Bug Thread for Latest Version of WHoC


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Fixed shrines so you cannot build a shrine unless it is your state religion

This doesn't sound right. Do you mean your *intended* state religion?

The shrine founds the religion, no? (For salvation/corruption/spirituality/eternal life)

Or are we moving away from that, into having religions founded by techs? I don't particularly object. But it makes a big difference whether or not you can build the shrine in your capital or not, particularly with God King civic.
If intrinsic religions (elven gods, old ones, ancestor, destruction) have the shrine buildable in the capital (where the religion gets founded) but other religions have the shrine only buildable in the holy city (which is not the capital) then that's a balance issue.

Old Ones Shrine Requires Words of the Old Ones Tech
We used to have it so that the shrines required the Religion tech and the Masonry tech.

I liked this, it meant that if you wanted to try to beeline for the shrine, it meant you had to neglect early game military, and economy to some extent. Beelining thus became a strategic decision with costs and benefits.

I suggest that we continue this. So, salvation shrine requires masonry + words of salvation
Elven gods, ancestor gods = ancient lore + masonry
Chaos = Corruption of chaos + masonry
Eternal life = eternal life tech + masonry
Destruction = warfare + masonry

which cause CTD at civ selection screen
Weird, I'm wondering...something strange about the beast line?
Maybe an issue with aerie or breeding grounds resource, or the breeding pit building (which used to be mis-named hunting lodge: I wonder if the units are now requiring a building that doesn't exist anymore?). Or tech name typos?
Something wrong with units needing fanaticism tech? Maybe a spelling issue of the techname?

Wow that is one huge patch lol at 470MB!
Presumably because it contains entirely new art files.
I wonder if its better for the next version to be a standalone 0.05, to stop people downloading the mod + huge patch.


Wizard in the Making
Nov 25, 2005
Western Australia
Wow that is one huge patch lol at 470MB

yeh, its all the recompressed art i suspect.

I wonder what could cause CTD at selection screen

ill just have to rewrite the units that are causing the CTD i suspect. there are some in discrepancies. for example, both the Dryad AND Giant Eagle take up the troll slot, and the Treekin AND Unicorn take up the Giant slot. also, i suspect the Crusader UUs arent working because there is no actual core Crusader Unit to replace...


Wizard in the Making
Nov 25, 2005
Western Australia
This doesn't sound right. Do you mean your *intended* state religion?

The shrine founds the religion, no? (For salvation/corruption/spirituality/eternal life)

Or are we moving away from that, into having religions founded by techs? I don't particularly object. But it makes a big difference whether or not you can build the shrine in your capital or not, particularly with God King civic.
If intrinsic religions (elven gods, old ones, ancestor, destruction) have the shrine buildable in the capital (where the religion gets founded) but other religions have the shrine only buildable in the holy city (which is not the capital) then that's a balance issue.

nah, allow me to clarify:

all civs are forbidden from adopting all religions that are 'against their lore' for example Woodelves can only adopt Elven Gods as their state religion (and indeed are blocked from building the other religions missionaries in patch c, as well as being unable to research most techs yielding another religion.) However The Darkelf leader, Morathi, has an EQUAL chance of being able to adopt elven gods and Chaos, but not Malekith (She is a Closet Slaaneshi worshiper)

secondly, Holy Cities have no clear advantage anymore and act as any other city (ie instead of giving +4 influence to the city, they just give the basic +1 influence)

third, Shrines Require the religious tech, as well as Construction (such as the Old Ones Shrine which requires Words of the Old Ones, and Construction). You can only build a shrine of a religion that is your state religion. once a shrine is constructed (in whatever city, not limited to the civs holy city) that city now becomes that religions holy city permanently. the shrines may need a boost later on but for now they are pretty good.

make sense?

We used to have it so that the shrines required the Religion tech and the Masonry tech.

as i said, they require CONSTRUCTION and the religion tech. i tested with masonry but they were being built too early. (and yes, the AI does build their shrines! :D)

Weird, I'm wondering...something strange about the beast line?

as i said in my reply to orlanth, i suspect its due to the base units of these UUs being broken or not existing. (for instance the troll graphics are currently broken)

I wonder if its better for the next version to be a standalone 0.05, to stop people downloading the mod + huge patch.

this actually sounds like a good plan


Storm God. Yarr!
Nov 17, 2001
ill just have to rewrite the units that are causing the CTD i suspect. there are some in discrepancies. for example, both the Dryad AND Giant Eagle take up the troll slot, and the Treekin AND Unicorn take up the Giant slot. also, i suspect the Crusader UUs arent working because there is no actual core Crusader Unit to replace
That sounds likely.. I can remember there were similar problems from some of the early unit attempts back when we couldnt even get the mod to start :p:lol: so we had to remove those. Just making sure there's one default unit per unitclass, and each civ gets max one unit per unitclass, should solve things. For beasts etc that don't fit in a unitclass "slot", just making them their own unitclass with a prereq tag that makes them buildable only by one civ should fix it quickly.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
make sense?

Not quite. How are the Salvation, Spirituality and Chaos religions founded?

They used to be founded by building the shrine. But if the shrine requires the state religion, and the state religion requires the shrine, then we have a problem.

i tested with masonry but they were being built too early.

I suspect this just means that the tech costs are too low. The current tech costs are very "draft", I would not assume that they will remain fixed, I am very open to increasing them significantly.

IIRC construction already gives a bunch of stuff, I would be more inclined to go for Masonry, but I do not feel strongly.

i suspect its due to the base units of these UUs being broken or not existing

That sounds very very likely, the design for this was messy.

I think the solution is this: two monster slots at Monster taming, Monster 1 (troll), Monster 2 (pegasus riders).
Two monster slots and Monster breeding, Monster 3 (Giant), Monster 4 (Griffon)
Two monster slots at monster bonding, Monster 5 (Red Dragon), Monster 6 (Wyvern).

Most civs only get Monster 1 OR Monster 2, some civs get both.
Most civs only get Monster 3 OR Monster 4, some civs get both.
Most civs only get Monster 5 OR Monster 6, some civs get both.

So then:
Dryad is monster 1 UU, great eagle is monster 2 UU, treekin is monster 3 UU, unicorn is monster 4 UU, Forest dragon is monster 5 UU, Treeman is monster 6 UU.

And so forth for DE and HE, and then for monsters for all the other factions.

Create a base crusader unit, 1 move disciple unit strength 6+2 holy, no special abilities. Then make the witch elves, phoenix guard, etc. be Crusader UUs.

White Lyons should be a Royal Guard UU.
Silver Helms should be a Knight UU.

We also need a Knight 2 slot, for Dragon prince and the upgraded Brettonian knight.

And then the Brettonnian Questing Knight is a crusader UU, and we need to make a Crusader 2 slot for the Grail Knight.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Why are wood elves getting hammer bonuses from forest (and new forest)? This is far too strong. They should just build in forests and get combat bonuses in forests, not tile yield bonuses in forests.

Also, I note you've changed the design mechanic for ancient forests in the design thread. We should discuss this.

I am very leery about adding tile yield bonuses to ancient forests, this just ends up leading to super-cities like in FFH, which we should not be encouraging. There's no need.

My suggestion is, make ancient forests the same as normal forests, except with a higher health bonus. Then have beastmen and Wood elf and forest spirit promotions get a larger combat bonus in ancient forest (and double move in forest/ancient forest), and beastmen and wood elves can build improvements (farm, cottage, singing grove) in forests and ancient forests.

And do not give ancient forest a higher defensive bonus, which tends to cancel out the ability of wood elves to attack units in them.

So we have:
Forest = +1 hammer, +0.5 health, +25% defense for all races.
New forest = +1 hammer, for all races
Ancient forest = +1 hammer. +1 health, +25% defense, for all races.

And then, as in current design, wood elf and forest spirit and beastmen racial promotions give extra attack and defense strength in ancient forests, so it is easier for wood elves to attack a unit in an ancient forest than it is for them to attack a unit in regular forest.

I also suggest against having a ritual/project needed to start ancient forest growth, the AI may not use it and its hard to balance (and we don't want you getting dryads without the monster tech).

Instead, I suggest that ancient forest spawning starts happening (slowly) automatically once you research tracking tech.

* * *
The -1 food from desert for WE seems ok, though not terribly necessary, it tones down flood plains starts for them, which is good, since they have more health from keeping forests.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Holy city is giving +4 culture (at least for wood elves)

This seems to be fixed by altering the Holy City modifiers in the religion file.

I could see us leaving positive holy city modifiers for founded religions (spirituality, salvation, chaos, eternal life) but not for the auto-founded religions. No need for extra automatic turn 1 bonuses.

I have changed the file (see attached so that the auto-founded religion holy cities give no bonus, so they give:
Chaos: 3 beakers
Salvation: 4 culture
Spirituality: 3 culture
Elven: 0
Destruction: 0
Ancestor: 1 gold
Eternal: 2 beakers
Old Ones: 0

Chaos gets the best because it is both late tech, and more competitive. Salvation is better than spirituality becomes it is 1 tech later.

I also change the religion presence modifiers (formerly 1 culture for all religions), so that they are:
Chaos: 1 culture
Salvation: 1 culture
Spirituality: 1 culture
Elven: 0
Destruction: 0
Ancestor: 0
Eternal: 1 culture
Old Ones: 0

This reduces the benefits of the auto-spread religions in the early game to just +1 happy.

This means that we should then add on a small extra something (like 1 culture) to the temples for the auto-spread religions.


  • CIV4ReligionInfo.rar
    1.4 KB · Views: 377


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Olives graphic is displaced to the right (appears halfway onto the adjacent tile, see what I mean in worldbuilder).

Hydra unit should be Dark Elf only, should be buildable (not upgrade from a unit of level 1), should require Monster Bonding tech not monster breeding, should have a national limit of 3.

Civil service tech seems a little crowded with civics: how about we move the Public Works civic to Imperial Roads tech? Seems appropriate. And any civ that can't access imperial roads probably shouldn't be thematically adopting public works civic anyway.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Nature lore tech needs to give +1 movement on trails. Otherwise trails don't boost movement.

Exiting to main menu causes a CTD.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Philosophical trait is too powerful. Remove double speed temples and libraries.

Light cavalry should upgrade to lancer, not to chariot or horsearcher.
Light cavalry should be able to use bronze and iron weapons.

AH93 Shock cavalry class and chariot class (and missile cavalry class?) still do not have the proper range of promotions available to them.

Shock and chariot should be able to get:
Combat, shock, formation, flanking, sentry, mobility.

Missile cav should be able to get:
Combat, drill, flanking, sentry, mobility.


Wizard in the Making
Nov 25, 2005
Western Australia
Not quite. How are the Salvation, Spirituality and Chaos religions founded?

They used to be founded by building the shrine. But if the shrine requires the state religion, and the state religion requires the shrine, then we have a problem.

oh sorry. Salvation, Spirituality and Chaos religions spread through missionary event once a certain tech is researched (for specific civs, it works perfectly for araby as they always rush for spirituality) this spread in itself dosnt equal founding. the civs must still research construction (or masonry once we finalise tech costs, whatever) and build the shrine in a city before the actual *holy city* comes into play.

EDIT: how did we have this workign in the old mod? did we have the missionary events only trigger once the shrines were built?

IIRC construction already gives a bunch of stuff, I would be more inclined to go for Masonry, but I do not feel strongly.

good points. im open to discussion here. we need to finalise tech bosts before hand however.

That sounds very very likely, the design for this was messy.

I think the solution is this: [snip]...

perfect. ill do it exactly how you suggest (i was wondering how i was going to get it all to work haha)

hmm very good points. i see what you mean about ancient forest spread via project. what about tying it to the Tower of The Eternal Wood? either way im happy with it spreading from a tech if you disagree with TotEW enabling it.

i was noticing the extra hammer from forest to be overpowering as well, i will remove it from the forests (inc. new and ancient).

i had fixed this already in patch c but your method looks better. ill add your file in :) congrats on the XML change :D

one thing i will say however is that the Holy Cities should all give the same boost as regular presence, and then we should add basic holycity benefits onto the Shrine Wonders which dictate the *TRUE* holy city.

your other bugs ahri all look good, i havent got anything to discuss about them :)


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
EDIT: how did we have this workign in the old mod?
In the old mod, we didn't actually have holy cities, so a religious victory was impossible.

oh sorry. Salvation, Spirituality and Chaos religions spread through missionary event once a certain tech is researched (for specific civs, it works perfectly for araby as they always rush for spirituality) this spread in itself dosnt equal founding. the civs must still research construction (or masonry once we finalise tech costs, whatever) and build the shrine in a city before the actual *holy city* comes into play.

Ok. So the shrine construction designates the holy city, the cities infected by the missionaries do not.
We can test and make sure this works fine (or, it sounds like you have already done this?)

How then does this work for the auto-placed religions? When I started a WE game, my capital city became the Elven gods holy city, withe the holy city bonus.

If Auto-placed religions still dont' get a holy city until the shrine is constructed, maybe they can still have a bonus.

Though: Holy city bonuses also become uninteresting, because they're really just extra bonuses on the shrine wonder. So maybe we should set them all to zero if we do it this way?

we need to finalise tech bosts before hand however.
I think tech costs will not be finalized without a great deal of playtesting.
I'm happy to leave it at construction for now.

what about tying it to the Tower of The Eternal Wood? either way im happy with it spreading from a tech if you disagree with TotEW enabling it.

We could tie it to the Tower, that would be ok... but do we have an equivalent wonder for Beastmen? We want Beastmen to be using Ancient forests too. We used to have a "Gallows tree" wonder or something for beastmen? Maybe at Tyranny tech, or Corruption tech?

I think a Wonder works better than a tech ideally, because it feels like more of a player-triggered accomplishment, rather than just something that passively starts "happening".

one thing i will say however is that the Holy Cities should all give the same boost as regular presence, and then we should add basic holycity benefits onto the Shrine Wonders which dictate the *TRUE* holy city.

Now I am confused again.

1. First, I thought (though I am not sure) that holy city and regular religion bonuses stack? I could be wrong here.

2. Second, and more importantly, I'm confused by the holy city vs "true" holy city terminology.
Lets use this terminology:
Holy City is that which gets the "holy city" bonus from the religioninfo file, and is needed for a religious victory win, and spreads the religion if it has a positive spread rate.
Shrine city is the city with the shrine.

In vanilla, researching a tech sets the holy city somewhere (with holy city benefits), and then the shrine can be built (only in that city) using a great prophet.

My understanding of your intention here is that
a) Auto-place religion: Founding your first city sets the religion present, but does not designate a holy city. Once you adopt the state religion and get the appropriate tech, you can build the shrine anywhere, which then sets the shrine city and the holy city.
b) Non-placed religions: Researching your religion tech gives you a missinary event. Planting a religion with that missionary sets the religion present, but does not designate a holy city. Once you adopt the state religion and get the appropriate tech, you can build the shrine anywhere, which then sets the shrine city and the holy city.

But now I am thinking that what you actually mean and have in practice is:
c) Auto-place religion: Founding your first city sets the religion present and makes that the holy city (for the first civ to do so, which is the human player if they do so on the first turn). Once you adopt the state religion and get the appropriate tech, you can build the shrine anywhere, which then sets the shrine city.
d) Non-placed religions: Researching your religion tech gives you a missinary event. Planting a religion with that missionary sets the religion present, and the first player to do this sets the holy city. Once you adopt the state religion and get the appropriate tech, you can build the shrine anywhere, which then sets the shrine city.

If a) and b) are correct, then the "holy city" benefits are trivial, because they're really tied into the shrine.

If c) and d) are correct, then the "Holy city" benefits matter, because you can get them well before the shrine, particularly for auto-placed religions.


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
We are missing:
Professional assassin.
Strength 5/3+1poison. 2 moves. no metal weapons or wartats. Recon class. Hidden nationality. -50% city attack. Marksmen. Requires mercenary contracts tech.

Mercenary batallion. Strength 5. 1 move. can use metal weapons. Melee class. Hidden nationality. Requires mercenary contracts tech.


Wizard in the Making
Nov 25, 2005
Western Australia
We can test and make sure this works fine (or, it sounds like you have already done this?)

yeh it all seems to be working fine for me. further testing will tell though :)

We used to have a "Gallows tree" wonder or something for beastmen? Maybe at Tyranny tech, or Corruption tech?

The Beastmen should use the "Tree of Woe" as their equivilent. Morghur corrupted the tree which caused the branchwraith Drycha to go insane, it is as close to anything as their 'holy spot'

First, I thought (though I am not sure) that holy city and regular religion bonuses stack? I could be wrong here.

it dosn't appear to be this way.

If c) and d) are correct, then the "Holy city" benefits matter, because you can get them well before the shrine, particularly for auto-placed religions.

this is correct. which is why ive made holy city benefits the same as regular presence (for example elven gods shrine gives nothing but +1 happy)


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
The Beastmen should use the "Tree of Woe" as their equivilent. Morghur corrupted the tree which caused the branchwraith Drycha to go insane, it is as close to anything as their 'holy spot'

Sounds good. Lets use these two wonders then to trigger ancient forest transformation.

it dosn't appear to be this way.


this is correct. which is why ive made holy city benefits the same as regular presence (for example elven gods shrine gives nothing but +1 happy)

Then yes, both religion presence and holy city benefits should be:
Chaos: 1 culture
Salvation: 1 culture
Spirituality: 1 culture
Elven: 0
Destruction: 0
Ancestor: 0
Eternal: 1 culture
Old Ones: 0


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
Shrines are buildable by non-intended civs.

Siege class units are getting racial promotions, like druichii on catapults. This should not be the case, siege units should usually remain raceless (no 2 movement catapults for elves).


Jun 8, 2008
Washington, DC
AH 97
Chaos temple buildings should be at Corruption tech, not the 4 chaos gods techs. Temples are intended to be an early midgame phenomenon, but the chaos gods techs are late midgame techs.

AH 98
Build corral has weird mouseover (+100 happy?).
Spoiler :

Troll should not have +50% vs animals.
(also, art missing, putting in build queue causes CTD).


The Suggestor
Mar 9, 2006
Louisville, Kentucky
I just downloaded warhammer: heart of chaos, and the soundtrack and patch, and did follow the instructions on installation, and i continue getting this GFC Error: Failed to initialize the primary control theme twice and it crashes... did this everytime i launched it.
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