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CFC Members Elimination Pre-Thread

I don't know if this will be relevant to this thread, as I am unsure if anyone else will decide to join; but when we have a new person join, perhaps everyone should have 1 point removed (including the new person) to compensate for the additional points coming into the game. At least for me, new active players are a good thing for the elimination thread, however currently each new person does potentially extend the game run time further.

If anyone is reading this and thinking about joining the 'ultimate member elimination', the thread can be found here:
The only change it can have for future game is the 24 hours limitation, it should be blocked just double posts.
No, because in that case you could have two or three people team up to take over the game.
Just checking, but I noted that @GenMarshall posted in this thread, and @Sarin posted in the main thread. Were they wanting to take part in the elimination game? I'm guessing not, but figured might as well confirm one way or the other.
I am happy for either to join if they want to actively play. There is unlikely to be a next time.
I was looking through the thread for the preceding elimination game (https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...i-the-conquest-of-cape-verarde.474959/page-12), which sadly failed to reach a conclusion.
The last person to vote was @topsecret
@topsecret Its been nearly 10 years since you said "Well, it looks like I would be the only player, so I guess I'll give it up"
I am sure you are far busier now, but if you wanted to take part in the ultimate elimination game, a game which might will reach a conclusion, you are welcome to join us!

I want to be in this
I've added you to the main thread.
The rules are simple.
You can only vote once a day. Each time you vote increase one person by 1 point, and decrease another person by 2 points. Also I think it is preferred if you highlight an upvote with green bold text, and highlight a down vote with red bold text.

Here is the thread:

Welcome. :hatsoff:
If anyone is wondering, the Ultimate Member Elimination is still open to join. We definitely have room for at least one more person to join. No skills required, but sense of humor may be beneficial!
See here for thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/ultimate-members-elimination.678773/

If/when it becomes no longer open to new players Aiken_Drumn (or Takhisis) will post below.

Signatures people, signatures! Get the game in your signatures if you want to promote it :)

Still open for people to join the elimination game. Though maybe for not much longer as I heard a rumor that Takhisis was getting annoyed...

I, however, do declare it closed to new entrants. Unless I change my mind because someone cool or pretty asks.
In an unexpected plot twist Aiken-Drumn has seemingly departed. Hopefully we can keep the elimination thread going in their absence. However I just wanted to double check where we stood with new entrants.
Aitken had said "I do declare it closed to new entrants. Unless I change my mind because someone cool or pretty asks."
However I just wanted to recheck where we stood with this.

Personally I would say keep the thread open for new entrants until one of the following occurs:
1. All lurkers (non posters) have been eliminated
2. Someone active is eliminated
3. Or we reach the end of October.

So far I think new entrants have been a big boon to the thread and have kept things moving along nicely and reinvigorated things. The alternative is keeping the thread closed, and starting a new thread at the end with any new people who want to join. Though I am dubious we would have enough enthusiasm and potential entrants to run another elimination thread after this one (this is the ultimate elimination thread after all). Of course this might all be a moot point, as there might not be any one wanting/willing to join anyway.

Anyway I guess we would decide this democratically.
I vote 'yes' to new entrants. I think Takhisis and AmazonQueen vote 'no' but I could be wrong.
What do you think?
@AmazonQueen @Henri Christophe @Takhisis @danjuno @4CV @topsecret @JollyRoger @emzie
In an unexpected plot twist Aiken-Drumn has seemingly departed. Hopefully we can keep the elimination thread going in their absence. However I just wanted to double check where we stood with new entrants.
Aitken had said "I do declare it closed to new entrants. Unless I change my mind because someone cool or pretty asks."
However I just wanted to recheck where we stood with this.

Personally I would say keep the thread open for new entrants until one of the following occurs:
1. All lurkers (non posters) have been eliminated
2. Someone active is eliminated
3. Or we reach the end of October.

So far I think new entrants have been a big boon to the thread and have kept things moving along nicely and reinvigorated things. The alternative is keeping the thread closed, and starting a new thread at the end with any new people who want to join. Though I am dubious we would have enough enthusiasm and potential entrants to run another elimination thread after this one (this is the ultimate elimination thread after all). Of course this might all be a moot point, as there might not be any one wanting/willing to join anyway.

Anyway I guess we would decide this democratically.
I vote 'yes' to new entrants. I think Takhisis and AmazonQueen vote 'no' but I could be wrong.
What do you think?
@AmazonQueen @Henri Christophe @Takhisis @danjuno @4CV @topsecret @JollyRoger @emzie
I don't vote no. I'm all for letting people who want to play play. I think this thread had too many names on it who Aiken-Drumn hoped would be enthused by being included but weren't.
^That's part of the problem. Given how complicated a game with non-participants is, I say we close entries on this one so that it actually ends soonish and then we launch a new game with, for a start, only active players in it.
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