Bug Thread for Fallout LS Mod

I copied the new files (entire build) from drop box to the mod build. I had an immediete cTD on two starts at turn 1 . Both attempts were as the Enclave, first attempt as a Play Now and the second as Custom Game.

I also consolidated En Dotters work into a folder in the Fallout Art - En Dotter folder to help keep things somewhat clean and organized in the main drop box directory
cool, yeah i think it is because i broke the tech tree, I just need the energy to get into designing the full tech tree now

If you can, give us a build we can test with. even if you are developing other things, testing can proof out any other hidden buggies while the development is going on.
yeah I just need to undo the tech code changes I made, I think.

that would be great, we can at least continue to debug whats there now, while you complete your ideas for the next major addition. we should always have a working version to test as first priority, this not only helps the debugging process, but gives a practical work station for the "ideas" that others may want to bring to the table. by testing these minor changes we can see how much they add or detract from the gameplay.
I wasn't sure to include the old Assert Failed errors, so I included all the ones I encountered in this test.

While loading the mod

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: c:\games\civiv\2k games\firaxis games\sid meier's civilization 4 complete\beyond the sword\mods\k-fallout\assets\cvgamecoredll - copy\CvInfos.h
Line: 66
Expression: false
Message: Override this


While generating the map

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 11990
Expression: getFreeCityCommerce(eIndex) >= 0



Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCity.cpp
Line: 9549
Expression: m_aiCommerceRate[eIndex] >= 0



Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12124
Expression: getCommerceRate(eIndex) >= 0



Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCity.cpp
Line: 1214
Expression: GET_PLAYER(getOwnerINLINE()).getFreeCityCommerce((CommerceTypes)iI) >= 0



Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvTeamAI.cpp
Line: 6161
Expression: false


TURN 271

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvInfos.cpp
Line: 4332
Expression: iRouteType > -1
Message: Index out of bounds


TURN 488

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12489
Expression: eIndex >= 0
Message: eIndex is expected to be non-negative (invalid Index)


TURN 488

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12471
Expression: eIndex >= 0
Message: eIndex is expected to be non-negative (invalid Index)


TURN 488

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12497
Expression: getFreeBuildingCount(eIndex) >= 0


TURN 596

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvUnitAI.cpp
Line: 806
Expression: false


TURN 604

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCity.cpp
Line: 6764
Expression: getSpecialistUnhappiness() >= 0


TURN 677

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCityAI.cpp
Line: 392
Expression: iExtraSpecialists >= 0
Message: added too many specialists


TURN 677

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCityAI.cpp
Line: 412
Expression: extraPopulation() == 0


TURN 726

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvSelectionGroupAI.cpp
Line: 637
Expression: getHeadUnit() != NULL


TURN 730

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvUnitAI.cpp
Line: 11637
Expression: !pPlot->isVisibleEnemyUnit(this)


Spoiler :
TURN 776

Assert Failed

File: CvUnit.cpp
Line: 13443
Expression: verifyRoundsValid(kBattle)


TURN 830

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12669
Expression: getBuildingClassCount(eIndex) <= (GC.getBuildingClassInfo(eIndex).getMaxPlayerInstances() + GC.getBuildingClassInfo(eIndex).getExtraPlayerInstances())
Message: BuildingClassCount is expected to be less than or match the number of max player instances plus extra player instances


TURN 869

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvCity.cpp
Line: 7100
Expression: getBuildingGoodHappiness() >= 0


TURN 882------ When this message pops up the result is a repeatable Crash to Desktop

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvGlobals.cpp
Line: 2000
Expression: eBuildingNum > -1



Python Exceptions


"Can't find type enum for type tag RELIGON_JUDAISM"
TURN 719

Spoiler :
Assert Failed ------ When this message pops up the result is a repeatable Crash to Desktop

File: CvGlobals.cpp
Line: 1445
Expression: eUnitNum > -1



It appears Lib has fixed the "Protectors" text bug errors as the tags are in the current build on dropbox. The quote will not return an error now, but is not a quote, so that is still needed at some point.

TURN 719

Spoiler :
Assert Failed ------ When this message pops up the result is a repeatable Crash to Desktop

File: CvGlobals.cpp
Line: 1445
Expression: eUnitNum > -1



TURN 427

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 12497
Expression: getFreeBuildingCount(eIndex) >= 0


TURN 691 -----------This is the cause of a repeatable CTD-------------

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvPlayer.cpp
Line: 2735
Expression: eUnit != NO_UNIT
Message: Unit is not assigned a valid value


TURN 691

Spoiler :
Assert Failed

File: CvUnit.cpp
Line: 114
Expression: NO_UNIT != eUnit

My game ended at Turn 707 with a repeatable CTD. It seems to crash with the end of my last active unit's movement, book gathering is 9 turns away from completing research. I feel like the crash was not brought on by a building or tech.
actually, you may not be running the latest version, as the latest version does not have a debug .dll, so you should not get those pop up messages anymore.

It is of slight concern, because i cannot generate a debug .dll with the latest version, but i can generate an ordinary .dll which is confusing....
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