The 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt, mid-September 2024

only about half of registered voters see Trump’s false claims that he won the 2020 presidential election as a reason to vote against him in 2024.
Much too forgiving.

A 78% majority of Americans say they think that President Joe Biden will accept the results and concede if he loses the election this November.
By now outdated..but only 78%?
No chance that Biden wouldn't have conceded - 0%

Trump created a cult imo, and him being allowed to run for president again is already a big headache.
Some things that once were like written in stone have already been undermined..with possibly long-term damage taken.
I really hate it when these undemocratic leaders get voted in and then voted out again.

Undemocratic leaders win elections all the time. Sometimes, like Hitler, they get in and then stop having (fair) elections. Other times, like Trump or Bolsonaro, they get in, try to dismantle the system, fail, and then get voted out again, but there's never any guarantee that you'll be able to beat them like that once they gain power.
Trump never got particularly far in doing so besides a lot of moaning and groaning on his end. (Did anyone really obey his commands then in re overturning election results? I admit I wasn't following much news then).
So the idea of him being a "threat" in the sense that the (now) two guys who tried to shoot him posed a threat, or the way a country might put more troops on its border against another is a threat, is just a lot of hot air to me...
You haphazardly dismiss a coup attempt because he "never got far in doing so" and well no one listened to him regarding overturning the election result. So if someone arranges, organizes and plots a murder that same person is not subject to prosecution if the attempt fails? According to a recent poll if Trump loses 14% would take action to overturn the election and 46% would not accept the result. Id say his coup attempt and election denial have been largely successful in undermining public confidence in the election process. I think you casually dismiss these things because it did not affect your vote and you want trump as president or you are completely indifferent as to who gets elected (which I don't think is the case). Perhaps you just want an autocracy instead of a democracy?

Some"hot air"

A survey from the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at New York University released in May found that 36% of local election officials experienced harassment or abuse, and 16% were threatened.

Election workers are being bombarded with death threats, the U.S. government says
Government employees are being bombarded with threats even in normally quiet periods between elections, secretaries of state and experts warn. Some point to former President Donald Trump and his allies repeatedly and falsely claiming the 2020 election was stolen and spreading conspiracy theories about election workers. Experts fear the 2024 election could be worse and want the Justice Department to do more to protect election workers.
Lastly, I never tried to compare the threat that an assassin poses to DJT vs. DJT being a threat to democracy, you did. I never said that they are equal.

I suppose the above is relevant since it eludes to the idea that what you say matters i.e. trump green lighting people for violence.

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You haphazardly dismiss a coup attempt because he "never got far in doing so" and well no one listened to him regarding overturning the election result.
Yeah I gladly blow it off because you're overreacting. Trump talking to Pence and being ignored and nothing coming out of it is not "a coup attempt"--such things usually involved military takeovers of the various arms of the state like what the Bolsheviks did so it cannot function--it's just a dumb pointless conversation. One of very many I'm sure Trump's had while in office. But I tend to subscribe to the principal of don't attribute to evil what you can't to stupidity. And Trump just says a lot of stupid stuff which anyone can dismiss as not worth anyone's time, and have done so numerous times, apparently.

Anyway this is so far off the beaten path of the thread its not even funny so I'm done with it.
I sometimes wonder, if Trump were more of a reader, if he migntn't have noticed that most authoritarians who successfully overthrow democracy usually keep a paramilitary force whose loyalties they personally command wholly.

His intentions were fairly clear. His chosen organizational technique was to basically call a mob assembly together. This actually got stunningly close. I'd really not expected a mob would encounter so little resistance. Democracy had few defenders.
Trump talking to Pence and being ignored and nothing coming out of it is not "a coup attempt"--such things usually involved military takeovers of the various arms of the state like what the Bolsheviks did so it cannot function--it's just a dumb pointless conversation.
It absolutely was a coup attempt. Failed coup attempts are still coup attempts. Keeping Trump in office despite the fact that he was not the elected president was the central purpose of the whole coordinated activity. We are lucky that it failed, but it was without question an attempt to subvert the election results and keep Trump in office.

Since military involvement is important to your definition, I even believe there was a plan to get the military involved. Not to carry out the coup, per se, but in the following way that would have helped lead to the intended result.

What Trump wanted was resistance from the left that would manifest itself in a fire-fight. At that point, he could declare martial law and bring in the military to "get things under control" and "sort things out." Once he had done that, he would just have said, "Someone needs to determine why there is so much confusion about these election results. I'll just stay in office until we've got it all sorted out." And at that point, who is there to say him nay? and how?

People need to be sized up as a threat, before they successfully carry out the threatened action. Not much can be done after the fact.

Trump has no respect for our democratic process. And he will stop at nothing to seize power.
Yeah I gladly blow it off because you're overreacting. Trump talking to Pence and being ignored and nothing coming out of it is not "a coup attempt"--such things usually involved military takeovers of the various arms of the state like what the Bolsheviks did so it cannot function--it's just a dumb pointless conversation. One of very many I'm sure Trump's had while in office. But I tend to subscribe to the principal of don't attribute to evil what you can't to stupidity. And Trump just says a lot of stupid stuff which anyone can dismiss as not worth anyone's time, and have done so numerous times, apparently.

Anyway this is so far off the beaten path of the thread its not even funny so I'm done with it.
Being dismissive is not really an argument, you are distilling January 6 into a conversation with Pence and that's not what happened. It was actually planned and nurtured well before the date. Coup: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group. Merriam Websters January 6 fits that description. Trump uses the same mechanic you are using , something happens and then he tells you that what you just saw is not the truth. Either you believe what your saying or you are stuck in willing denial. Because Trump does and says stupid things does not absolve him from being dangerous. I think the danger of Trump is his willingness to do nearly anything in order to stay in power, break any rule,standard or tradition etc.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Trump was not just Mr. Magoo an Jan 6th.

Spoiler Jan 6 coup attempt timeline (sort of) :

11/4/20 Former Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Donald Trump Jr. text Mark Meadows on overturning the election. (Source: CNN)
11/6/20 Rep. Biggs (R-Ariz.) texts a plan to Meadows to reverse election results in favor of Trump. (Source: CNN)
11/14/20 Thousands of President Trump supporters rally in Washington, D.C., asserting that the election results are fraudulent. Violent clashes ensue between protesters, counter-protesters, and police. Source: NPR.
12/1/20 Barr announces there is no widespread election fraud. (Source: Associated Press (12/1/20)
12/7/2020 Stop the steal emerges
12/21/20 A group of congressional republicans meet with Trump in the White House to discuss January 6th strategy. (Source: Politico)
12/27/20 Trump calls Rosen twice, Donoghue joined the second call, during Trump went on in length about election fraud. Rosen at one point told the President the DOJ "can't and won't just flip a switch and change the election." (Source: Senate Judiciary)
12/30/20 Trump and Steve Bannon speak by phone, during which Bannon tells the President to "focus on January 6." (Source: Woodward and Costa, Peril)
12/30/30 MPD estimates there will be 23 protest groups and 25,550 protestors, and shares this information with the DCNG. The DHS estimates there will be 21 protest groups and 2,000 protestors, and shares this information with the Army Operations Center. (Source: DOD OIG)
1/5/20 Vice President Pence meets with President Trump in the Oval Office. During the meeting, President Trump pressures Pence to not certify the election results, and Pence refuses his offer. (Source: Woodward and Costa, Peril)
1/5/20 The night before January 6, President Trump made numerous calls to the Willard Hotel where he spoke to Giuliani, Eastman, Epshteyn, and Bannon, recounting his Oval Office meeting with Pence and seeking further ways to stop the joint session from certifying Biden's victory. (Source: The Guardian)
1/5/21 Meadows email, later released to the House Select committee, says the National Guard would "protect pro Trump people." (Source: CNN)

And the national guard was called in to restore order smells like a coup to me.

Anyway your right this is off the beaten path and does not have much to do with the assassination thread.
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