BUG and Mac

Help is still a problem. os.startFile() doesn't work. I tried using webbrowser.open(), but that will only open an http:// URL. It refuses to open a file://. This may be a security issue. I'm not sure where to go from here.

PS. Just realised, I should check if it's just a file format problem first!

[EDIT] Yes. The .chm files are totally incompatible with the Mac. I assume they are some Windows-specific help file format. The Mac uses html.
Yes, .chm is Microsoft's Compiled HTML format. We could have the Mac version open a link to the online help.

The changed files should be enough as i can WinMerge them to see the diffs easily and copy-paste from there.
I've tried, honest, but I can't find the online help. Is it the wiki FAQ? Or somewhere else?
The BUG Online Help is not super easy to find, but it's not buried either. You have to go to BUG or BAT from the homepage and scroll to the bottom of the screen. The link is huge though.
Thanks. I'll add the language-specific pages as an OS X-specific link in the BugHelp.py file.

I'm still trying to track down why Strategy_CIV4GameText.xml causes the Mac version to crash. That's the last known incompatibility.
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