C3C PBEM : "Pydna" - Rise of Rome scenario (level : newbees)

OK, let's see if this works... I'm not an expert in uploading files at this forum, but that's probably the safest, and since the others are doing it, I'll just do it too.

It worked! :goodjob: :beer: [dance] [party] :clap: :clap: [party] [dance] :beer: :goodjob:
It's nice but let's stick to the e-mail. I was expecting this via mail from a while and then came to check on the forum.
onedreamer: I got your email but can't download. Can you post on the forum?
It's time people for you to trash MS and all its email servers :p
if we continue like this we're gonna finish in a coupla years :cry:

here it is : Pydna3c
hehe it was a hook, bad for you to fall into it :p
forgot to mention in turn 3 I attacked your vet. archer with a vet. archer. I won but redlined.

On another note, Dafoui and I tested another system to forward the saves via e-mail: just zip them, and MSN will pass them. Hope the same about Hotmail.

how many legions do romans start with ? I might as well just present my sicilian cities to Rome, not sure how is it actually possible to resist legions in a human vs human scenario. My best defensive unit has half the (edited: defense rate of the) attack of a legion and my best attack unit has the same def. value of a legion :lol:
Took Syracuse (unoccupied).
Tried again to attack Chartage galleys and lost.
onedreamer said:

how many legions do romans start with ? I might as well just present my sicilian cities to Rome, not sure how is it actually possible to resist legions in a human vs human scenario. My best defensive unit has half the (edited: defense rate of the) attack of a legion and my best attack unit has the same def. value of a legion :lol:

TOO many! :eek: Your only chance is to load swords or numidians into
Hannibal's Army and smack them there before Ceasar is able to react.
Attacked hoplites on hilltop near Ancyra... lost horseman, lost archer
Attacked the roman Army by Marsala with an archer.
Did 3 damage.... :shakehead

I will be missing for a week due to Christmas holidays. Should we propose a 7th peaceful turn in honor of X-mas ? :mischief:

see you in a week.
Took Marsala.
Sciliy is mine muahahahahahahaha
where is the game? i haven't seen it in a long time
Well, I haven't got a GPS from onedreamer, but as said 3 posts above this one, he's gone for a week, so he probably won't play his turn for a couple days.

I guess we won't have a 7th paceful turn anyway, since Wise_Man already attacked the carthaginians. It's those bloody romans; they don't celebrate chrismas, only that strange holiday saturnalia. Hey, wait a minute, isn't christmas the same as saturnalia... :hmm:
fourth_wise_man said:
Took Marsala.
Sciliy is mine muahahahahahahaha

vile coward ! You slaughtered the citizens of Marsala while they were decorating their trees and preparing fireworks. You will pay dearly for this !

2 units of Carthage were killed but I don't see reports of the fights...

here is my report:

Siege of Marsala

Veteran Swordsman attacks Legion Army, does 2 dmg and dies.
Regular Archer attacks Legion Army, does 7 dmg and wins. There goes the army, vengeance is fulfilled :lol:
Veteran Swordsman attacks and kills redlined Legionary.

Marsala is liberated from the evil rule of Rome and people feasts in the streets. :dance: [party] :band:
hmm, I know how carthage feels......I'm playing Iron Fist Rise of rome PBEM at the moment....... and its like losing a city a turn :cry: :lol:
eheh, yeah... sadly this was not thought as a MP scenario IMHO. It's mainly centered on Rome which is overpowered compared to the others. Not too much... but just enough to make it unbalanced in MP. After all the title says it all. A totally random map would probably be more balanced than this :lol:
I find it strange that it's actually so popular in PBEMs on these forums.

Next time I'll choose more wisely, for now I enjoy being the crusader of a lost cause :D
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