• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


dunno said:
The one just south of the Erin Mills Town Center EB, along Erin Mills road. It's in the plaza with Walmart. Also, in another thread, someone said they got a copy from the Square One EB already, so people can try there if they don't want to try their luck. :)

I know the one... South Common Mall plaza.

My EB here in London told me over the phone that they have it today, but only for pre-orders.
Update for Edmonton: I recieved a phonecall from the City Centre EBgames to let me know my preorder is in. I will be picking it up later today.

Good luck everyone else!

EDIT: I preordered the special edition.
For those of you who said that EB called you or have already picked up your copy, my question is, did you preorder the Collector's Edition or the regular edition?
I pre-ordered a regular edition and EB told me they would not have it until tomorrow (they did have they special edition)

-Unicity WPG
Like a few other places in Canada, EB in Hull received only the pre-ordered special edition... I would assume the rest of the EB in the Ottawa region only received the pre-ordered special edition as well... Anyone else in the Ottawa region know a little bit more ?

Tomorrow morning they said in Hull... the only happy person I know right now is my girlfriend...

Extro :)
Pre-orders are in some canadian stores, the retial version will be in tomorrow.

Its the border these days............................ I tell ya.........
Any news from Montreal? It's great to see the game finally being distributed away from Toronto!

Edit: Got a confirmation that it's being delivered by UPS and it'll be at the EBGames at Complexe Les Ailes (on Ste-Catherine) at 2pm tomorrow....
where will be the cheapest price in Montreal tomorrow ? (for non-preordered edition)

I heard futureshop had it today at 49.99 $ but no game ! best buy ot Eb games ?
Just order it from www.futureshop.ca to get it at 49,99..... or go to the store and ask for paper that states that you'll get it at 49,99 instead of the regular 59,99 (they have to do it, it's in the law)...

As for EBGames, I don't know... they can probably pricematch FutureShop but I wouldn't count on it. What a pleasant surprise it was to find it at 49,99 when I ordered!
The staff at the Best Buy I went to here in Calgary this morning said that they expect the game tomorrow and they would be honouring the sale price then. So I just have to get my hands on one of them before the mob does.
Ok, apparently the EB Games representative I talked to obviously doesn't know anything. So yes, Canada DOES HAVE the presale edition. The local (South Common Center, Mississauga, Ontario) EB had their stock. So if you preordered even the standard edition, you can get it (at least I got mine). I'm sure it's the same for all across Mississauga. Good luck!
I got it around 1:30 at EB games in Redeau Center, Ottwa. The clerk there told me there were "only 4 extra copies left". So I got my copy there.I didn't expect I could still get the special Edition without pre-ordering, amazing.

Tomorrow Carlingwood EB Games would have their copies, since today they "lost the shipment" and had to applogize to many customers. I wonder why EB doesn't have an internal system to let that store get the extra copies from Redeau Center store (if they did that, no copy for me today of course:).

Extro said:
Like a few other places in Canada, EB in Hull received only the pre-ordered special edition... I would assume the rest of the EB in the Ottawa region only received the pre-ordered special edition as well... Anyone else in the Ottawa region know a little bit more ?

Tomorrow morning they said in Hull... the only happy person I know right now is my girlfriend...

Extro :)
No luck here in Kitchener-Waterloo, ON (Hey, someone else here is from Waterloo..kewl!) Only the preorders are in (im confused how pre order copies can come in before the rest...) but will have it tomorrow. Ill be getting it at 5pm, right after work.
Zukatah said:
Just order it from www.futureshop.ca to get it at 49,99..... or go to the store and ask for paper that states that you'll get it at 49,99 instead of the regular 59,99 (they have to do it, it's in the law)...

As for EBGames, I don't know... they can probably pricematch FutureShop but I wouldn't count on it. What a pleasant surprise it was to find it at 49,99 when I ordered!

How long does that last, cause I called the Future Shop here in Hamilton and they said they would have copies on Friday :/.
I got mine at 1pm today but I couldn't play until I got home from work at 10pm ... SO PAINFUL to stare at the tech tree etc all day.

Hey Misfire, what EB? I'm in Etobicoke as well ... the one on North Queen across from Sherway is the one I go to (simply 'cuz I dislike the guys at Cloverdale lol).
Talked to a rep at the one near my house today, told me it'd be in tomorrow. FutureShop.ca said it'd be available on the 27th. Less than an hour ago the date on the site changed to the 28th. I really hope this isn't fact because the EB I talked to said the retail version wouldn't be in for another week. Does anyone think they'd push the date back AGAIN to the 28th or is their site just unreliable?
If we don't get it tomorrow I won't be surprised since Best Buy Canada and Futureshop both say the 28th on their websites. Everyone in the business was originally saying the 26th and they still were even after the date changed to the 27th online. What did their collective wisdom produce? Well I spent the 26th scouring Calgary and not a store anywhere had anything with the exception of pre-orders in a few rare cases. For the 26th anyway, unless you pre-ordered, the change in date was for real. I'll no doubt search again today in hopes that the 28th is simply up there because they don't expect significant quantities until then like I did yesterday, but I'm not going to hold my breath. I'm really regretting not pre-ordering right now, but I just never saw this shipping mess coming. It's never happened to me before. I have bought many games on or near release day without this tomorrow, no I mean the day after, no the day after that umm how about next week phenomenon. The way this is going ordering and then shipping via Canada Post might actually turn out to have been faster... if so that'll be a shocker!

EDIT Who knows, maybe I'll have the time to see Zoro this weekend with the girlfriend after all :)
Well I did pre-order and I still dont have it. out here they have got 0 in no pre orders or regular ones so im very much hoping they are in tommorow starting get fed up here. kinda wondering what the point of pre-ordering was.
calinator said:
...the EB I talked to said the retail version wouldn't be in for another week.
I got a similar reply when I asked the guy at EB about it myself. He said something about the shipment being delayed and that it would probably be in next week. This was on Tuesday, so I'll probably go back tomorrow on my lunch hour just to double check. Future Shop has indeed been pushed back to Friday; I went in this evening and asked them about it. Don't know about Best Buy since there isn't one that close to me.

It looks like the canadian distributer (at least the one out West) really dropped the ball.
I live in Ontario and I got mine on Wednesday from EB Games. I was the only person that pre-ordered Civ4 so I got the special edition. I was told that the pre-order edition was released on Wednesday but everyone else has to wait a couple of days for the regular game to be delivered. Ha-ha, suckers!:p

Justa quick anecdote: I went to EBG after class and it hadn't arrived yet. I didn't really expect it to but I had to goto the mall anyway, so I figured I'd stop in and check. It wasn't there. So I went to buy groceries and a half hour later, just as I'm about to line-up at the checkout I get the call on my cellphone -- it's arrived! So I stash my cart and hustle over to EBG and pick up my game. Yunno, if it had been 5 minutes later I probably would've been on the bus home, so the timing worked out great.

So a head's up to Canadian gamers, if you pre-ordered Civ4 from EBG you should get it this week. There's a chance that the regular Civ4 game will be delivered by Friday, but there's no guarantee.

A few days ago I checked FutureShop website and saw that Civ4 was on sale for $50 Canadian, down from $60. I was tempted to cancel my pre-order and buy it from FS instead, but I wanted the pre-order special edition and FS didn't offer it. Now I'm glad, because I got the special edition AND I don't have to wait. That's worth the extra $10 IMO.
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