game compatibility... it is 100% backwards compatible with any saved games from v2.72...

...before v2.72, it both is and isn't compatible with v2.71 and v2.70 saved games... it all depends... if you STARTED a game with the NEW custom gamecore DLL (recently released two weeks ago), this release IS COMPATIBLE with those saved games... if you are/were playing v2.7x standard games (without the new custom gamecore DLL), it's NOT COMPATIBLE with those saved games...

...If you're playing any v2.6x saves... well, then you're really out of luck! You'll just have to start a new game!

This release was not a planned release, but released none-the-less to completely squash and remove two serious game crashing bugs... it doesn't include as much as I'd normally like with a new release, but in the process of bug-squashing, it caught me with a few add-ons already inserted for future release... so you just get them earlier then planned...

New in v2.73
Fixed CTD bug with Ottoman and Mongol civs in Industrial Age
Fixed CTD bug with Horse Whisperer event
Changed the music to Brandenburg Gate & Heroic Epic wonder movies
Fixed minor typo-bug with Trafalgar Square
Fixed minor typo-bug with Celt Empire
Updated to Ethnic Citystyles v1.02

New models/skins for:
African Modern Warlord (faceglow fixed)
American Fighter (P-38)
Byzantine Modern Warlord/General
Carthagenian Modern Warlord/General
Celtic Crossbowman
Celtic Rifleman
Celtic Fighter (P-47)
Egyptian Fighter (Hurricane)
Egyptian Light Bomber (Battle)
Egyptian Bomber (Lancaster)
English Longbowman
French Longbowman
German Heavy Cruiser (Graf Spee)
Meso-American Cannon
Roman Modern Warlord/General
Viking Modern Warlord

This did just sneak-in under the wire:
Thank god, I thought I was crazy it was just the stupid Ottomans and Mongols. No wonder I could never finish an Ottoman game.:)
Thank god, I thought I was crazy it was just the stupid Ottomans and Mongols. No wonder I could never finish an Ottoman game.:)
It was driving me crazy too... I had to abandon a game a couple of weeks ago for a crash I couldn't pinpoint... then my most recent game kept crashing the instant the Byzantines reached the Industrial Age... I kept focusing on fixing the Byzantines, but there was nothing wrong with them... as it turns out, the Byzantines were sharing their newly discovered tech with their vassals the Mongols! I was so focused on the Byzantines I neglected to look at their vassal! I was finally tipped-off when ottomanturk1 sent me a save with the Turks crashing when reaching the Industrial age... that clued me off and led back to the Mongols (the Mongols and Turks had the same CTD bug since v2.67).

With this latest fix and bug-squash, I'm actually able to continue my saved game with the Byzantines without any problems.... I'm so glad too... it's a really interesting game.

I'm very confident now between the new custom DLL and this latest bug fix that the Wolfshanze Mod is probably now more stable then it's ever been and in-theory should be as stable (or even better) then the default game.
Hey Wolfy. Just wanted to say, great mod. I've been playing your mod through ninja's merged mod, and I love the new units. I always wondered why there was such a big discrepancy btw. the Ironclad and Destroyer eras (pretty darn big hole to fill). Thankfully, your mod has plugged up those holes. It's a lot of fun playing with a more progressive evolution to the age of combustion. Too bad more compilation mods don't use yours as a base, b/c I'm afraid that I am now a little addicted to the new naval and air units.

Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kudos, and glad you are enjoying it... I do (of course) fully support folks playing the mod through Ninja's merged mod. Same Wolfshanze Mod, but with a few different twists.

My mod is a little later to the mod community then some of the older ones... so a lot of folks base their mods on contracting VD or something like that... though my mod actually is very similar to those other "flavor" mods in end-purpose... I just do focus on the naval and air additions.
Glad to see that my save helped! This isn't really an issue, but, lokk at this screenshot. This happens sometimes and I have to save and re load. Not crashing the game but making it impossible to play. I just save and load it again


  • Civ4ScreenShot0058.JPG
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Yeah, I got what ottomanturk1 did once, but if you reload it's fine. Your bug fixes seemed to have fixed most of the issues I was having Wolf. Played a game almost all the way thru last night, not trying to really win. One CTD and a bad memory allocation thing, that's it. Good work, was worried I was going to have to go back to boring ole normal Civ.
I've gotten that playing an unmodded game. I haven't since I upgraded my computer though, I think that graphical bug is caused by the video card, but who knows.
I have just noticed v3.17 of BtS has just been released... I have not yet updated, nor have I tested the Wolfshanze Mod with it... I would suspect due to the extreme number of changes, that v3.17 of BtS and the Wolfshanze Mod are not compatible with one another... word to the wise until I have time to look this over.

Anyone who enjoys the Wolfshanze Mod should probably not update to v3.17 until I have had time to look into the issue.
I wasn't planning on updating. They left out like half of the unofficial patch's fixes, and broke the unofficial patch. Therefore, 3.13 + Unofficial Patch is still superior, also considering that it broke all my favorite mods.
Well, what XML's did 3.17 change?
Off the top of my head, I don't know the full list, but I know at least the UnitInfosl.xml was changed... you can tell by reading the v3.17 change list.

I'm not in a rush to mess with v3.17... I finally got the Wolfshanze Mod where I want it to be with v3.13... nice and stable!
I would expect that soon we'll have a new unofficial patch to patch the new official patch back to what we have now. ;)

I would expect that soon we'll have a new unofficial patch to patch the new official patch back to what we have now. ;)

Yeah... if there's a Bhruic 3.17 patch, I might be more tempted to upgrade the Wolfshanze Mod to v3.17.
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