China willing to go to war to stop democracy!

They have huge resources and population to match. There is little doubt that China will hit it big-time if it continues on this path.
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
They have huge resources and population to match. There is little doubt that China will hit it big-time if it continues on this path.

Yes, eventually the Chinese are going to slowly start cashing in those hundreds of billions of US dollars they are holding on to in order to improve the standard of living of their people, and when they do a huge market is going to open up.

China is just continuing to build up their base, before they build the tower.
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
They have huge resources and population to match. There is little doubt that China will hit it big-time if it continues on this path.

Yes, eventually the Chinese are going to slowly start cashing in those hundreds of billions of US dollars they are holding on to in order to improve the standard of living of their people, and when they do a huge market is going to open up.

China is just continuing to build up their base, before they build the tower.
Originally posted by Sobieski II

Yes, eventually the Chinese are going to slowly start cashing in those hundreds of billions of US dollars they are holding on to in order to improve the standard of living of their people, and when they do a huge market is going to open up.

China is just continuing to build up their base, before they build the tower.

Not if we can talk them into a good old fashioned arms and space race like we did with the soveiets.
If I’m not mistaken China turned down US aid for their space program, I view this as competition, and this is a good thing. I mean our current space program is rife with mistakes, and I believe competition will make NASA get on track. It is sad that we can’t land a probe on Mars, and our first missions were complete successes. I want to see the USA land a man on Mars during my lifetime!
With economic freedom comes the desire for political freedom. It will be interesting to see how the old world mentality of the ChiComm dictators deal with the desire of the people to assert themselves. I do not believe that it will be a peaceful transition, so the Chinese leadership is most likely preparing for scenarios that would focus the people's aggressions towards an outside enemy. The stage is already being set. War with China within our lifetimes.
Originally posted by GrandAdmiral

Not if we can talk them into a good old fashioned arms and space race like we did with the soveiets.

I hope they fall for it. It is too bad for their people though too. I don't think anyone wants to go rub it into the Russians that they lost the cold war, with Chechnya, Aids, corruption, population implosion all on their hands.
Simon, I have never truly agreed with you before, but I think you are very smart about the subject at had :D
my real estate agent is from taiwon, she says every boy has to join the military when he's of age...i'm sure everyone on the island would join in the slaughter of the filthy communists.
I think they won't. But if they do, it would be done to challenge the dominance of the US in the world, what they could quite simply do.

This could be the first challenge by the Chinese to question the dominance of the US. With US being bogged down in the endless, pointless and the unachievable war against terror, could just happen.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
That would be an extremely, extremely big and unlikely if, given their mutual history of antipathy towards each other. Russia and India, yes. China is the rival and foe of both.

And the colonies were not exploited. They were developed, nurtured, and saved from the French.

Urm.... thats not what happened to India. Of course the people raping other countrys will calm they are doing it to help them LOL its means nothing. The French would of done the same so how are we diffrent?
Sigh, we should have nuked China in the 1950s.
Originally posted by Enemy Ace
Sigh, we should have nuked China in the 1950s.

Seriously? Humanitarian concerns aside, it may have set a new 'nuclear use' precedent that the soviets might have followed where they saw fit. I think we should be thankful we got out of the cold war the way we did, so I'd be careful what you wish for. (although obviously it doesn't matter, since we don't have time travel)
Originally posted by Cactus_Jack

Urm.... thats not what happened to India. Of course the people raping other countrys will calm they are doing it to help them LOL its means nothing. The French would of done the same so how are we diffrent?

Cactus_Jack, not everything the Dark One says should be taken seriously, however serious he claims to be. Especially when he is either defending the memory of the long-collapsed British "Empire" or when he is trying to hide his admiration for the greatest nation ever by dismally trying to mock it. Or both. ;)

Oh, and thanks for changing your avatar - I kept having seizure trying to understand why rmsharpe had suddenly become an anti-imperialist left-wing pro-palestinian :lol:
Sorry, Frenchy, but it was a serious point. The reason why many places were colonised was to save them from the French doing it first, given that the French were very much the major rivals and often enemies during the age of colonisation. Further on from this practical consideration, it can argued that it was a far easier transition for former British colonies than for the French colonies, for both parties.
Certainly, Britain never had a major and traumatic war like Indo-China or Algeria, and Army officers didn't try coups or attempt to bump off the Prime Minister because of India being granted independence. An attempt to write off a serious point of history and politics as banter is rather shallow.

India was not raped. It was developed, nurtured, and given cricket, 25 pounder gun-howitzers and an aircraft carrier. Nor were colonies such as Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada, the Falklands, South Africa and the American possessions raped or disadvantaged. They grew in many cases into successful dominions and independent vibrant nations. Except for New Zealand. It distresses one even to think of that tragic failure.

And one concurs wholeheartedly that Red China should have been subject to nuclear destruction in the 1950s. Or they could have been accomodated in the SAC 'Hits and Memories' Tour of the Soviet Union in October 1962.
But if China had been nuked in the 50s, its likely that the Indians and lots of other people in the area would be glowing in the dark and have 3 eyes today, those former English colonies wouldnt have turned out to be so vibrant after all. I agree about the very different experiences between the British and the French in the post colonial period.
Different issues. Certainly it would have lead to a welcoming back in of Empire and imperial support, a la 'Ressurection Day'...
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Sorry, Frenchy, but it was a serious point. The reason why many places were colonised was to save them from the French doing it first, given that the French were very much the major rivals and often enemies during the age of colonisation. Further on from this practical consideration, it can argued that it was a far easier transition for former British colonies than for the French colonies, for both parties.

Oh, I was not denying that it was a serious point - just hinting at your reasons for bringing it up. I wholly agree that preventing other colonial powers from grabing territories first was one of the major motivations, and that the UK and France were definitely the main rivals.

Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Certainly, Britain never had a major and traumatic war like Indo-China or Algeria, and Army officers didn't try coups or attempt to bump off the Prime Minister because of India being granted independence. An attempt to write off a serious point of history and politics as banter is rather shallow.

I even agree with you on Britain's better record on the decolonisation process. That said, while everybody thinks of Indochina and Algeria when thinking of French decolonisation, most of them, from Black Africa to Morocco, were given their independence peacefully. And while the UK avoided major decolonisation wars, their failure to bring Muslims and Hindus together resulted in a very ugly conflict as soon as independence was granted to India and Pakistan. Conflict which was definitely on the scale of Indochina or Algeria, though admittedly more a "passive" failure of the brits than an "active" one. Same with Israel/Palestine.
1.) A Gallic apology is as good as any. :p

2.) Mostly A's on a report card do not balance out F's in compulsary subjects that result in failing the course. The religious question in India was not an British failure, but rather a vindication of the success of the Raj in keeping down such goings on; certainly not on the level of the French active catastrophes. Palestine was never a British colony, but rather a mandated possession, just as Egypt was a protectorate, and the British role was in the overview incidental.

Moving gladly off the topic of France, the current circumstances do show that it was a mistake to force Taiwan to curtail its nuclear program.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
1.) A Gallic apology is as good as any. :p

What apology? I was merely correcting you for misreading my post :rolleyes: ;)

Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
2.) Mostly A's on a report card do not balance out F's in compulsary subjects that result in failing the course.

Not in France, where the grade average is what count to pass the exam :p

Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Moving gladly off the topic of France, the current circumstances do show that it was a mistake to force Taiwan to curtail its nuclear program.

Well, it would certainly force the Chinese to stop dreaming of conquering Taiwan. However, a nuclear Taiwan in an area with already far too many countries developing or thinking of developing nukes does not sound like a great idea.
I do not relish the day where Taiwan, Japan, and North & South Korea with have nukes, and Indonesia, Thailand and Malasia are busy developing them so as not to be the only non-nuclear powers around.
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