[RD] Remembering 9-11-2001 (20 freaking years later)

I was at hospital at the time. Nurse turned TV on and told everyone to check what is going on.

We were teens and some medical staff watching as we saw towers going down.

I had no idea if it was real, because I kept thinking that USA is this military superpower, this can't be real.
If there was another plane, I'm pretty sure we had an unarmed training jet in the air with orders to ram it...
Preschool. My parents say I was watching the news with the babysitter when they got home that evening, but I just remember the mood of the adults around me rather than the news
it has long been in reports that two F-16s would ram the 4th plane , if it wasn't brought down by the then famous "Let's roll" thing . Even if am also on record that it was shot down by an ANG F-15 with a general on board .
It was an unarmed training flight that was in the correct airspace at the time.

I assume there wasn't a ground to air missile in position.

Actually, now that I think about it, we were in the process of grounding all civilian air traffic. There was probably to be a warning first, rather than missiles first, and that's what you sign up for as a fighter pilot?
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it neatly covers stuff . That a new Pearl Harbour could happen to the US because they were not at war with disagreable people and the planes thus were not armed and the only way they could have saved the White House was through ramming and they would do it because the usual heroism and in deference to equal opportunity laws one of the pilots was a woman . Which was unnecessary because the poor quality of the hijackers meant they forgot the radio on and the ENTIRE world could hear American civilians beating down suicider terrorists and riding the plane down , disregarding their own assured deaths . If instead there was an armed F-15 , it would have only meant that it was prepared all along and that might or might not lead to George Dabya Bush to be hanged . Or shot by a firing squad ; have no idea on American laws with regards to traitorous Presidents .

and yeah , Dabya was firmly in position , reading Billy the Boat to a bunch of kids , for hours .
Yeah, poor quality. Sure.

It's puff puff  pass.
no , the poor quality part was where they would eventually link it to Turks after the pathetic Jihadist attempt to attack Anıtkabir in Ankara with a hired Cessna propjob filled with propan/LPG/kitchen cooking gas appliance barrels or whatever the hell they are called . Timely for the 2009 invasion of my country . You know , we evilly devilly took revenge after the American funded attempt to attack our god or something .
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