If you use the AI version of that (should be an option somewhere), then setting production emphasis should do the job (the same emphasis button that causes the citizen manager to use more production plots or specialists).Hi,
I was wondering if it is possible to change the settings of the "Auto building buildings advisor" in your cities. You know which one I mean? Its just below (or above?) the "spend gold to finish building" botton and when you press it the city automatically starts to build a new building once the previous is finished. I want him to build production buildings first for example. Is it possible to change that?
Well, you can always use the build list feature to set up some build lists. They are saved to a text file so you can share them if you want.Of course, Faustmouse, putting up a more distinguished building list and sending it to Koshling and AIAndy to somehow implement it as a clickable button and also teaching the AI to use it could mean a sufficient advance in the games late game playability as well as AI intelligence!
That is not what I meant.You mean when pressing ALT + 1 (2/3/...) you copy the queue you made inc ity screen?And then activating the same queue in next city by simply pressing "1" (2/3/...), right? Have never done that I guess ... if Faustmouse shared his list here, how could I put it in use for my game now (where should that text be copied in, so I can activate it in a city by pressing like "1")? And could that list, if made, be a reference for the computer like a model building path it has in the back of its mind?
Can you please place here an older version of C2C ? I tried to download it on Deusra nad normally ,i placed it in the correct folder , but keeps CTD
when the multimaps are implemented, will it change the way the AI thinks