C3C PBEM : "Pydna" - Rise of Rome scenario (level : newbees)


In love with Rei Ayanami
Nov 16, 2001
Fontainebleau FRANCE

Players concede in front of Persia, led by Daufoi, with Carthage in second position.

"Pydna", famous and large Roman victory over Macedonia (it saw the end of Perseus and of an independant and strong Macedonia in 168 BC) will be the name of this new Rise of Rome scenario mostly aimed at newbees. Newbees means new to PBEMs (never played or one current PBEM), at least on CFC, not your experience as a player.

One experienced player would be a nice addition to help around.

It is a balanced and fast PBEM (only 4 human players).

It is for Conquests, using the MP version of the Rise of Rome scenario and the patch 1.22.
So you need to have both Conquests and the patch 1.22 installed on your computer.

Civs will be attributed randomly normally but you can state your prefered civ and if they don't contredict you will probably get it.

Carthage -
Celts - AI
Egypt - AI
Goths - AI
Macedonia -
Persia -
Rome -
Scythes - AI

Players : 8 (Celts, Goths, Scythes and Egypt will be played by AI)

1. daufoi (Persia)
2. fourth_wise_man (Rome)
3. onedreamer (Carthage)
4. oagersnap (Greece)
5. AI
6. AI
7. AI
8. AI

You want to be in ? You have further questions ? Post in this thread or send me a PM. If ready to join, send me a PM with your e-mail.
You can also check the sticky thread "newbee guide" where you can find tons of informations on how PBEM works, what you can do and what you should not do, etc... but if it is not clear enough, you can ask here and we will answer you (we are a community of friendly and helpful people).
When the rooster is full, I will send to all of you a planning e-mail with play order, e-mails, etc...

Organization : the game will be called "Pydna" to be recognizable and when you get the game, send a mail to inform the sender you got it (GPS = Got it, Played it, Sent it).
Count me in. I would like to be either Persia (1st choice) or Greece(2nd choice).
Count me in too.
I would like to play as Rome or Carthage.
I would like to join as well.
Anything will do for my first PBEM :)
Maybe not Persia.
Loulong, witch level should we have? I play on Monarch, although it's hard for to win there. If I join, i'll probably be Greece.
Up to you. Please state your preferences. Monarch seems fine to me except if you are Civ3 newbees (or deity players !). Remember the level is mostly for few and weak AIs and happiness. Your main opponent won't have AI bonus.
I suggest Accelerated Production off as well as limited city razing and island blocking.

@ oagersnap : send me your e-mail by PM, bitte !

@ all : I have tried to give you civs you kind of wanted. Let me know if there is a problem.
I can manage up to Emperor I suppose. Maybe not harder since it's my first multiplayer with 3 evil, mean, cunning and diabolic human opponents :D
Big thumb down for accelerated production. I hate it.
As for limited city razing and island blocking, I'm not sure what you mean here.

A question on Diplomacy in a PBEM. We the players should agree on deals via email/PM before doing it in the game, for practical reasons.
Question is, are we allowed to use any extended diplo. we're capable of, or we should stick to the game's mechanics ?
For example, I could propose someone to give them a tech only if they do not sell it to anyone else. If this would happen I would not trade with them again. Although this could be a normal deal for us players, the game doesn't really allow such an agreement.
So in short... how to behave ?

edit: I would invert the order of play, first europeans and then americans (because of the TZ). Not sure where the Wise Man is from though.
OK, level monarch, AP on to make the game faster.

Order of play changed slightly to fit time zones more.

Order of play sent to all.
File and starting procedure sent to Fourth_Wise_Man.
uhm, I'm not interested in AP games. If you want to use it, I call myself out, sorry.
Well, it is possible to change that to AP off.
The main difference is beginning is faster (but I agree AP on can be a pain in later stages...).

BTW about your diplo question : anything goes, that's the interest of playing vs/with humans. As long as they keep their word ! :p
Yep, in your save folders. Usually it would be something like oagnersnap of the Macedonians, + a date.

I have sent the biq file with AP off to fourth_wise_man.

Still no news from him. If you still don't have any by tomorrow....
I got the file, played it, and sent it to onedreamer. I just wrote over the original file, pydna.sav. I hope that is OK. If anything should go wrong, I still have the file on my computer.

I still havn't got a GPS from onedreamer, wich is a bit strange, since I sent the game about 4:00 PM GMT, but I guess that doesn't mean much, since most civfanatics are up until 2:00 AM. :) (Not me, since I have to get up early in the morning. :sad: )

Oh, BtW, when I played my turn it looked like AP was tuned on. I hope onedreamer will still play anyway. I have only played with AP one or two times, so I don't know so much about the differences, so I don't care that much. Anyway, I hope you won't be that angry because of the AP.

Good luck with the game

I got the file with AP off after I sent the first sav to oagersnap.
Just out of curiosity, how did you decide what the starting order is?
Hi sorry guys to slow down the first turn, it was holidays yesterday and I didn't check my mail. I got the file and will play this evening (around 5pm GMT), as now I'm at work.

edit: argh... I read it was started with AP. Can't we restart with AP off, since we're still in time ? :mischief:
@ fourth_wise_man : can you restart with the other biq I sent you, otherwise you will lose onedreamer.

@daufoi : apart from the first turn, order of play makes the two Europeans play one after the other then the 2 Americans (I think they are both Americans). If one is European then that does not change much as that would be 1 American then 3 Europeans together.
@LouLong: I think first_wise_man is from New Zealand, since his E-mail adress has "NZ" in it. That would be great actually, since we would then be almost equally spread out in different time zones (except for the two europeans, but that doesn't matter that much)

Anyway, maybe first_wise_man himself could tell us where he's from?
I am from New Zealand. I fell slightly offended that you think I am American.
fourth_wise_man said:
I am from New Zealand. I fell slightly offended that you think I am American.



Hey guys, I wonder waht would be the optimal order roster?
I mean, I think is the one that start with the guy that are in the highest GMT hour to the lowest.
I mean, lets say one guy is at GMT+1 / other at GMT /other at GMT-5 / and other at GMT-8.

the order should be: 1º GMT+1; 2ºGMT; 3ºGMT-5; 4ºGMT-8.
Do you all agree on that?
In this case, it will run in the opposite direction of the clock, what mean, we
earn time!
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