Chatroom Rivalry Mass

Well the game is going to get started tonight, we need GF and Scapethingies E-mails... And i just nominated GF for the position, he hasn't actaully agreed yet... Technically we could kick him out :mischief:
i call china

@wildfire i used to be in the chat room all the time and i just now got it to work again... so grrr
Originally posted by Spacetrvler
i call china

@wildfire i used to be in the chat room all the time and i just now got it to work again... so grrr

Yeah, actually... now that I think of it... I do remember you being inside of the chatroom... long time ago though.
Ok, I can't find an 8th person (GF isn't answering) so were going to play with seven.... Creating the game now.
Nevermind... found an 8th person..

Bacon - Russia

Standard map doesn't git 8 people.. moving up to large map.
Ok, the game is created..

All the PM's are out... The PM should contain a numbered list of the turn order with each person's e-mail address next to it.
Originally posted by Spacetrvler
I love my starting spot...

Yeah, I've got a good one to.. river & grassland.
Standard map doesn't git 8 people.. moving up to large map

Yes it does...
I'm going to have trouble playing this game on a large map, as my computer does not have much RAM, and is pretty dang slow. I think I should drop out, there is no chance of me being able to play to the end(on a large map). I'll disband my units when it comes to my turn.
Well - I think my starting point

Tis a shame gainy - or perhaps you could have theGreyFox take over your civ then ?

Who has the save now?
BTW.... I fixed the standard map problem... it was a slight bug (it couldn't create enough starting locations... meaning not enough land on the map for 8 players... so I made sure I set it to 60% water and not 70% or 80%) so were still playing on a standard map.
Originally posted by Grey Fox

GF.... what the heck is the "ARR!!" about?
GF almost had a chance to play, because gainy was going to drop out.

And GF, you're only allowed to spam in #civfanatics. :p
Everyone... For we can keep track of the save.. Post in here when(and who) you pass it to.

If my calculations are correct... currently CivGeneral has the save.
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