CFC betting game - Survivor S8G5


Mycro Junkie
Mar 17, 2013
..and we are finally back, with double Egypt & Brennus being stuck in a peacemonger game ;)
I say we need more :gold: this time, the generous casino gives out 10.000.

Kaitzilla the Rich: 160k * Nick723: 72.5k * Eauxps: 40k
NickGabben: 25k * Plains-cow: 22.5k * Saxo: 21.1k * My: 19k * Sittindown: 14.4k * Lymo: 13k

Which AI will win?
Darius +300
Hatty +500
Ramsy +550
Asoka +600
Pacal +800
Brennus +1000

Who comes in second?
Hatty +450
Ramsy +500
Asoka +550
Darius +600
Brennus +800
Pacal +900

First to die?
Brennus +400
Hatty +500
Pacal +550
Darius +600
Asoka +700
Ramsy +800
Everyone survives +15000

Victory condition?
Culture +200
Space +200
Domi +400
Diplo +4000

Barbs capture (or raze) an AI city: +1200
Facepalm is back! Pyras builder adopts US first: +550
Hatty and Ramsy get into a war with each other, somehow: +650
Liberalism pick will not be Astro or Nationalism: +750
We see Nukes again, after a long time: +1300
Darius wins the Physics Scientist: +250

Have fun :)
Depending on how these turn out, I might be ready to reset the ledgers after this week ;)

10,000 gold on each of the following:
Pacal win
Brennus second place
Nobody dies
Diplo victory
Hmm isn't 10k on Nobody dies overkill, with such high odds?

Is this a hint that I should give everybody else a chance?

OK, 1K gold on this would get me 150K if it hit, right? About enough to catch Kaitzilla. So I suppose I can go with that one. Subject to change if Kaitzilla bets on this outcome too ;)

I'll put the rest on Ramesses second place.
Brennus - 3000
Pacal - 3000


Pacal - 2000
Rambo - 1000


Everyone Lives - 1000


Diplo - 1000

Crazy My bets ;):

Lib pick - 1000
Rammy v. Hatty - 1000
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5000 on Everyone Lives
5000 on Nukes!
150000 Fippybucks on HATSHEPSUT DIES FIRST
Spoiler :

AI seem to love to settle double food resources within 4.5 to 6 tiles from the capital that their Scouts reveal.
The scouts only have to unfog the tile to enable it for settling, not the nearby resources in that tile's Big Fat Cross section.
Undiscovered resources that need a tech like horses don't count.

Brennus has that wet corn :love: and pig 5 tiles away 1N of the Iron.
If Brennus settles there, the holy city will push all the way to Hatty's capital, and the invasion stack will be in the Big Fat Cross of Thebes.
I can't lose!

Unless Brennus fights 1v3 vs. Asoka, Darius, and Hatty :cry:
I'll cry!
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Depending on how these turn out, I might be ready to reset the ledgers after this week ;)

10,000 gold on each of the following:
Pacal win
Brennus second place
Nobody dies
Diplo victory

In light of Kaitzilla's bids, I would like to ignore your peer pressure and revert to this original bid :)
Darius to win: 4000
Pacal to win: 3000
Brennus to win: 1000
Hatshepsut FTD: 4000 (Can I please get way better odds than Kait?)
Space: 7000
Nobody dies: 1000
Scientist for Darius: 3000
Nukes!: 2000
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