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[BtS] Star Trek Mod

My Wormholes modmod "activates" the wormhole in ST DS9. It doesn't teach the AI how to use it, though.

I always found DS9 way too slow to play into the actual Dominion War... Do you ever intend to update the scenarios?
Well, and it was not needed to invest in tech becuz developments was taken automatically after certain rounds passed

the lost enterprise scenario ended very fast after takin one planet from LursaBetor as Fed after 10min playin
In the Millenium Mod also some kind weird Bajor with Weyun as leader stayed on score table but lost all systems and as Fed cannot declare war but conquest victory is to eliminate all other factions
there is only one ST modscenario where tech development is like in a civ game?
Millennium requires complete kills, so Weyoun has some units not yet killed. It's also a tightly scripted scenario, with victory coming based on weather the universe ends or not. As long as you continue to hold Bajor, you've won.

22nd Century, Earth-Romulan War (these will get redone in 4.0 due to the books), and The Galaxy have a tech tree. The others are either too tight for tech or are scripted.
so you mean these are scripted separated scenarios of Star Trek and not a whole mod with scenarios inside them?
sounds like so
Why are they not together with the 3.0 Mod development and which of the parts belong to 3.0?
sounds like still many bugs and need rebuilding and accurations for the further version 4.0
They're actually in entirely separate mods. That's how I manage to get the special civs/leaders/units for the scenarios, though The Galaxy is very close to the epic game. Civ doesn't have parent mod functionality, so I have to include ALL the files for the entire mod in each scenario mod, changed or not, so it gets to be a lot of work to keep everything up to date. That's also why a lot of the art and sounds go into the BtS Assets folder.
Well, I don exactly understand that mod concept in StarTrek becuz I also played other modpacks like LoR, Moos, FFPlus, FfH2, Colo mods an so on. Many had failures especially Colo Mods occuring some were like perfectly but they all have one folder mod. And yu announced it as ST 3.0 full install but now sayin parts like scenarios are not up to date.
ST 3.0 is for the main mod deanej has been working on all along, and the other Mods (mod-mod mods if you will) were built up along the way to experience a certain aspect of the mod developed at that particular time. 3.0 is a FULL install, while the other ones haven't been caught up yet. On my machine ST 3.0 runs smoothly and free of major issues.
So I don check what exactly ST 3.0 is and what scenarios and not the main mod
So I don check what exactly ST 3.0 is and what scenarios and not the main mod

When deanej first began the Star Trek mod, he also began working on scenarios. Due to the kinds of things he wanted to do for these scenarios, he needed to create separate mod folders for them. These mod folders are the Star Trek mod with different civs, techs, units, and other changes in order to support a scenario.

The second major release of the Star Trek mod (Star Trek 2.0) also included some more scenarios, in their own mod folders. Because 2.0 made extensive changes, deanej did not update the scenarios that came with version 1.0.

Now, Star Trek 3.0 is the third major release. In order to get it out quicker, no scenarios were included. All existing scenarios are still not fully updated. However, 3.0, like 2.0, does update the main Star Trek mod- the one with no scenarios and only random mapscripts.

What don't you understand?
When I start Star Trek, I hav to start a scenario or is the folder named only star trek the 3.0?
becuz when I start from BtS 3.19 I hav to choose a Star Trek folder and then a scenario like DS9 starts when I choose DS9? Thats what I don know which is mainmod an which a scenario not updated and compatible with 3.0?
I've released the 3.11 patch on the first post.

-Deep Space Nine: Dominion gets scouting party on first contact, fixed python exception
-Deep Space Nine: Reduced starting health/happiness and starting trade routes
-Deep Space Nine: Removed many shrines from map
-Added DLL with asserts enabled for scenarios
-Deep Space Nine: Federation will surrender with more cities left
-Deep Space Nine: Added text for victory in Dominion War popup
-Deep Space Nine: Disabled USE_GET_UNIT_COST_MOD_CALLBACK (not used)
-Deep Space Nine: Allied city count not includes more then Federation, Klingon, and Romulan cities if needed
-Deep Space Nine: Victory always to human in single player
-Tweaked some AI personality values
-Deep Space Nine: Random chance for the Dominion to declare war on the Ferengi after the first part of season 6
-Deep Space Nine: Added leader change for the Ferengi (Zek to Rom)
-Deep Space Nine: Merged in the love/hate mod (for more accurate diplo)
-Devore espionage bonus reduced to 15%
-Deep Space Nine: Corrected text problem with Weyoun
-Deep Space Nine: Federation systems start less developed
-Deep Space Nine: Cheapter Dominion ships, more expensive Federation ships
I wanted to read readme file of 3.11


* (V1)The 22nd Century
* (V1)Xindi Attack
* (V1)Earth-Romulan War
* (V1)Errand of Mercy
* (V1)The Undiscovered Country
* (V1)Klingon Civil War
* (V1)Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
* (V1)Kazon Unification
* (V1)Hirogen Hunters
* (V1)Yesterday's Enterprise
* (V2)The Tomed Incident
* (V2)The Cardassian War
* (V2)The Galaxy
* (V2)Millennium: The War of the Prophets
* (V2)The Eugenics Wars

but cannot find link html files to read discriptions of civs,leaders,scenarios and the faq

What means End of universe? And is Yesterday Enterprise scenario in the mod?
Have yu done Feds weak and Dominions strong?
What means "Deep Space Nine: Victory always to human in single player"
Is it hard now to win as Starfleet Command?
Regarding the ReadMe, MajKira, I think you're referring to the design of the .html manual that I have adopted with Fairy Tale. I have such descriptions as you mention, but Star Trek necessarily doesn't have to be the same. For info on Star Trek leaders, civs and such, you should probably referr to the Civilopedia.

Actually, I got the idea of creating a .html manual for my own mod from this Star Trek mod, since my ReadMe was getting too much to handle, it was easier doing it like this and getting organized.
Ive found now in the star trek folder, which is 3.0 the whole manual with pictures
This Mod looks so great!
Is there any way to append this mod to the standard game? Like extending the tech tree beyond Future Tech with the ones in this mod and being able to leave Earth and start colonizing the solar systems? I'd love to start playing in Stoneage ending the game owning 20 solar Systems and building the first Time Machine in 28th Century to win the game (replacing Space Race Victory) :)
This Mod looks so great!
Is there any way to append this mod to the standard game? Like extending the tech tree beyond Future Tech with the ones in this mod and being able to leave Earth and start colonizing the solar systems? I'd love to start playing in Stoneage ending the game owning 20 solar Systems and building the first Time Machine in 28th Century to win the game (replacing Space Race Victory) :)

In theory I suppose that there is a way to do that.

However, it would take a lot of work. You would have to add units, techs, buildings, etc. from normal civ to all of your civilizations, and then set the game up so that after a certain point the map is wiped out and rebuilt with alien civs, solar systems, space terrain, etc. You'd also need to create a new Tundra terrain, as Final Frontier (and assorted mods) use Tundra as space, or use a mapscript that doesn't create Tundra.

I doubt deanej would do it.

EDIT: Actually, it would be a lot more complicated. You would need to change the way cities are handled in Python to only have multiple planets (and consider that for building stuff) when you're on the space map.
I've released the 3.23 patch on the first post. I can almost gaurantee that it will break saves for the main mod and Eugenics Wars. Note to mod-modders: this includes SDK changes for the main mod.

•Eugenics Wars: Restored normal nuke behavior and nukes
•Eugenics Wars: Added new Morning Star unit and effect
•Eugenics Wars: Morning Star no longer reveals world map
•Can no longer cloak or decloak without movement points
•Fixed edit city bug in worldbuilder
•Eugenics Wars: Merged in love/hate mod
•Added bCloaked and bSeeCloaked to Civ4PromotionInfos.xml
•Fixed cloaking bug
•Fixed text issue with Harrad-Sar
•Units with Tachyon Detector promotion can only see cloaked units in adjacent tiles

Barring any bugs discovered soon, this will probably be the last patch for 3.0.
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