BUFFY & HOF Mod Releases

It has been at least 5 yrs since I coded that part of BUG and IIRC, we used a call to the game engine to tell us the whip cost. That we we didn't have to bother about dry whips, wonder whips, multipliers, etc (the game did it).

I doubt that this info is going to be available if you are not in slavery.

In other words ... don't hold your breath. Doubly so given the lack of current BUG progress :D.

This also occurs in the Slavery Civic when the current building/unit/wonder needs more population to whip than is currently available. I want to optimize the pre-whippable turns, but that is hard to do without the whip tick marks.
Great Scientist bulb priorities are broken in BUFFY 3.19.004: The GS wants to bulb Fishing before Mathematics.

It seems to work correctly in BUFFY 3.19.004b (current version).

3.19.004 breaks the Great Scientist bulbing of Metal Casting, Machinery and Egineering, given no Fishing and possession of Mathematics, Alphabet, Aesthetics and Construction (for Engineering).

Bulbing priorities:

No hurry as far as I'm concerned. I haven't noticed any issues with BUFFY 3.19.004b yet.
I have two questions about BUFFY/BUG (I'm using .003 btw)

(1) Took a gander through some of the options and turned on Raw Yields, and checked out the capital. Something is off here. Actual :commerce: is 78 (with buro bonus), but BUFFY/BUG reports it as 72. The values change if I change tiles, so it gets automatically updated. There is simply something wrong. You can even see it on screen. The right column is some kind of summary, but 40+4+8 is reported as 48. That has the cascade of also erroneously reporting the modifier, which should have a bonus of 26 :commerce:, making the grand total 78.


(2) Is it possible for BUG/BUFFY to automatically change the values for units and buildings decaying, depending on the game speed you are playing? It is set up for normal speed, but the other speeds have different decay values. I assume it's x3 on Marathon for instance.
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