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C3C PBEM: "Hermes" - Falklands War scenario (level : experienced)

OK, game is lost. I lost a vet B Squadron against a 2 HP infantry and lost a Seaking to interceptor over radar two tiles NW of Port Stanley
Kill para in Port Stanley.
Did some air bombards but apparently enemy fighters only dare go out against our helicopters.
Using the "new" Puma ability to detect under-water units, HMS Splendid and HMS Conqueror were detected and sunk. But due to the previous night party, it took 6 units of planes to do it.

The Army is getting ready for the upcoming land battle near Port Stanley.
Defensive manouvers while waiting for the final assault.

Why risk if I am ahead in VP's?
Our medics have observed with great attention the Scimitar healing procedures.

On the political side the Argentinian government has strongly objected against having one more of it's civilians expelled from the England on the moment of his arrival. He wasn't in England not even for one hour, so the British accusations are tottally false!
We tried a surprise Scimitar attack before your counter-attack. But not fully healed their attack on the radar area was not really a success. Lost a scimitar and killed one inf company.
The game is halfway in terms of turns.

I expect to put the British out of their misery soon enough.

Lost last Harier....

I officially surrender and give up on restauring British sovereinty over the Falklands.

But I will keep on playing for test purposes.
The Argentinian plan was to attack as soon as the engineers finished the road on the hill. On week 40 of 1982 the task was accomplished and the major assault begun...


- The initial plan to use Exocets was not executed in order to try out the pure land troops.

- 6 Art used. 2 failed, 5 hp total reduced from the British stack.

- 11 planes bombarded the stack. 4 were shot down.

- 5 Puma's bombarded the stack. No unit shot down. 1 British Company KIA. I have no idea they had lethal land bombardement...

1 LVTP7 advances and kills an Inf company. LVTP promoted.
1 Armored Car advances and kills an Inf company. Armored Car promoted.
1 Marine Inf Btl advances and gets killed by an Inf company.
1 Inf Regiment advances and gets killed by an Inf company.
1 Armored Car advances and kills an Oerlikon. Armored Car promoted.
1 Armored Car advances and kills an Oerlikon. Armored Car promoted.

1 LVTP7 advances against and Oerlikon and withdraws after failing to do any damage.
1 LVTP7 advances against a full armed Oerlikon (5/5) and kills it without losing any HP.
1 Marine Inf Btl advances and destroys a full armed Oerlikon (5/5).
1 conscript Inf destroys a armored unit (Scimitar?) and gets promoted.
1 regular LVTP7 kills an redlined elite Inf company.

1 conscript Inf is killed by an elite Inf company.
1 regular AMX13 is killed by an elite Inf company.

1 regular AMX13 kills the resistant elite Inf company.
1 veteran LVPT7 kills a redlined Oerlikon.

British units left: 3.

Argentina = 20K. England = 12K.

If you really don't have any more troops the game is over.

The army cleaned up all the visible British troops in the main islands.

There was a big big party in Buenos Aires to celebrate the military victories. :beer: [party]

People in Argentina forgot the unemployment, the bribery scandals in the government and the poor economic conditions. At least for a few days...

There is now an internal discussion amongst the Argentinian Government - should Grytviken be taken by force or to gracefully allow the British to rule over it as a sign of good gesture, which could ease up the peace negotiations?

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