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Citizen Group: The Knights of the Round Table

Aye, but are we sure that they would be our slaves?
With the proper persuasion, of course ;)
Alright, it's decided then. We shall destroy that tribe over there!! Kill the men! Rape the treasures and pillage the women!!
Originally posted by gunning1
And don't forget...France needs cows.

If I may interfere here:

As vegetarian I hereby demand no cows being used for food, nor for catapulting, unless they have parachutes.
We need rocks; they build cities. Therefore, we shall use them for cities. We are left with cows to catapult once our soothsayers figure out this "mathimatics" thing.
i wish to join the knights of the round table and by the way...

Originally posted by Vander
Alright, it's decided then. We shall destroy that tribe over there!! Kill the men! Rape the treasures and pillage the women!!

...good plan;)
I shall require an aplication form to this wholy order of round knights.
what? no aplication forms required? alright, then i offer my sword in service to this order of round knights! *pull out his sword and see to his embarrassment that its only a wooden club*.

um.... well, since i'm gonna be a night, would you mind giving me the gold needed to outfit me in gear befitted to my new station?

no? no gold? well, then i will from now on be know as Sir Roderick the Needy.
As soon as we discover Currency though, i would like to change my name to Sir Roderick the Borrower.
Well put, my friend!
*this group needs a revival, or atleast a bump, lol*

I would like to announce that i have moved to Vo Mimbre and so will not be able participate in any round table events unless i am given some advance notice.

I have discovered that there is a lot of cattle around here, and have strting practicing bull riding. its not going very well. i think we need to find a more docile animal for mounts if we intend to become what is commonly considered (or will be when invented) knights.
The cows, unlike the bulls, seem to be ok with me sitting on them but they wont go anywhere, they just ignore my presence altogether.

what? oh, the blood on my head? that's ok, its congealed already. nasty bump the last time i got thro......jumped off.....ye.... a bull, man that one was a mean beast.
Well said, my friend. I do hope your local round table goes as well as this one has (Only Cit. Grp. still posting!)
We have IRON!! Break out the swords, gentle Kights. We alas, do not yet have horses, or chivalry. I, however, was getting pretty tired of pulling the slivers I was getting from my wooden Sword! Let the Knights of the Round table arm themselves!

Get ye to, nay run to, your nearest black smithie

Quantities limited, product delivered on a first come first serve basis, must be of legal pillaging age. Some limitations apply.
Fantastic work, good sir (future) knight! We now are one step closer to defend the great nation of Fanatica!

What say you, knights?
You mean coconutshoes? The cows won't need shoes... they'll be traveling by air. :)
*report from the Vo Mimbre chapter of the Knights of the Round Table.*

Cows make a HORRIBLE animal for riding. and i have the brain damage to prove it. the cows are too lazy, they wont move even when yelled at. and the bulls are too energetic, they wont stop jumping around even when sternly talked to.

i suggest that for now we only use the cow population as amunition for our catapults, and wait untill we have animals more suited for riding before moving another step towards our grand dream of being "historicaly accurate Knights".

on another note, swiming (my favorite activity here in Vo Mimbre) should not be tried while wearing one's Iron Sword. turns out that while being great instruments of death, the do NOT... i repeat, NOT.... make very good flotation devices, even AFTER a stern talking to.

As for the horseshoes, may i suggest plunging your sword into the ground, and then from a few yards away trying to throw the horseshoes onto the sword. this activity can provide lots of family friendly fun.
Originally posted by RoddyVR
[B...As for the horseshoes, may i suggest plunging your sword into the ground, and then from a few yards away trying to throw the horseshoes onto the sword. this activity can provide lots of family friendly fun. [/B]

ah sounds interesting. well now that we have swords all we need are horses and a system of chivalry and the we will be true knights of the round table.
You know, gents. I've been thinking: I wonder if it is ok for us to be rude to women. You know, steal their chairs, make them work, slam doors unto them. You think we hurt their feelings? Further, perchance it is wrong of some of us to steal and lie and do "improper things"? Maybe a chivalrious code is in order...

On second thought, nah. The way we do it is much more fun!! Let's do this for a few more years then talk again.
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