Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

Mostly you just get one unit which is moderately better.
Cultures are outdated in general. But free promos are huge, you keep them after upgrade. Have you seen Heroic I on Spartans? It's crazy!

You could probably volunteer for adjusting values if it bothers you, but first gotta see if it's addressed in the upcoming unit rework, though since it has it's own independent file, probably can be done in parallel.
Exploring the Moon and Mars latest save


  • OlyOsk April 4, AD-1107.CivBeyondSwordSave
    6.7 MB · Views: 15
I don't really see AI with culture units either, I guess because of the high price of the building.
Turn 334 on normal speed - there are 11 cultures built among 15 AIs and they build cultural units too.
Turn 334 on normal speed - there are 11 cultures built among 15 AIs and they build cultural units too.
Even on Eternity they do it, though it's hard to measure how quickly.
It might be based on what a specific civ is fond of as well, because I see that having a huge influence in slow games.
Like, one civ has literally zero culture (not cultures, culture in general), while another has in it hundreds or even thousands.
And the two are roughly even in everything else - it's just how they prioritize building stuff.
The same way I almost always bump into everyone for some reason not wanting to share the contact with India specifically.
Everyone else's contacts - be my guest, just pay up.
India - NOPE, not gonna give it to you, no matter what.
Makes zero sense, loool.
If cultures are considered by the AI same as a world wonder, then there are definitely leaders who prioritize world wonders and leaders that don't. Same as leaders that favor diplomacy, or... nukes. As far as I know, each leaders' priorities are hard-coded, so they don't change with developing leaders and in fact aren't trait based at all.
If cultures are considered by the AI same as a world wonder, then there are definitely leaders who prioritize world wonders and leaders that don't. Same as leaders that favor diplomacy, or... nukes. As far as I know, each leaders' priorities are hard-coded, so they don't change with developing leaders and in fact aren't trait based at all.
What about custom civs, then?
Can't hard-code something that wasn't even there to begin with, lol.
I meant it as in, it's not dependant on the in game developing traits, which are variable, but rather dependant on a fixed XML value. Hard coded from the player perspective, not from the modder's one of course :p
All this to say now, that it would be kind of cool to have traits influence leader's behaviour to some extent - along or on top of their defines. Probably very very difficoult though.
Some MAF's on largest Space mod map


  • OlyOsk May 26, AD-1838.CivBeyondSwordSave
    8.5 MB · Views: 14
1. need an unit that is very good at "archers" (all types) but r like Bandits, i have 50 bandit riders and cant even kill 1 composite archer (in a city), sigh...oh and slirmishers

of course "WITHOUT" causing war //
Can't make warless conquest too easy or there's no cause for war. It just becomes the stupid way to invade. Supposed to be a little challenging if you are trying nothing but a CIA style war of attrition.

2. why is it that alot of the time in the capital i have waay more turns to do something then in alot of the other cities?? and btw i have almost all the buildings etc etc in the CAP??
I find that's usually the case because I built all the production enhancing wonders there and I usually make sure to give the capital as much productive land as I can.
Can't make warless conquest too easy or there's no cause for war. It just becomes the stupid way to invade. Supposed to be a little challenging if you are trying nothing but a CIA style war of attrition.

I find that's usually the case because I built all the production enhancing wonders there and I usually make sure to give the capital as much productive land as I can.
2. He's asking the opposite question - why does it take MORE turns in the capital?
I can't comment, nor have much of an idea, just translated the question, lol.

1. Check out my thread in Multiplayer, lol.
If you (anyone) want a "warless war", you MUST go for Neanderthals.
A Neanderthal Spiked Clubman is the guy in question:
It can grow quite strong while still maintaining the "no nationality" feature.
And if you play smart, namely build not 3, but 9 of them for later merging (they obsolete, not get killed, lol) - you'll still have a serious stealth attacker way into the Ancient Era.
Which would by then also have immense experience that would easily make it a mega unit all on its own.
A couple "+1 Strength"s, a "Quality" promotion (if not two) - and that's gonna be a beast, that is still "not yours", so "not your responsibility.
And then, just accompany it with a normal unit, so that you can immediately capture the "Barbarian" city that stays after the first conquest.
The later one is upgraded, but even if not, it'd still be 9 Strength, lol.
And that's not the end of it, plus all the other promotions it can get on the way.
He's asking the opposite question - why does it take MORE turns in the capital?
Ah... well either way it comes down to the details of the particular game of course.
why is there a :yuck: in the Pasta maker's shop?? I think WE need to rethink quite a few of these .. . .but must be approved by TB first.

also, was trying out Snipers, not very useful at all .
i remember when i was in Honduras, had Honduran snipers in the trees and General Haig's retirement in Germany had them in all the top levels of buildings in the windows etc,,
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First of all: thank you all for all the work you put into this game. It's the best I know!

I wanted to mention some minor issues. I play with latest SVN

Maybe this is already known and on someone's to-do list, but I mention it anyway.
I mentioned earlier somewhere in these forums that Martial Arts promotion is broken and I am quite sure it has al to do with the promotions from religious buildings you no longer get unless it's your state religion.
I tried a few things either with or without Taoism as state religion

With Taoism:
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo and Taoist temple: Unit gets martial arts 1
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo: Unit gets no martial arts
City with: Taoist Temple: unit gets Martial arts 1
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo, Shaolin Temple and Taoist Temple: Unit gets martial arts 3

Without Taoism:
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo and Taoist temple: Unit gets no martial arts
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo: Unit gets no martial arts
City with: Taoist Temple: Unit gets no martial arts
City with: Dojo, Masters Dojo, Shaolin Temple and Taoist Temple: Unit gets no martial arts

Conclusion is simple I think. Making Martial Arts a religious promotion brakes it, both the Dojo's are useless and Shaolin temple only works when Taoism is state religion. Guess the religious flag should be removed from this promo to fix it. Or maybe create a slightly different promo for Taoist Temple to still make that special....?

Second Thing I noticed is also about a promotion, but something different. For some reason it's not possible to get: Tradition Master Seahunter.
I am almost in renaissance now and I tried with Great Hunter and Great General but I can't make them build it.

Keep up the good work!!

edit: Taoist Temple = Taoist Monestary
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why is there a :yuck: in the Pasta maker's shop?? I think WE need to rethink quite a few of these .. . .but must be approved by TB first.

also, was trying out Snipers, not very useful at all .
i remember when i was in Honduras, had Honduran snipers in the trees and General Haig's retirement in Germany had them in all the top levels of buildings in the windows etc,,
The unhealth in the Pasta maker's shop is likely a reflection of the carbs making people fat. Keep in mind that unhealth, if overwhelmed by health, never creates a real problem - and when it does it's only a counteraction against food levels to represent the increased mortality rate it's bringing about. With proper medical care, pasta being in the cultural consumption pallet isn't really a problem and its a huge valid food source and economic benefit, but when considered in addition to many other unhealth factors, it CAN be an influence to elevate heart attacks and such.

Eventually it would probably be better to implement an ideal weight property or something and have it affect THAT directly while the unhealth MAY be affected then in turn by that aspect being way out of whack like it is in our current modern US society, due to massive overreliances on sugar and grain and starch in our diets. I do eventually want to look deeper at these kinds of dynamics.

As for Snipers - when you say you're trying them out, are you 'attacking' with them or using them to strike with distance assaults? They probably aren't quite as strong as one might want them to be when attacking, but with quite a few of them around, they can be rather damaging and hard to find if they are sent in to setup surround and ranged assaults from hiding. They aren't really meant to be the stand out invading force trying to capture a plot, but are very good at weakening, assassinating specific targets, unnerving the enemy by surrounding, and good at finishing off wounded stragglers. Even these older original format snipers I used to use as surround and invade packs to lethal effect. They're even more dangerous with the ranged assaults - quite likely to hit their targets if promoted with that sort of attack in mind.
Probably something I messed up when doing the animal building fixes, will examine
I have entered renaissance now and now I get the sea hunting rewards with a boat (graphically). These units (crocodile in this case) do work to make tradition master seahunter. So the issue is with the early stages. It should be possible to make this tradition from discovery of sailing according to civilopedia, but only with renaissance/astrolabe it becomes available.
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