C2C SVN Changelog

11579 - v44.BETA.7988 - 2024-02-21
  • Doubled inflation decay rate and made it capable of decaying more than one point per turn (which will happen on faster than normal gamespeed without factoring in any civic modifiers to inflation decay rate). (Toffer)
  • Converted 7 canine folklores into heritage. (Toffer)
  • Nitpicking in BarbarianCiv.py, added a todo comment reminder. (Toffer)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11579
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/47c50b1319e7...7f41dbe95a4d
v44.BETA.8010 - 2024-02-26

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- flabbert
have bonus search once again check for minimum amount of allowed movement -- flabbert
remove .vscode from gitignore, to allow c_cpp_properties to be set up only once -- flabbert
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/caveman2cosmos -- flabbert
add heritageinfo include to not have intellisense error -- flabbert
Converted 6 folklores into heritage. -- Toffer
v44.BETA.8024 - 2024-03-04

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Added back national limit for hunter units, removed it for many others, added more iInstanceCostModifier tag usage for units. -- Toffer
Some tweaks to AI related to hunting. -- Toffer
Improvement in chosing unit for the UNITAI_SEE_INVISIBLE role. Tweaks to how many hunter units AI feel it needs. -- Toffer
Removed national unit limits from hunter units, tweaked code evaluating what units should be used for hunting and hunter escort roles. -- Toffer
Fixed jungle missing from the list of features in "Mobility (Foot) unit combat type" that reduce camouflage spot range. Kudos to BlueTemplar for reporting the oversight. -- Toffer
Fixed minor issue with game difficulty being set to Noble if all players are AI due to AI autoplay, autoplay human won't count as real AI for the sake of game difficulty. -- Toffer
v44.BETA.8026 - 2024-03-05

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Refactoring -- Toffer
Fixed bad bug with the new min city distance bug option. -- Toffer
11586 - v44.BETA.8043 - 2024-03-11
  • Converted the three hippo folklores into heritage. (Toffer)
  • Reverted a discovered wild edit. (Toffer)
  • Updated events: - Renamed new forrest event and instead of forest now we get young forest, increased ods of the event happening - Added missing gold cost for ruin searching expedition event and made the event recurring instead of one-off, reduced the chance of the event happening - Hunting event updated, reduced the chance of it happening added additional choice and increased the hunting event rewards - Mother-lode event split into gold and silver versions, events rebalanced to give more gold, added additional choice to the events, also made to be recurring with low ods of repeating often -Added additional needed translations and added image(SilverOreEvent.dds) for the new silver event. (scvijic)
  • Implemented wildfire event burning a random building (scvijic)
  • Added a wildfire event (scvijic)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11586
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/1b9504d661b2...c63c85053f4d
v44.BETA.8051 - 2024-03-12

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed savebreaking change from the recent event changes. -- Toffer
Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
6 more heritage (Reptilia) -- Toffer
4 More Heritage (Testudines) -- Toffer
6 more heritage (Serpentine) -- Toffer
8 more heritages (crocodilians) -- Toffer
Converted weasel type folklores into heritage. -- Toffer
v44.BETA.8072 - 2024-03-17

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
An overhaul of nuke code, can now declare war with nukes, added a new type of memory penalty for simply using nukes and increased the hate you get for using nukes.. -- Toffer
Fixed a bug that made many unit animation malfunction, including the nuclear bomb effect. -- Toffer
Added in some missing war weariness defines, and tweaked some war weariness defines in globalDefines.xml. -- Toffer
Merge pull request [#1479](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1479) from SimoCvijic0/event-update -- Kristoffer
Updated events: -- scvijic
Merge pull request [#1478](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1478) from ambro-mlody/master -- Kristoffer
10% of exeText translated to polish. -- ambro-mlody
_LanguageIndex_ translated to polish. -- ambro-mlody
Applied the gamespeedscaling tag to some non-recurring espionage related events. -- Toffer
The bGameSpeedScale event tag now also scale espionage point changes if applied. -- Toffer
Some tweaks to event code in dll, allow events to trigger for the first 20 turns after the first which was disallowed by code, if an event should not trigger before you found your first city then this can easily be achieved with a tech prereq for the event. -- Toffer
Cleaned up redundant stuff related to events, mostly cleaning up the redundant line in event xml. -- Toffer
White space standardization in Events_CIV4GameText.xml -- Toffer
Converted the SilverOreEvent image from a jpg to a dds file so that it can actually show up in game. -- Toffer
Merge pull request [#1475](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1475) from SimoCvijic0/conitnuing-event-update -- Kristoffer
Updated events: - Adjusted aiValue to many events to be 1/2/3 depending on AI priority to choose an event. - Added additional world news events and flavor text. - Man named jed event that discovers oil gold price now scales with game speed. - Airliner crash event has less chance of happening. - Farm bandits event has less chance of happening, costs more gold to stop and looses more food if not stopped. - Holy mountain event has less chance of happening - Horticulture event has less chance of happening, gives better rewards, but gold cost of the event has been increased according to speed scale - Fugitive event has less chance of happening, now is a recurring event, increased rewards for the event - Pestilence events have less chance of happening, moved one event next to the others for code clarity, the events are now recurring, add more event choices - Event faux pas now has more options, event made recurring, less chance of happening -- scvijic
Merge branch 'master' into conitnuing-event-update -- scvijic
Added a new eventInfo tag to make gold and culture changes from events scale by gamespeed. Tweaked the culture change code for cities a bit to get better propagation of culture boosts into plots from cities. -- Toffer
Made event gold cost scale by gamespeed. -- Toffer
Cleaned up redundant lines in module event xml. -- Toffer
Removed unused iResearchPercent tag from worldInfos. -- Toffer
Merge pull request [#1477](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1477) from ambro-mlody/master -- Kristoffer
Changed polish diacritics to code values so the are displayed properly. -- ambro-mlody
Updated events: Reverted single player disable for famine event -- scvijic
Updated events: - Washed out event happens less often and costs more gold to repair the road - Event at the sword that gives 10xp to a victorious injured swordsman now can happen once to all players not just once to one player in the game - Event man named jed where a scout discovers oil, added world text, added flavor text, decreased the chance of the event firing, can now happen to any civ once instead of just one civ per game. - Event inspired mission reduced chances of the event happening, increased gold cost in 2 of the 3 event choices - Event Hymns and Sculptures where you get a free artist in a city can now happen to any civ once instead of just one civ per game, reduced the chance of the event happening - Event Careless apprentice where your forge burns down chance of event happening reduced, event can happen more times than once, gold cost and anger increased in the events to match game balance (makes 0 sense to pay 50 gold to rebuild a forge scaled to 500 for example) - Famine event add world news, reduced chance of event happening, increased gold cost on some choices, enabled the event for multiplayer - Commented out slave revolt event infos because they were commented out in event trigger info - Added the image I forgot to git add for the new silver mother-lode event -- scvijic

v44.BETA.8076 - 2024-03-18

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Made world mapscript add bonuses more reliably when choosing the high density options for resources, like 160%, no longer will it fail to add a single e.g. elephant when using 160% when iot would have added 1 elephant on 20% option.. -- Toffer
Some tweaks to animal and hunter units withdrawal and pursuit and combat modifiers. -- Toffer
11590 - v44.BETA.8089 - 2024-03-21
  • Fixed a big bug with animal spawn of different group sizes on size matters, now animals can spawn with merged up/down promotions applied. (Toffer)
    • Optimized spawn code quite a bit for size matters by not having it loop through all unitCombat types in the game when doing this merge/split promo process, now it just loops through the subcombat types of the animal in question until it finds the group size unitCombat defined for it which it then goes to replace. (Toffer)
  • ~40% of exeText translated to polish (ambro-mlody)
  • Tweaks on world mapscript (Toffer)
  • Updated events: (scvijic)
    • Event trigger spicy gives spice resource, decreased chance of event happening, event can happen more than 1 time, added flavour text, increased event choice gold cost, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Event baby boom gives food, decreased chance of event happening, event has one more option to chose now(gold for food), event gives more food, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Event bard tales gives culture, decreased chance of event happening, event can happen more than 1 time, increased cost and rewards from the event, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Event looters where if enemy city has unrest there is an option to destroy improvements, decreased chance of event happening, made every event do more damage, event choice cost more -Event brothers in need where you give a nation of same religion a strategic resource,decreased chance of event happening , has 3 more options for (obsidian, stone, gold), now triggers with stone and obsidian, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Events hurricane and cyclone that destroy one building or pop, decreased chance of events happening, events can happen more then 1 time, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Events monsoon(destroys 1 pop or building) and tsunami(destroys 6 pop or city), decreased chance of events happening, events can happen more then 1 time, adjusted AI-weight decision values, removed prerequisite technologies -Event blizzard destroys improvement, decreased chance of event happening, event choices cost more, adjusted AI-weight decision values -Event dust bowl destroys farms, decreased chance of event happening, event can happen more then 1 time, increased gold cost of choices, made worse punishment of bad event, adjusted AI-weight decision values (scvijic)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11590
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/7d695f0359cc...b85ca91ed7bb
11591 - v44.BETA.8095 - 2024-03-22
  • Fixed minimap revealing invisible units by showing their player color. Unit graphic of hiden units is now visible in the worldbuider, activating debug mode will show the unit flag for hidden units, but not the unit graphic. (Toffer)
  • Refactor, and removed plot coordinates from plot help when debug mode is not enabled. (Toffer)
  • Polish translation: ~60% of exeText (ambro-mlody)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11591
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/b85ca91ed7bb...f2685121fa2e
v44.BETA.8104 - 2024-03-24

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Added some failsafe code to let the pedia idex load when there are encoding errors in the UI. -- Toffer
Making wanderer and scouts more useful. -- Toffer
Tweaked hunting sight to make it available when leveling up. -- Toffer
v44.BETA.8113 - 2024-04-02

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Revised the formula for how many huinter the AI feel it needs, should be far more reasonable now. -- Toffer
Units that can coexist with barbarians are now also unable to capture barb owned cities and forts. -- Toffer
SO updated his personal scenario map -- Toffer
Merge pull request [#1486](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1486) from ambro-mlody/master -- ambro-mlody
Merge pull request [#1485](https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/issues/1485) from ambro-mlody/master -- ambro-mlody
Small changes in polish -- ambro-mlody
Merge branch 'caveman2cosmos:master' into master -- ambro-mlody
Fixing tags duplicates in previous commit. -- ambro-mlody
Polish translation: Bonus_Civ4GameText, everything starting with a. -- ambro-mlody
Merge branch 'caveman2cosmos:master' into master -- ambro-mlody
More polish translations. -- ambro-mlody
Merge branch 'caveman2cosmos:master' into master -- ambro-mlody
exeText translated to polish. -- ambro-mlody

v44.BETA.8115 - 2024-04-02

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' -- scvijic
Hotfix for faux pas event and for tsunami event -- scvijic
11595 - v44.BETA.8123 - 2024-04-05
  • Fixed all units selected being lost if one chose to create a heritage with one of the units (Toffer)
  • Having multiple great generals selected and choosing field commander will now make all of them into field commanders right away rather than just one of them. (Toffer)
  • Fixed a case where AI won't train worker when it should. (ambro-mlody)
  • Fixed AI wrongly getting unhappiness in its city if it merges military units on the same plot the same turn as it found a city. (ambro-mlody)
  • Polish translation: got all the bonus D's (ambro-mlody)
  • Polish translation: Bonuses starting with C translated (ambro-mlody)
  • Bonuses starting with B translated to polish. Now onto C (ambro-mlody)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11595
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/0ea8e6e28652...86dc185d3ff1
v44.BETA.8128 - 2024-04-08

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed some issues with events in code. -- Toffer
11597 - v44.BETA.8133 - 2024-04-09
  • Fixed, tweaked, and optimized a lot of CityAI code. Fixed bug that caused AI to never build "Hunting Instructions" among other buildings, made AI prioritize hammer providing buildings more. Probably more I should mention, don't remember. (Toffer)
  • Units with the hunter AI that are not real hunters will now revert to their default AI type when the player has a certain amount of hunter AI units on the map. (Toffer)
  • Refactor, and simplified some weird code for performance reasons. (Toffer)
  • Tweaked some hunter unit stats. (Toffer)
| https://sourceforge.net/p/caveman2cosmos/code/11597
| https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/compare/3bcc9cdf0d86...437372762698
v44.BETA.8135 - 2024-04-11

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Fixed bug with Minimum city distance BUG option not being set to initial value stored in UserSettings. -- Toffer
Minor refactor and optimization of loop in some cases. -- Toffer
v44.BETA.8140 - 2024-04-15

All Changes

Merge branch 'master' into release -- Toffer
Tweaks on hunting AI in general, fixed issue with automate hunting used with non-hunter units. -- Toffer
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