Christianity MUST be seperated into Protestant and Catholics

Should Christianity be split into the 2 major factions?

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I'd say that Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, all of them have just as much justification to be split along doctrinal lines.

Hinduism--deciding which god to raise above the rest of the pantheon is a big thing. Vaishnavism and Shaivism are hugely different--their main gods are the gods of preservation as opposed to the god of destruction. I'd say that's pretty darn big.

Buddhism--The Theravadas are far more strict Buddhists, whereas the Mayahanas are very much influenced by Hinduism and etc. There's a lot of doctrinal difference.

Islam--At the beginning, deciding wether the Caliphate should be an inherited affair is pretty darn big. And now they are very different on their adherence to Islamic law. There's a very big difference here, and they fought each other since nearly the beginning.

Christianity--The Protestants are more lax on some of their clerical restrictions and rituals, the Catholics are more tradionalist, and the Orthodox are different from all of them.

You just can't have them all be distinctly different religions--perhaps splitting off sects occasionally in the game, but not distinct religions. That would just clutter it.
i don't think the game needs more divisions and options just to clutterthe gameplay
Superkrest said:
fraxis was being simple about religion on try to avoid any religios furver that may be produced. Why complicate it. i really dont think that splitting religions would help anything..American baptists will turn and say..How dare they forget us and so on and so on and so doesnt need to be done..and frankly shouldnt..there never gonna make everybody happy so why try...appease the masses..and this argument in no way apeases the masses

thats all i have to say :D
There is something to be said for having schisms in religions appear during the game, but the game shouldn't have those until it has civil wars. It would also be hard to have religious schisms without having religious traits, which is thorny and difficult to sort out, because offense is inevitable, and they may be redundant with civ/leader traits. Maybe with further thought a satisfactory resolution can be devised, but I don't have much in the way of ideas.
No, it should be divided in 3 religions! You forgot the Ortodox people! There are more ortodox people in the world than protestant! And they are not so expansive than Catholics, they didn't killed millions of people in the name of God!
why do we have so many of these damn posts that assume the west was the only important culture or civ in history?
The West is a single civilization now? :p

Most people who play the game are from the West, and a lot of people who play the game are of a Western religion. They're biased. ;)
The whole idea is just silly. They're all still Christian.

Unless some people think that Christianity is somehow more special than other religions and thus more deserving of a nuanced and thorough treatment :rolleyes:
Andrew Jay, you are exactly right. No religion is deserving of any more treatment than any other. Although I have already briefly touched on some of the issues that seperate Protestantism irreconcilably from Catholicism, the fact remains that we still follow Jesus, and base our faith on the New Testament. Therefore, in a game like cIV, there is NO reason to split these two faiths up.
I'm just going to forget I read this.
Now that Christians are as disunited as ever why should that reality huant me even when I'm playing Civ?
no need to argue! Won't happen and right so!!! How ignorant do you have to be to DEMAND sth like that!?!?

I'm protestant. So what!?? I'm christian as well, so I can identify myself if I want to... I won't open this thread again... use- and needless :p
Man, NO!!

The game isn't even out and yet there are so many protest. We're playing Civilization, not "The absolute complete history of mankind with all gimmicks ever"...
I don't know what to say about this. Initially, I thought that it should be separated too, but now I'm not so sure.

I guess that the main thing that differentiates Prostestant/Catholic argument from those of the other sects of Islam/Hinduism etc is that.. It is much more political.

Let's face it, Catholicism has its head in the Pope. The difference would only be necesary if a Pope is included in the game.
To simplify the game, I think it should be just Christianity though.

I mean, before Luther, it was JUST Christianity anyway! :S
Bast said:
Let's face it, Catholicism has its head in the Pope. The difference would only be necesary if a Pope is included in the game.

There won't be no popes, but there will be holy cities which basically has the same meaning.
I voted yes on this. Im not a religioues person but its clear to me that many of the religions involved could/need to split up. Prehaps it something that will happen in the expansion. On a final not did anyone say MOD ?
No. I think having religion is bad enough already. I consider myself to be a Mod Luddite, I like to use "out of the box" rules. If it's possible to mod religion out of the game, I might actually do that.
I am beginning to think that religion is being implemented wrong.

There should be no Christianity as this game is to represent alternate histories and thsi is inserting our history into the game.

There maybe should have been a base religion monthesim ( for example), then events could happen like a messiah (sort of the way great leaders are made in Civ 3) and a new religion may pop because of this messiah. Maybe a prophet would pop up another time and another new religion would arise.

These events do not have to pop up in the same order each game and may not pop up at all.

Sun worship, theories of evolution, government type could make it hard for some religions to appear or survive.
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