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Can you view other civilizations tech tree?


Feb 24, 2009

Ive searched for similar titles everywhere but cant find anything.

Question; Can you in any way view other civilization / rivals technologies? As in can you see their tree or just a list of techs they have discovered and what they are researching?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks
Just the latter - what they "can research".

Although, you can use that to deduce their tech tree in its entirety, and after a while doing so feels easy.
Well, there's a couple ways you can look at this.

One, is going to F4, then techs. There you see a column destined for "can research". In that column, it tells you what the AI can research, excluding the ones you already have.

On the other hand, you can use espionage to see what the AI is researching. Present tense. So, unless you can keep track, you won't be able to know what the AI has researched with just this tool.

Three, you can open up the diplomacy and see what techs they can acquire from you, and what techs they have that you don't. Using this can help your idea of how advanced your opponet is.

Welcome to the Forums, cliffwoods69. :cheers:
Its 2.23am, ive got to be up for work at 6.30am and ive been on it for about 6 hours straight. Dont ya just love civ! !

Cant believe civ 4 just passed me by until now, i still have memories of the amiga version i think! !

TheMeInTeam / Matthew5117

Thank you very much for your help.
You can do this in debug mode:

Open up your Civ's main ini file. Search for cheatcode, change the 0 to chipotle so it says
cheatcode = chipotle
And then you can see other AI's tech trees. Though it is cheating :mischief:
Debug mode is more for checking on mods and what not, but sometimes it's just fun to watch the AI do it's thing (press cntr + z with cheatcode enabled and the fog of war is removed).
Three, you can open up the diplomacy and see what techs they can acquire from you, and what techs they have that you don't. Using this can help your idea of how advanced your opponet is.

One note about this approach. Almost all techs require that you already know some previous tech in order to research them. If you're trading with another civ and you don't have that required tech yet, then you won't see anything beyond that one in that particular line. For instance, Code of Laws requires Writing as one it's required techs. If a civ you contact has CoL but you have yet to research Writing, then that tech is all you'll see. You won't see CoL in the list of the other civ, not until you get Writing yourself. So sometimes, if a civ is way ahead of you, opening up the trade screen can be a bit misleading in determining how advanced they are.
One note about this approach. Almost all techs require that you already know some previous tech in order to research them. If you're trading with another civ and you don't have that required tech yet, then you won't see anything beyond that one in that particular line. For instance, Code of Laws requires Writing as one it's required techs. If a civ you contact has CoL but you have yet to research Writing, then that tech is all you'll see. You won't see CoL in the list of the other civ, not until you get Writing yourself. So sometimes, if a civ is way ahead of you, opening up the trade screen can be a bit misleading in determining how advanced they are.

Just use "can research". That's all you need to know exactly every tech they have.
Is the "can research" option in vanilla? If so where?

I'm not sure but if it is you'll find it in your Diplomacy screen. That would be F4. There'll be some options at the bottom of that screen you can look at.
I'm not sure but if it is you'll find it in your Diplomacy screen. That would be F4. There'll be some options at the bottom of that screen you can look at.

That option must not be included with vanilla or am I missing something here?

No I guess it isn't. Another reason why you should buy BtS. Civ 4 is much better if you have it.
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