• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Caveman 2 Cosmos

Er, you're not allowed to complain about it now. :)
or, Mr. :facepalm: is your new name. :)

Glad my madness can be understood, there, Strategy. But who wants Serfdom after the industial era. :)

It probably wont be needed after that anyways, you should get your "surprises" prior to that!!:p

And again thx.;)
What surprises? :confused:
What surprises? :confused:

It usually takes about twenty turns(maybe more) but you'll see them arrive, one by one. Just give it time, and it doesnt matter what era you are in either, you still can get them.:p Dont want to give it away to early, ;)
the scenario i talked about comes with the BTS load of mods , inside the Next War , theres a scenario called Next war, placed inside D:\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War\PublicMaps
and its name is:Next War Epic.CivBeyondSwordWBSave (its the one with Mr.Big rulling over America Inc.)
-and about the buildings that are disappearing , will it be fixed in next patch?
-and about the buildings that are disappearing , will it be fixed in next patch?

First, put the folder named No Buildings (something like that) from /Next War Advanced 004/Assets/Modules/Custom Buildings to Next War Advanced 004/Assets/Unloaded Modules/Custom Buildings. If necessary, create new folders as I mentioned above in ordre to successfully follow my directions. Then you should have full buildings there. The reason No Buildings is there is for people who have low-end computers or are impatient with slow turns. It helps a bit with performance. Not much, but it does.

I'm assuming that my directions is correct IF! Strategyonly use the same directory structure as Rise of Mankind minus RevDCM and few others.
As long as the surprise isn't something silly, I'll be fine with it. :)

Will it be like "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." :)
Or will it be like Superman.
D:\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced v004\Assets\Modules\Custom Buildings
this folder contains only :castles and chapter houses
i moved its content into he Unloaded Modules one and started a game ,however i begun the get error messages like , error : teutonic chapter house is incorrect.

so , i created this folder
D:\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced v004\Assets\Unloaded Modules\Custom Buildings\No Buildings
but its empty ... what should i move inside it?
D:\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced v004\Assets\Modules\Custom Buildings
this folder contains only :castles and chapter houses
i moved its content into he Unloaded Modules one and started a game ,however i begun the get error messages like , error : teutonic chapter house is incorrect.

so , i created this folder
D:\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Next War Advanced v004\Assets\Unloaded Modules\Custom Buildings\No Buildings
but its empty ... what should i move inside it?

Its not a folder but TWO XML files that need to be moved only. (These two files are next to Castles/Order of St. John/Templar Chapter/ and Teutonic Chapter) dont remove these just the two files only.

Move both of these to "Unloaded Modules" the FOLDER next to Art, Modules, Python, res, Sounds and XML.
Hello Strategyonly!

Been playing around with your mod and so far I am liking it much. A+ vote worthy! Liking some original ideas you put into it like "animal capture" ability for scouts.

A couple of bugs caught my attention I'd like to address.

1. When you hover mouse over Monument in build que you get a "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_MONUMENT_HELP" script showing in the window.

2. I can build Slave Market even though I don't have Slavery civic.

3.Game crashed when I exit to Main Menu after Launching. I remember ROM had the same problem, you may want to inquire Zappa on how he fixed it.

That's all for now I'll let you know if I find more.

Keep up the great work!
Please fix the buildings. I do not know how to do all that stuff you guys are talking about. The mod is great, but having to rebuild the same building radomly over and over is a pain. I would rather have a little extra turn wait, then have to rebuild the same buildings. This is pretty much the sole complaint everyone has, so it should be the primary fix. Also, is it possible to give your capitulated vassal states a city if you captured their last city, and you have the game on require complete kills? I wanted to give a vassal a city, but it will not give me the option :(
Please fix the buildings. I do not know how to do all that stuff you guys are talking about. The mod is great, but having to rebuild the same building radomly over and over is a pain. I would rather have a little extra turn wait, then have to rebuild the same buildings. This is pretty much the sole complaint everyone has, so it should be the primary fix. Also, is it possible to give your capitulated vassal states a city if you captured their last city, and you have the game on require complete kills? I wanted to give a vassal a city, but it will not give me the option :(

Ah, then it is not what I thought it was. Because, otherwise, you wouldn't had to rebuild.
I'm confused. What buildings are you rebuilding over and over? The only one I know of that should cause that is the port/commercial port/etc thing?
I think it is the modern granery, cement factory, oil factory, and the steel mill, might be a few more, but those are the ones that I can think of
I think perhaps there is a set limit in place for how many buildings one city can have...
I say this because i often experience the following : build a new city - it comes with its prebuild buildings inside (granary,ligthhouse etc.) , then u start getting it new buildings , after 20 or so new buildings , you discover the city can rebuild a Forge, or Courthouse ,School,Market , buildings that were either pre-built or you built first off.
It could be that the new buildings of this particular mod are somewhat bugged (brewery,cement ,filling,steel mill,aluminium fact,rubber and chem) it seems building them in a new city after you already built them somewhere else causes the game to delete them and a random number of other older buildings.
Mayhaps its a limit set on how many still mills one civ can have ... and it impacts the game by deleting a ton of buildings in the offending city? If so a quick fix would be to deny possibility to build the supranumerary buildings in other cities - in fact make them a National Wonder - one per civ.
Yes there is a set number for some buildings to be built, like the brewery before you can get Octotberfest etc, there are ALOT of these here in this mod, it tells you in the Octoberfest area what the requirements are etc.(also alot of other buildings), also if you have a harbour and build a port (i think, it been so long ago) your harbour disappears. And by building some builds, ie granary, then building a modern granary it also deletes that building and the modern one takes it place. (As in real life). I dont know for sure if this what everyone is saying/asking about, but i thought i'd put this out there.

Heres , more info:
Granary upgrades to Modern Granary
Bakery upgrades to Food Processing plant

Bakery requires Granary
Food processing plant requires Modern Granary

It's made this way because of the xml tag limitations - there is no OR check for building requirements, adding such would require sdk changes. NWA uses xml and python combination for building upgrade lines and I've tried to keep it as simple as possible because complex python code slows down the game.
What we are saying is that if you build a modern granery, the modern granery disapears a few turns later, or a cement factory will disapear a few turns later. Even if there is no advanced building to replace it, it will disapear randomely and it must be rebuilt. It is like it vanishes out of thin air, it is very scary.
Um, the cement factory, is that a national wonder? If it is, it's because of the weird bug with national wonders, you'll always have one left to build..or something.

As for the other, well, I have no clue.
what i meant with my post before was
-every city seems to have a fix limit of buildings say 30 . if you build a 31st building then the scripts will kick in and delete 5 older buildings randomly.
-again, the new resource wonders you added (filling,rubber planet etc) do not behave like the other national wonders ... say u build Hermitage in city x , normally it disappears from the list of buildings in other cities , well , your new nationals (rubber,aluminium etc) are not behaving this way ... you build them in city x , then you CAN build them again in city Y , but when you do city x gets a plague or some script error that deletes randomly 5 other buildings.
-3rd problem is upgradeable buildings : harbor-port-com port-int port for example ... say its year 1990 ingame , you take a pioneer and build a city - it comes with many buildings including lets say a port , then you build a harbour (because you can , its in the list and its says you will get some bonus) , then you can build international port , and then you can build commercial port too..
see , its a messed up tree , old buildings should transform in new ones and delete the option to rebuild said building from the list.
-granary also has problems in the way : say city x has a granary , you build the modern one , now the city has both in its building list , then you build food plant , and then surprise , you can build granary again .... but if you do .. then modern granary and food plant disappear.

well , its only a problem if you play on a tight timetable, eventually i keep rebuilding my buildings many many times untill they stick ... that's of course because i can build units from one single city that makes them 1 per turn... and after in build world bank i start making 20k gold per turn , so i can buy up disappearing buildings faster than they disappear ...
It may be from espionage. I think it's too easy for AI civs to do espionage missions against a human player.
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