Bug Report

$ailor said:
I guess I am confused :crazyeye: Please forgive me as I am new to the forums and trying to make heads and tells of what is going on. I have been playing CivIV TR 2.0 since last week. So if I understand it the patch that came out today is for that. Is the vanilla TR the new release? I guess the posts from Mexico was somewhat confussing to me.

Let's see if I have it correct. The Warlords TR comes out tomorrow. The patch that came out today is for CivIV TR 2.0. Do I have it?

Thanks for the patients.

The patch released today, saturday in US, is the final addition to vanilla civ. This patch fixes known bugs, that were occuring in the vanilla version released like 2 or 3 weeks ago.

the patch tomorrow is the BETA version for warlords. This includes some new features and minus dales combat code. Then there will be the Total REalism GOLD Version that is expected to be released in a few weeks or so. In the GOld Version is when there will be an addition of new content, probably including adding Dales combat mod(ranged bombardment) again. I am especially looking foward to the GOLD version.:D

I dont know if you have it. Did you download it?:mischief:
WarKirby said:
:cry: The patch seems to delay CTD by one turn but it still happens.:cry:

your game was not tested in my random pickup, so this is reason why i don't know about this bug.
after some short tests, it's look like another bug, not in dale's code - this took some time to set new debug messages for this special reason
Kinda sick of waiting for a fix, I've abandoned my save and started anew, hoping not to run into another CTD.

Strangely, I did. Early on (still ancient era) Germany (bismarck) asked for mysticism. I refused, and suddenly, CTD.

Reloaded from an autosave and continued past that point. Germany never asked again so I don't think sending a save will help in this case.

Once I finish this game (or I run into a CTD and get stuck) I will upgrade to warlords. I spend relatively little time playing Civ, as I am learning modeling in 3DS Max. Maybe in a month or so I will be good enough to make stuff for Civ.

Trying to run the TotalRealism_for_Warlords-Setup-2.0-beta.exe and I immediately get a "This Mod require Civ 4 -Warlords patch version 1.00.000" with an "Okay" button and that's it. Won't go any further.
I found a bug.

When a slightly injured unit levels up, and the act of promotion heals the unit to full health, the button for 'fortify til healed' still flashes up.

This was in vanilla TR and is in warlords beta also. I can't remember whether it was in vanilla civ, or was caused by TR. Haven't played vanilla civ in ages. Total realism is far too good.
WarKirby said:
Stupid question but... Do you actually have Warlords?


Desktop shortcut is "E:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Civ4Warlords.exe" and I bought Warlords a few days ago and installed it Direct2Drive.
Bleh, I got Warlords off Direct2drive as well... haven't tried to load Warlords-TR yet though cuz I'm in a really good game of "Make the Aztec cry" in vanilla TR right now. Guess I'll have to look into this and see if I can come up with a fix.
I ran into a CTD. Loading from an auotsave after something went wrong (my settler got eaten by lions) suddenly ctd. I reloaded from same autosave upon restart and there was no problem.

Since I got past it easily, it's pretty minor.

Any ideas on the install problem with the "This Mod require Civ 4 -Warlords patch version 1.00.000" error?
Try reinstalling.
Wipe everything civ related, then install Civ IV, Warlords, Warlords TR.
Maybe that will work.

Has anyone noticed that I seem to be one of, if not the most frequent posters on the TR board. I guess that's what comes from being an unemployed student who's only at college 12 hours a week:D

WarKirby said:
Has anyone noticed that I seem to be one of, if not the most frequent posters on the TR board. I guess that's what comes from being an unemployed student who's only at college 12 hours a week:D

I am not sure how many people know about this forum. If I did not have it bookmarked I would never be able to find it again. I have looked for it in the Civ IV section and find no listing for it. So I guess it is by fluke that I found it in the first place.
WarKirby said:
Try reinstalling.
Wipe everything civ related, then install Civ IV, Warlords, Warlords TR.
Maybe that will work.

Has anyone noticed that I seem to be one of, if not the most frequent posters on the TR board. I guess that's what comes from being an unemployed student who's only at college 12 hours a week:D


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am also a regular poster.(sounding alot like acholics anonymous:lol: )

I have 5 classes 16 credit hours. I just started college. I am also unemployed
however I am looking for a job:mischief: . It seems I have alot more time then my senior year at high school, which was last year. So i also have alot of time to post and imagine what my "ideal realism mod" would be like...:crazyeye: :D

I also got this "crash to desktop" problem, playing a vanilla game with TR2 :)goodjob: ) on turn 200+. It's all the same on reload and after deletion of the cache. Never made a mod of my own, so don't know if this helps on debug: When you save a current game (which will go crash next turn) as world builder file, you see that the resulting file is inclomplete. The list of plots is cut off at some point.

alb said:

I also got this "crash to desktop" problem, playing a vanilla game with TR2 :)goodjob: ) on turn 200+. It's all the same on reload and after deletion of the cache. Never made a mod of my own, so don't know if this helps on debug: When you save a current game (which will go crash next turn) as world builder file, you see that the resulting file is inclomplete. The list of plots is cut off at some point.

Be sure to use the latest updates (posted here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=163217&package_id=185640&release_id=443112)
This should solve most of the bugs, that has occured in this gr8 mod ;)
Have been playing with the latest vanilla patch 2.13. I have run into a Python Exception error many many times all for the same reason.

Whenever a city is conquered, I get a python exception error like this:

File "CVEventInterface", line 23, in OnEvent
File "CVEventManager", line 222, in handleEvent
File "CVEventManager", line 860, in on CityAcquired
NameError: global name 'city' is not defined.

This happens when either me or an opponent takes a city.

This fortunately does not crash the game though! :)
mrmistophelees said:
Have been playing with the latest vanilla patch 2.13. I have run into a Python Exception error many many times all for the same reason.
Yeah, same thing here - but you can turn it off (and just ignored it):
In the folder [drive]:\Documents and Settings\[profile]\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\ there is a .ini file - in this file you can turn off Python exceptions to be showned. The line should say something like this:
; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1

I've tried to debug the reason, but could'nt find a good solutions - and I do not dare to add this bug to the ever-expanding list, that Mexico and Houman are bothered with :mischief: But when we are at it - another bug is (or perhaps it's the same!), that when you build a new city, it does not have a default name - just a line of an exception (I guess)... But again - not worth bothering! :)

EDIT: Seems like a line of code might be missing - I've just send a word to Mexico to get it confirmed. I'll test it on my own later, and post the outcome :)

Edit2: Fixed the Python exception. A really minor bug:
In line 860 of the file "CvEventManager.py" there is an if-statement that refers to a non-global variable (city). If you change this variable in line 860+861 to:
if (pCity.getCulture(iNewOwner) <=0 ):
It's just the variable "city" that should have been "pCity". Anyway this fixes the exception, if you don't wanna go with my first suggestion :)
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