Chris Kyle: All-American Hero?

You should read the entire article instead of just the parts that support your preconceived notions.
I did. In fact, I read it before you.

"If you can put two rounds into the same hole from twenty-five meters, that's gun control!"

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As you continue to completely ignore the aspects of "gun control" I already posted. The only aspects of "gun control" he is apparently opposed to are restricting assault weapons and gun registration. Other than that, he seems like a completely responsible gun owner.
Is the issue you intend for me to address the fig leaf of an undefined waiting period, the suggestion that people should demonstrate proficiency in firing guns accurately to own them, or the endorsement of conceal and carry provisions?

I mean there's so much to break down here, like his opposition to assault weapon bans, and that he took his son to shoot a machine gun as a father son bonding experience.

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As you continue to completely ignore the aspects of "gun control" I already posted. The only aspects of "gun control" he is apparently opposed to are restricting assault weapons and gun registration. Other than that, he seems like a completely responsible gun owner.

So he opposes both firearm registration on the assault weapons ban. As to the assault weapons ban, he endorsed loosening the then current law.

You say he's not a gun nut.

If only we had some definition of what constitutes a gun nut.

It is really quite simple. If you advocate no chance in the existing laws, you are pretty much a "gun nut" by definition, much less donating to the NRA to continue with this deplorable propaganda campaign.

75% of all Americans support major changes in the gun laws. 80% favor closing the "gun hole loophole". 70% of all Republicans even support stricter background checks in general. And 60% of all Americans even support banning assault weapons.

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Is the issue you intend for me to address the fig leaf of an undefined waiting period, the suggestion that people should demonstrate proficiency in firing guns accurately to own them, or the endorsement of conceal and carry provisions?
So you find something terribly wrong with the notion of gun owners having to show they have basic proficiency with their playtoys? That longer waiting periods would be somehow detrimental? That in particular, assuring those who do have concealed carry permits completely understand this grave responsiblity, as well as likely having to show an even greater proficiency with a handgun to minimize "accidents" and unintentional victims?

I mean there's so much to break down here, like his opposition to assault weapon bans, and that he took his son to shoot a machine gun as a father son bonding experience.
It was actually not a "machine gun" at all, at least if it occurred after that capability was deliberately removed from the M-16.

And you don't seem to have grasped the moral of the story at all:

I believe very strongly that guns are instruments of death. That’s all they’re used for; there’s no purpose for them other than to kill. I think you have to understand that in order to respect them. I have no fear of my teenage son handling weapons, because he has that respect. I remember the first time I let him shoot my M-16. He was just a young kid. I took him up to the lake, I set up a target range, and I let him shoot. He fired it three or four times, then he set the weapon down, walked away, and sat down. I asked him, “What’s the matter?”

He said, “I just need to rest a little, Dad.”

I told him, “See? It’s not like the movies, is it? This is real.” And he understood. What you see in the movies, and what you pretend when you play cops and robbers and that sort of thing, is very different than what you’re doing when you fire the real thing. You know that those projectiles you’re firing could kill. That’s what they’re designed to do.
But you just can't stop trying to vilify someone who has slightly different views than your own, but who seems to understand vastly more about responsible gun ownership than you will likely ever know.

Yet you still haven't offered your own personal opinions regarding "gun control" despite incessantly posting about it, even in a thread where it is clearly off-topic.

But you just can't stop trying to vilify someone who has slightly different views than your own....


If gun nuts are villains to you then that's your bag, man. Just know that, by your definition, Ventura's in there with Ted Nugent.
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