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I don't recall when the Dutch polders was changed, it's been a while since I played or notice the dutch. The polders are working fine tho, the placement is a bit tricky to get going but it's working.

There is the graphical worker glitch (first thumbnail) when you build sea polders tho as the graphics change to the embark unit graphics for the worker and then it keeps it when it moves back on "real" land again. It's just a visual issue tho.

I do have a few issues or questions tho. You can build road on the polders but you can't build rail roads, intended or oversight? So it sort of counts as land in some regards but boats can still cross it. It's sea-land in a tile. (edit: seems I can sometimes build rail-roads on the polders). I don't quite understand why I can build a rail-road on one polder (second thumbnail) but not on the other polder (third thumbnail). It's weird.

I have not seen barbarians or the enemy pillage a sea polder as of yet. I don't know what the sea-road will look like either. Are polders pillage immune like some kind of embassy?

Then if the polder is land should or shouldn't it count as one of the required land tiles for constructing another polder? It currently doesn't so unless you get somewhat lucky geography-wise the sea polders will be a bit spotty here and there. Fun on archipelagos tho as you can somewhat easy build island together.

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Pretty sure the answer to this question is no can't be done or not worth the effort but I figured I would ask it anyways as maybe partly a way to vent ? -- -- but is there any way to clean up the Railroad graphics? I had a beautiful desert, Kasbah civilization that now looks like some malevolent, steroid induced, gross spider web civilization? (I never really noticed this before as normally this isn't an issue as I don't normally play tall, defensive or in the desert)
Sadly you can't do anything to Railroad graphics or how the game handles it.
Sadly you can't do anything to Railroad graphics or how the game handles it.
Not true.

Not true.

I mean not the texture, but the way the game handles the graphics.
Any texture can be replaced if you know how to do it.

Because the question is to "clean up the Railroad graphics", which means to make Railroad look better on a tile.
Another clarification- I thought airports removed isolation penalty? If this is no longer the case ( which it seems) how then if you have landlocked civ and you expand to islands are you supposed to remove isolation penalty - there is no lighthouse or roads connection because your cap and all other cities are land locked and no way to do a trade route from cap? Airports removing isolation penalty seemed pretty logical to me? Was there a reason for this change as a balancing item (i.e. just a penalty you have to live with or forcing you to get a costal settle before expanding to islands)? Seems pretty harsh
Ahh.... mula- Ok got it. thank you. Still seems a bit harsh though, was there really an issue - I mean airports are so so late game. But I guess I can kinda see this now if your conquering tons far from capital....... but you would most likely still have to annex and build the airport and pay the maintenance.....
Another clarification- I thought airports removed isolation penalty? If this is no longer the case ( which it seems) how then if you have landlocked civ and you expand to islands are you supposed to remove isolation penalty - there is no lighthouse or roads connection because your cap and all other cities are land locked and no way to do a trade route from cap? Airports removing isolation penalty seemed pretty logical to me? Was there a reason for this change as a balancing item (i.e. just a penalty you have to live with or forcing you to get a costal settle before expanding to islands)? Seems pretty harsh
Airports, in the history of the game, have never connected cities. I have been trying to make them do so, but it has proved difficult and I am stalled.
Airports, in the history of the game, have never connected cities. I have been trying to make them do so, but it has proved difficult and I am stalled.
Could not airports somehow install obscure "lighthouses" with no other yields than city connection? (ofc, I do not know more coding than "hello world" in qbasic...)
Is it bad form to ask when to expect the next version incorporating the VP Congress Session 3 votes?
Just check the latest commit on GitHub to see which feature that already got implemented. Some aren't implemented yet, including some from Sessions 1 & 2.
Could not airports somehow install obscure "lighthouses" with no other yields than city connection? (ofc, I do not know more coding than "hello world" in qbasic...)
Airports, in the history of the game, have never connected cities. I have been trying to make them do so, but it has proved difficult and I am stalled.
Ok- I swear at one time I remembered this but who knows as I could not find any evidence of this in the previous versions and previously I quit most of my games prior or right around airports (although not anymore 👍) - there was a discussion of this in - New Version - August 15th (8/15) and Gazebo said he could do it and then referenced WHoward's Pick'N'Mix Mods which does it - but I could not find any more info on it- too bad it seems like it really adds yet another reason ( or need) to settle costal but sometimes you can't as I choose advanced setting to put all players start on same continent and was land locked from the start and playing tall.
Hello I am getting missing UI buttons on diplomacy screens when trying to talk to other countries, like that comment on page 7, any help would be appreciated.

Okey the issue seems to be caused by the mod really advanced setup which I've been using many years now with no issues but I guess its no longer compatible.


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Hello I am getting missing UI buttons on diplomacy screens when trying to talk to other countries, like that comment on page 7, any help would be appreciated.

Okey the issue seems to be caused by the mod really advanced setup which I've been using many years now with no issues but I guess its no longer compatible.
No, it seems like your error was caused by other things. I use RAS on all of my games just fine.

[89485.406] Runtime Error: C:\Users\notdinos\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(3a) VP - EUI Compatibility Files\LUA\EUI_tooltip_library.lua:98: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

[89550.203] Runtime Error: C:\Users\notdinos\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(3a) VP - EUI Compatibility Files\LUA\NotificationPanel.lua:901: attempt to call upvalue 'GetMoodInfo' (a nil value)

[89550.531] Runtime Error: C:\Users\notdinos\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(2) Vox Populi\Core Files\CoreLua\DiscussionDialog.lua:182: attempt to call global 'GetMoodInfo' (a nil value)

[90041.593] Runtime Error: C:\Users\notdinos\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(3a) VP - EUI Compatibility Files\LUA\LeaderHeadRoot.lua:191: attempt to call upvalue 'GetMoodInfo' (a nil value)

[89559.234] Runtime Error: C:\Users\notdinos\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(3a) VP - EUI Compatibility Files\LUA\UnitPanel.lua:2327: attempt to call upvalue 'GetHelpTextForUnit' (a nil value)
Can you list all mods you used? Something else probably broke the EUI_tooltip_library.lua file, which caused all subsequent errors because those rely on that file working properly.
Played some games on this patch, zulu and japan (maybe not so surprising) most crazy with raging barbs.
Sweden is also strong but a bit lackluster because both uu comes a bit late (and ub very late).
Hello folks, casual lurker with one question: has the option to disable/reduce end game aggression been implemented on the UI?
Hello folks, casual lurker with one question: has the option to disable/reduce end game aggression been implemented on the UI?
It’s on one of the files, I believe it’s core changes.sql in Vox populi then set the setting to 0 if you find it.
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