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Civ 3 GOTM#3 *Spoiler* talks

Nice story dutcheese. Somewhat different than the other posts but very good. Sorry to hear that your computer crashed allmost at the ending... maybe your opponents had a secret weapon.

Well better luck next month.
I don't think I'm doing as well as a lot of you...I'm just not that good!

Well, I killed the French, Persians and Japanese before 1000 AD, and then relations started to get hairy between me and Hammurabi. He began to demand techs and maps from me, but he didn't have the balls to back it up. I gave him a chance to redeem himself, asking only for 23 gold. A measly 23 gold would have saved his empire...for a turn, at least.

We broke off diplomatic relations in around 1100, and the war began with some easy victories for me. One great leader has emerged (3 total in the game.) I have captured about half of his cities and he can only attack with Bowmen and Longbowmen. Unfortunately he has been making musketmen despite my best efforts to deny him the good techs. I think he has thrown everything he's got at me and actually ended up capturing one city. I got it back the next turn. Once the Babylonians are finished, I think Cleo will be my next target.

I not sure but my GOTM is Screwed Iam getting my balls kicked in by the Persians. I've cut them off from there supply of iron and still they keep come.

I have built three(3) habours total to connect my island chinni which has access to horses to the mainland I need them for CHINESE CALVARY but iI DOSN'T CONNECT ??? go ahead and check. I've tried selling and rebuilding the harbours but that don't work. Change government Nope . Explore the map more so that a more VISIBLE route is created NOPE. I think it is a BUG ???.

I about to snapkick my computer in the groin so hard sending it into orbit. Please D/L and have a LOOK at whats wronge with my game

Dammm it. :mad: :mad: :mad:

you have to be able to safely navigate the ocean before a sea route can be established-- i think it comes with the navigation tech.

I've had an unlucky and frustrating day. I started the day (the day's play that is! <g>) planning to finish off my GOTM #3.

The recent story of my game is: I'm in the early 1900s, with a game I'm very happy with so far. I own the entire main continent and have spent some time polishing it into the kind of domain I want it to be. I plan to time a culture victory to happen in 2050, the initial calculations and tuning are done.

But yesterday things went a bit off track. The English wiped out the Indians. They didn't seem that imbalanced, I guess I wasn't watching closely enough. This causes me some concern - I had been planning up to this point on leaving the occupants of the other continent in peace and just building up my own domain to a nice boring victory. But with the English owning the entire other continent it has become very likely they'll culture up past 50,000 and block a culture win. They were already a threat in that regard (they got most of the wonders which I didn't get), I think this is the final nail in the coffin of my original plan.

I should have either razed everyone on the other continent, or have bolstered up the Indians with gifts sooner. (I tried this when I saw they were losing their war but my help was too little and too late.)

Oh well, time for a new plan! I can either go for a 2050 spaceship or conquest. In my attempts to negotiate with the English for luxuries, they've gotten more and more demanding. I have six luxuries (I should have just five - more about that in another story) but I really want at least one (preferably two) more to boost happiness and score. If I trade at what the English think are going rates, I'll give them enough tech to start a space race way early and of course I don't want that. They won't take any amount of just money and luxuries, they really want the tech I'm holding back. So I decide that's it, I'll raze them and just TAKE the luxuries. (Besides, I did spaceship last month.) I'm so far ahead in tech that I'll be taking modern armour against their cavalry and infantry, it will be a lot of play time but easy and fun.

So in today's play I started by setting up on their continent, then I started the war. Two turns later, (long turns! these massive assault turns take a lot of work) wham, access violation. I restart and it does it again. Clean boot, same thing. I move the save game to a Win98 computer (I run Win2K), same thing. I go back to my start of the day save, ramp up for the war in a different sequence, invade at a slightly different place a number of years further advanced, start the war, wham, access violation. I then tried numerous times from the last save. I kept captured workers, I disbanded them. I attacked in different orders. I changed luxury settings. Etc, etc. A crash every time. Something about something I have done in this game is bad news for the program, and it seems that it bites me long after whenever I did whatever I did. Extremely frustrating!

I've kept a reproduceable crashable save and reported the bug to Firaxis. I'm going to consider today's play toast and start over from the today's start tomorrow. I'll play for the spaceship win I guess, will sleep on it. I think it is fair - I haven't learned anything from today's play except that I can't finish the way I want to. What a pain, not a fun day of play. Oh well, tomorrow is another day...
I tried this game for my second game after defeating cheiftein level. I expected hardship but what actually happened was pure insanity. I started the game and was doing pretty well. I built three cities on the coast and was spreading out my tenticles across the land, finding huts and killing barbarians. I did not confront the japanese because I have always thought early wars were too risky, little did I know. After a while, still pre-iron, the japanese demanded something I did not want to give up and so we went to war. I threw everything I had at them and could not get a break. I attacked, attacked, attacked, with elite warriors, veteran archers, and even spearmen. I lost 28 out of 30 battles. I lost a fortified elite warrior on a mountain to a regular archer and lost three archers (one veteran) and a warrior in one round of attacks on one of their cities. When my offensive fizzled without a single victory, they fell on me with regulars and later veterans. One city is taken easily, I finally win two battles outside my capital. Then my capital is captured, but it soon flips back. EndGame: After a brief bitter struggle, I am destroyed.
Originally posted by SirPleb
So in today's play I started by setting up on their continent, then I started the war. Two turns later, (long turns! these massive assault turns take a lot of work) wham, access violation. I restart and it does it again. Clean boot, same thing. I move the save game to a Win98 computer (I run Win2K), same thing. I go back to my start of the day save, ramp up for the war in a different sequence, invade at a slightly different place a number of years further advanced, start the war, wham, access violation. I then tried numerous times from the last save. I kept captured workers, I disbanded them. I attacked in different orders. I changed luxury settings. Etc, etc. A crash every time. Something about something I have done in this game is bad news for the program, and it seems that it bites me long after whenever I did whatever I did. Extremely frustrating!

I've kept a reproduceable crashable save and reported the bug to Firaxis. I'm going to consider today's play toast and start over from the today's start tomorrow. I'll play for the spaceship win I guess, will sleep on it. I think it is fair - I haven't learned anything from today's play except that I can't finish the way I want to. What a pain, not a fun day of play. Oh well, tomorrow is another day...

I had the same problem! I had taken the main continant, and the English had the other one. I was building up my army and transports to make a massive invasion. I had most of the English navy bottled up in a 10x3 area, surrounded by my ironclads, destroyers and battleships (I hate those nusiance attacks on my improvements, so I wanted a quick victory over their navy). But a couple of turns before I was ready to invade, the game crashed. I even tried going back to my earliest autosave, but but it would crash every time at the same date. I had to start over. I'm running WinXP on a dualie Athlon system, and sometimes games mis-behave on SMP systems, so I figured that was it, but it still crashed if I forced civ3 onto a single processor.
I have tried the same thing some time ago. It was not in a GOTM but it was the same. It was pretty late in the game and i had a lot of forces. Suddently it happened... There was nothing i could do about it. I havent installed any patches or anything. The game just crashed when it reached a specific year.. I gues it is something you have done earlier in the game and what i can see, the only thing there are to do is to restart..:(
I have had the same problem in other games. Tried everything and nothing fixed it. Eventually i tried going into Anarchy and lo and behold that got me through that year with no crash - so worth trying if you haven't already SirPleb.
Good Luck!
Originally posted by DeltaV

I had the same problem! I had taken the main continant, and the English had the other one. I was building up my army and transports to make a massive invasion.
Ouch, that sounds painful! Sounds like you were in a nice position. Most of the time I just let the AI navy pound my coasts during war and clean up afterward but it is very annoying. It sure would've been nice to start by sending their navy to the bottom!
Originally posted by Dirty Clint
I have had the same problem in other games. Tried everything and nothing fixed it. Eventually i tried going into Anarchy and lo and behold that got me through that year with no crash - so worth trying if you haven't already SirPleb.
Good Luck!
Hooray! Thanks Dirty Clint, that's a great suggestion and it works for me! My crashable save plays the next turn ok if I start by going into anarchy.

Thank you so much!!! I'm off to finish clobbering the English, no space program for me this time!

DeltaV: I hope you still have your crashable save and that this works for you too!
Wow I am good. I got 2 more Great Leaders from my war against the Babylonians. I should have built the Epic earlier, I guess.

Well the Babylonians have about 1/4 of their original cities, I have razed the rest. This might be a problem I realized because of the English and Egyptians building up on my continent. I shouldn't have sold them Navigation until later.
I have switched back to Despo for some more pop rushing while I wait for suitable boats.I have only gotten 1 leader after LOTS of elite victories.Should have made an army I guess and went Epic.Took Pyramids instead.Grannies and pop rushing make for a good combo.



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I've finished GOTM #3. My story:

I settle in the start position. The first three warriors explore, one SE (a waste of time), one north and then following the coast, one SW. I meet the Japanese but leave them alone till I've built up a bit. The land near home doesn't look promising. I decide to put the first settler beside a lonely flood plain tile.

I meet the Persians. There are lots of goody huts on this map! Far to the NW of Beijing my warrior gets a settler from a hut. I settle near there, hoping the new city will at least be a nuisance to the other civs. Another warrior gets Iron Working from a hut and it turns out there's lots of iron on the map. I colonize one near Beijing and shift production to Swordsmen. In the meantime I've brought a few units together and I attack the Japanese with them, taking two cities and then giving them peace for a third city.

Soon after (roughly 1000BC) I march on the Japanese again, wipe them out and they respawn. Next the Persians. I wait a bit because their cities are all size one. I'd rather capture than raze at this stage. They don't grow and eventually I just hit two of their cities. For peace I get their maps (they know the French, which is helpful) and one more city. I see that we're on a large continent - domination might or might not be possible without leaving it. I shift part of production to settlers, planning to dominate this continent asap.

Next I get horses so I switch to producing Horsemen. And I send my many Swordsmen to visit the Babylonians. I get a Great Leader from that and use him for Forbidden Palace in the ex-Japanese territory.

I leave a bit of the Babylonians and Persians, and the respawned Japanese, for later. They're all off-route and no threat now. It is time to march on the French who have grown to a considerable size.

The war with the French takes a long time. I do it in a few stages - take some cities, get something for peace, and repeat. During this long war I get two more Great Leaders. One goes to Pyramids, one to Great Lighthouse.

After finishing the French I clean out the Persian and Babylonian remnants. During the later part of the war with the French I started sending galleys to explore. They discover nothing useful by the end of the wars. I shift to settling and building some more horsemen in preparation for finding the next civ.

Soon after the end of the wars I discover the other continent. I trade for contacts and maps, without giving my maps away. The other continent seems to be roughly 1/2 the size of mine. I don't know yet whether taking all of my continent will trigger domination. I focus on expanding on this continent until I get Chivalry, deferring the decision of whether to continue expanding or to go to war until then.

I get Chivalry and discover much to my chagrin that Horsemen can't be upgraded to Riders! At this point I'd happily not have a special unit and just upgrade to Knights. Sigh. That's it, my ready-to-go Horsemen are useless. (Not really of course but they aren't nearly what I though they'd be!) So I'll go for expansion instead of conquest. I'll start by finishing this continent, if that triggers a win it is still early enough for that to be a not bad score. If it doesn't trigger a win then I'll go for 2050 and try to work out how much additional land I can take safely.

I discover Navigation, but can't trade luxuries with the other Civs! Weird, do they not have any harbors? They've been fighting and there's land available there, so I send a settler over. I'll gamble on taking one tiny bit more land, build a harbor, and then be able to trade.

On the same turn that I land my settler I see the English raze a coastal Indian city at the south, which had spices right beside it. It would take 8 turns to sail there. I put the settler back on the boat and go for it. (I send a new settler from home to the original spot at the same time in case.) The settler makes it in time and claims the spices. I now have 6 luxuries without needing to trade!

I wish I knew how much land I could take to increase score without triggering domination victory. I learn (thanks Aeson!) that the domination rule is quite awkward. I decide to stick with the land I have and just improve it as much as possible. I'll also leave the other Civs alone instead of razing them, to focus on improvements.

Many turns later I'm regretting that last decision. The English keep jacking up what they want in trade for luxuries. They badly want tech but I won't part with it - I don't want them getting strong and I don't want a spacerace.

In the early 1900s the English wipe out the Indians. I'd been planning a culture victory but it wasn't looking good, the English were already getting too much culture. This is the final straw. I'm fed up with the English demands in trades so I'll raze them, take the luxuries, and go for conquest.

My war with the English hits a bug in the program. I'd given up on finding a way to finish the conquest when Dirty Clint (thank you Dirty Clint!) suggested a work-around which did the trick. (Go into Anarchy to avoid the crash.) Around 1970, the English are down to one last city which is neatly boxed in, they will not be going anywhere else again.

Since lots of workers (at least 100 I think) came over to my side in this last war, I put them to use cleaning up the continent. The English won't be needing this land anymore and it is a dreadful mess of flatlands and paving. The workers quickly transform it into a big wildlife preserve. Then they get on the boats to join the homeland, to replace the population lost there due to starvation during the war.

Barbarian camps pop up at an amazing rate in the wildlife preserve! It is amusing how they mindlessly attack my high-tech park rangers (Modern Armor) with their clubs. I post enough rangers around the preserve to keep them in check. (An interesting discovery: camps can pop up right under the nose of a worker. But not one ever popped up in "sight" of a fighting unit.)

In 2049 I tire of the English's incessant whining and wipe their last city off the map!

That should have been the end of the story, but playing the last turn out hits the crash bug again! Oh well, reload the save game I thought I was submitting, go into Anarchy first, and try again. Yup, that does the trick. So my submitted save game is a bit odd in that it is been put into anarchy in 2049, to avoid the crash bug.
Originally posted by SirPleb
Ouch, that sounds painful! Sounds like you were in a nice position. Most of the time I just let the AI navy pound my coasts during war and clean up afterward but it is very annoying. It sure would've been nice to start by sending their navy to the bottom!

I usually don't have much of a navy either. I usually keep a few artillery around to hammer their ships if they get close enough, but other wise I just let the workers rebuild. But this time I got tired of those arrogant English ships moving in and out of my territorial waters. Since I was at one of those points where there weren't any improvements to build in my core cities, I just build a bunch of Ironclads. I could pump out about 1 every 3 turns in 4 cities, so I lined them up from the small mountain island to around the horn. The English decided to attack the Japanese, who had one tiny village in the southern tundra. They sent most of their navy to bombard the Japanese, so I just strung a line of Ironclads around all their ships (mostly Man-o-War with a few Ironclads). Shoulda saved the game and sent it to Firaxis for analysis.
This is going haywire. :( Again! :cry: I completely underestimated the Persians. They have about 20 immortals, and I've ran out of units, only some defenders. I'm lost. They'll hunt me down. They'll destroy me.

Can't I just do good for a change? :suicide:
Wow Thanks dutcheese I finally got NAVIGATION thats what is wrong I though it was some dumb ars bug. Yeah Horses at last.
(first time this had happened to me. since 1.16f)

Bit too Late now. I been standing on Defensive for 100+ turns
Some of my cities have changed hands 4-5 time. :p

FINALLLY there immortals/Knights have run out. Without iron to build any more. (I have 2pikeman + 1swordsman fortified on the resourse) it time for payback. Iam strong on DEFENSE.

BTW: My game crashed while SAVING. Great corrupted sav. I ended up restoring a Autosav. dose that count as cheating ???
Sometimes I forget to sav before exisiting (Late night games) and next time i play WTF??? Thank god for autosavs.
Well, my China is still around and it's c. 1600 AD. The Paersians made peace after taking only two of my cities![dance] One of those even flipped back to me eventually - only to reflip to Persia after working on a forbidden palace for ages. :rolleyes:

So, my little republic trudged on through the years giving everyone anything they asked for. Made it to gunpowder and had saltpeter right near one on my cities!:) Took a break from building city improvements to upgrade my pikemen. Was in the midst of shuffling units around (since I only had a couple barracks) when Elizabeth made some demands. Since she was already at war with France and Babylon I refused her 'request'. She declared war and I went on about my business. Next thing I new Englanders had taken my saltpeter city which I had left wide open!:eek: I had pike and musket men and a few left-over swordsmen I was about to disband. Built a rider quick and send it, the swordsmen and a pikeman to retake the city. Figured it ould be tough to take out the English knight. To my delight a vet swordsman did it all on his own!:lol: Garrisoned my cities fast, paid Elizabeth 40 gold and her 3 ships turned around.

Made it to democracy and switched govs. Just came out of anarchy and had to go to work.:(

My pitiful attempt to expand consists of cramming a couple new cities near my borders. I'm behind in culture and tech and have had trouble building a gold reserve because all the other civs are picking on me.:( Maybe someday I can stand up to them. In the mean time I've started the forbiddin palace for the third time. Another 123 turns or so and it'll be done...
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