- Chinese 101 (Simplified characters)


Spoiler :
I use book dictionaries...but not electronic ones.
I used one of those device serveral years ago, but I always think it's for middle school students only.:mischief:
You can check this site for information, but I'm not sure they'll mail you one to Europe...
All the Japanese people in the German course I took in Germany had them, and they represented about a third of all the people in the course. They told me they were really common in Japan, and you could upload a number of more languages on some of them. Maybe you could also try Japanese companies. Don't know, just throwing that out there. :)


Spoiler :
If you have to look for characters really fast in a place where you don't have computer, traditional dictionaries are uncomfortable as hell.

I always think it's for middle school students only.:mischief:

我是个学汉语的老外 ;)

Spoiler :
I'm a foreigner that's learning Chinese ;)

You can check this site for information, but I'm not sure they'll mail you one to Europe...


Spoiler :
Thanks! BTW, Are the dictionaries from ChineseMall good? I think they are a bit expensive, isn't it?

Spoiler :
Thanks! BTW, Are the dictionaries from ChineseMall good? I think they are a bit expensive, isn't it?

If you compare prices of same models on ChineseMall and the site I gave you(京东, a chinese online shopping website), you'll find that anything on ChineseMall is ridiculously overpriced.
Wen Qu Xing -- E828+, ¥335 on 京东, ¥1017($149.00) on ChineseMall:crazyeye:.
Wen Qu Xing -- E718, ¥298 on 京东, ¥880($129.00) on ChineseMall:crazyeye:

Spoiler :
Thanks! BTW, Are the dictionaries from ChineseMall good? I think they are a bit expensive, isn't it?

I have checked the price at ZhongGuanCun, a zone of electronic products retailers. I haven't met Wen Qu Xing E828+talking, while I found another one pretty good for you. That is Wen Qu Xing A3000 talking king, the price is RMB1698, it is about $249.

Spoiler :
If you have to look for characters really fast in a place where you don't have computer, traditional dictionaries are uncomfortable as hell.
There's always google translate :mischief:
There's always google translate :mischief:

Google translate is not good at translating Chinese to English, it is always rediculous. And not good enough at translating English to Chinese when the English context has several Attributive Clauses in one sentence.
Well, when you need just one character it's not too bad.

Especially if you already know which one you're looking for. For example, if I didn't remember the Pinyin for 用 I could put "use" into Google translate, English to Chinese, and just copy-paste the character.
There's always google translate :mischief:



Spoiler :

If you have to look for characters really fast in a place where you don't have computer, traditional dictionaries are uncomfortable as hell.
Maybe you guys can hep me out. I am in the process of finishing a research project on Republican China from 1911-1937. Part of this project requires photos that I know precisely what they portray. So here are a few picture captions that I hope you guys might be able to translate. To me this is a bunch of numbers and letters in weird squares, so hopefully copy and paste still works if you have the font(or whatever) downloaded:

真照片:1927年一三惨案后,汉口英租界曾被汉口人民占领。该照片来自一英海军军官相册 ,他于1925年7月至1928年2月在汉口工作,目睹北伐军占领武汉,一三惨案,和汉口英租界被取消,并用照片和明信片纪录了这一历史时段。

"在北伐战争中,由于北伐的胜利进军,全国人民的革命热情受到了极大的鼓舞。1927年1月 3日,武汉人民为国民政府北迁和北伐胜利举行庆祝大会。在汉口江汉码头的前面和英租界的空场地上,有宣传员数人在进行演讲。英帝国主义者认为这是进行挑衅的极好机会,就调集大批武装水兵登陆,用武力驱逐听讲的群众,用刺刀在人丛中乱戳,当场有一名海员被刺身亡,有数十名群众被刺伤。鲜血染红了江汉关。


  1月5日,武汉40余万人冒雨举行抗议大会和示威游行,他们高呼“打倒英帝国主义!”、打倒军阀卖国贼”的口号。抗议大会以后,革命群众英勇地驱逐了英帝国主义的巡捕,占领了汉口的英租界。" 摘自人民网

I need the caption below translated. Particularly I need to know the names of people involved if possible(Chen Duxiu? Liang Shuming? Cai Yuanpei? Hu Shi? Li Dazhou?).

There will be plenty more.
I'm a professional translator. If you want, you can send me all the stuff you want to translate and what can you pay me.
I just realized that not all chinese posters can see our characters when we westerners write them. So in the following posts I'm gonna do a little experiment. I'm gonna write the same sentence using diferent codifications. Please, tell me which ones you see:

1. 科幻世界是最好的杂志。
2. 科幻世界是最好的杂志。
3. 科幻世界是最好的杂志。
4. 科幻世界是最好的杂志。

Which ones do you see? 1? 2? 3? 4?
all of them
Strange, since in the thread on traditional characters eoc couldn't see what I wrote.
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