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Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

UA-Temple Builders:All cultural&faith buildings are 40% cheaper.
UU-Phakak:Repl.spearmen +2:civ5strenght:, no cavalery bonus.
UI-Baray:Counts as a lake, +15%:c5food: in a city when it has one or more adjacent Barays.

Another Majapahit UA - Trade Archipelago:+3:c5gold: & 2:c5science: for each mutual open borders.
I like both the Sumerian UA and Vietnamese UB suggestions in the last two posts. For Vietnam, while I agree it should be a bit broader, I do think the Viet Cong is an inevitable UU based on both on consistency with how Firaxis chooses the UU (it should be comfortably familiar if possible) and the fact that the war was a significant part of Vietnamese history and their Jungle fighting ability was clearly a big part.

Yes, but I'd prefer the Jungle Fighting be incorporated into the Viet Cong UU rather that have it used as an ability that defines the civ. The UA should be something that reflects the country's history as a whole or a notable trait of the country.

I just felt that the Jungle Fighting was too influenced by the Vietnam war. The guerrilla fighting and all that, moving the UA to the UU makes the UU more interesting and give us the opportunity to add a more interesting and more useful (How many jungles are there really per game?) UA.

Edit: I've changed the UA in my previous post as it really was overpowered.
Figured I'd slap 'em down here since the other thread got closed. As I said in the other thread, the game interface seems to insinuate that different leaders get different UAs but not UBs or UUs. I'll edit more in when I have more time or ideas, and might make a mod out of it if I feel adventurous someday.

America: Richard Nixon. UA; Bureaucratic Chaos- Spies gain veterancy twice as fast. When you make peace with another player, you gain +10:c5happy: for 20 turns.
Arabia: Saladin. UA; Land of God- Your units gain +20%:c5strength: near cities you have ever controlled.
Babylon: Hammurabi. UA; Founder of Law- Citizens in your capitol do not generate :c5angry:.
Byzantines: Constantine XI. UA; The Marble Emperor- Whenever you lose a city or enter a golden age, four free Cataphracts appear near your capitol if you have horseback riding. Your palace generates 5 of every strategic resource you have discovered.
China: Liu Bei. UA; Peach Garden Oath- When one of your Great People builds a terrain improvement, he also starts an 8-turn Golden Age.
England: Richard I. UA; Lionheart- Your units gain +10%:c5strength: against barbarians and units from civs of different religions.
Rome: Marcus Aurelius. UA; Philosopher King- Free courthouses in every conquered city.

More later!
Moderator Action: @Peng Qi - sorry, I had meant this thread, which is the general purpose thread for such topics. Thread merged. :)
A few things...

Byzantines: Constantine XI. UA; The Marble Emperor- Whenever you lose a city or enter a golden age, four free Cataphracts appear near your capitol if you have horseback riding.
What would the bonus be after chivalry? Would it remain the same? What if the Byzantines have no horses?
China: Liu Bei. UA; Peach Garden Oath- When one of your Great People builds a terrain improvement, he also starts an 8-turn Golden Age.
Not a fan of Liu Bei myself, Cao Cao would have been a better 3k era ruler. The UA though is interesting. But perhaps make the golden ages scale as they would if you used it for a golden age?
Rome: Marcus Aurelius. UA; Philosopher King- Free courthouses in every conquered city.
Too powerful, imo.

Though I do like your idea of changing the UA for different rulers
What would the bonus be after chivalry? Would it remain the same? What if the Byzantines have no horses?
I was thinking the UA would be the same after Chivalry so the player would need to spend gold to upgrade (the flavor is that an ancient hero awakens from his tomb and rides out with his bodyguard to save the Empire), but was considering adding another bonus because it felt weak. Good point on the lack of horses though. I'll tie in a change to make up for that with the buff.
Not a fan of Liu Bei myself, Cao Cao would have been a better 3k era ruler. The UA though is interesting. But perhaps make the golden ages scale as they would if you used it for a golden age?
I was comparing it to Persia's UA and decided it would be too weak if they scaled down with use.
Too powerful, imo.
It is very powerful, but do you really think it's much more powerful than Rome's default UA?
I think for England at least Henry Plantagenet. Richard really only spent about 6 months in England.

England Henry Plantangentet. Common Law: Unhappiness due to size is reduced. Turns needed to annex or puppet a city reduced.

Henry II built the Angevin Empire and codified what would become English Common Law.

Denmark Canute Sweynsson. Wealth and Custom: Trade routes that go over water +2 gold. Worked sheep produce +1 gold. When Denmark eliminates a civilization they can choose a social policy.

Canute controlled his empire by increasing wealth for everybody and controlled trade in the North Sea. Since wool was the major trade item it gets a gold bonus. Canute adopted the customs of England when he was crowned King of England so when Denmark eliminates a civilization they adopt a social policy.

Germany Frederick Barbarossa. Holy Roman Emperor: Germany gets double friendship and allied benefits from city states.

The Holy Roman Empire really was a loose collection of dutchies and city states. Much more so then typical Fuedal Kingdoms. So if the Holy Roman Emperor was able to make most of them happy the Empire was powerful, if not then it wasn't.
It is very powerful, but do you really think it's much more powerful than Rome's default UA?

Giving a free Courthouse to every conquered city would allow this alternative Rome to be the most recklessness warmonger you can think of.

Normally, even if you have an army large enough to conquer half the map, the extra unhappiness from the conquered cities without Courthouses would keep you from doing it. If you insist, your cities just stop to grow, production is penalized, your units became weak etc.

Without the extra unhappiness and without the need of building a Courthouse, your old cities could just keep the army up while the recently conquered cities would develop quickly enough to join them in the effort. I believe this is way more powerful than the default UA.
Giving a free Courthouse to every conquered city would allow this alternative Rome to be the most recklessness warmonger you can think of.

Normally, even if you have an army large enough to conquer half the map, the extra unhappiness from the conquered cities without Courthouses would keep you from doing it. If you insist, your cities just stop to grow, production is penalized, your units became weak etc.

Without the extra unhappiness and without the need of building a Courthouse, your old cities could just keep the army up while the recently conquered cities would develop quickly enough to join them in the effort. I believe this is way more powerful than the default UA.
I guess I feel like the way I wrote it just saves you from having to build settlers and waiting for razing to complete to achieve the same effect, although if that happiness bug that makes courthouses even better than non-courthoused cities is still present it may indeed be too powerful.
I just realized my suggestion for Frederick Barbarossa is the practically the same UA as Siam.

To change it up a little lets go with

Germany. Frederick Barbarossa. Holy Roman Emperor: All city states donate units in addition to their normal friendship and allied benefits. Militaristic city states donate units at twice speed.

Leader: John II
Unique Ability: SEAS NEVER BEFORE NAVIGATED – When first to contact with a city state receives twice the regular amount of gold. When reach the renaissance era receive one great merchant.
Unique Unit 1: Carrack (replaces Galleass) - can cross ocean. +2 strenght (?)
Unique Unit 2: Bandeirante (replaces Musketman) - +1 movement point. Can cross forest and hills without hese specific terrain costs

Colour: White
2nd colour: Blue or indigo (someway, the inverse of US), these were the colours of the royal flag, as the colours of the flag from the republic are already taken by ethipoia...

Leader: John II
Unique Ability: SEAS NEVER BEFORE NAVIGATED – When first to contact with a city state receives twice the regular amount of gold. When reach the renaissance era receive one great merchant.
Unique Unit 1: Carrack (replaces Galleass) - can cross ocean. +2 strenght (?)
Unique Unit 2: Bandeirante (replaces Musketman) - +1 movement point. Can cross forest and hills without hese specific terrain costs

Colour: White
2nd colour: Blue or indigo (someway, the inverse of US), these were the colours of the royal flag, as the colours of the flag from the republic are already taken by ethipoia...

Marduk and Pouakai already compiled an idea for the Portuguese civ, and I personally like that idea better:

Leader: Henrique o Navegador
Capital: Lisbon
Starting Bias: Coast/Hill/Grassland
Music Theme: A Portuguesa with fado style
Unique Unit: Carrack. Strength: 12. Ranged Combat: 6. Range: 2. Movement 6. Cost 90. This unique Portuguese unit replaces the caravel. It can sail through the waters of city-states without incurring negative influence for tresspassing. When a carrack discovers a city-state, the capital receives Great Merchant points equal to their gift of gold.
Unique Building: Feitoria. Replaces the harbor. Provides +2 city defense and has a merchant specialist slot.
Unique Ability: Merchant Lane Monopolies. Researching Astronomy provides a free Great Merchant. The capital receives a bonus sum of Great Merchant points when another city builds a feitoria or when a mission for a city-state is completed. The capital receives a smaller sum of Great Merchant points whenever a city declares "We Love the King Day".
Leader: Henrique o Navegador
Capital: Lisbon
Starting Bias: Coast/Hill/Grassland
Music Theme: A Portuguesa with fado style
Unique Unit: Carrack. Strength: 12. Ranged Combat: 6. Range: 2. Movement 6. Cost 90. This unique Portuguese unit replaces the caravel. It can sail through the waters of city-states without incurring negative influence for tresspassing. When a carrack discovers a city-state, the capital receives Great Merchant points equal to their gift of gold.
Unique Building: Feitoria
Unique Ability: Merchant Lane Monopolies. Researching Astronomy provides a free Great Merchant. The capital receives a bonus sum of Great Merchant points when another city builds a feitoria or when a mission for a city-state is completed. The capital receives a smaller sum of Great Merchant points whenever a city declares "We Love the King Day".

In precious civ games, portuguese always had the carrack, a useful unit, but portuguese sailors also used caravels as well. Actually, the term Nau is much more used than Carrack in portugal (itá a spanish term). Consult:

Nau = galleon (i guess) and not caravel. Actually, I dont' know where to replace it as there are no galleon units in civV

In my idea, if they ever put PORTUGAL in civV, CARRACK should replace galleass with the ability of enter ocean in the middle of the medieval era (portuguese were the first european to expand out of low medieval europe) but have the same cost and strenght as the galleass. In other way, It could replace the caravel, but i think it wouldn't be the best idea:

"A caravel is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravel

In civilization IV feitoria is present as the UB for portugal. But in civIV each nation only had 1 UB and 1 UU. Now you can have 2UUs or 1UU and 1 UB, bringing more diversity to the game. As many buildings in civ are related to the western civilization, many western empires in the game have 2UU right? There are few unique buildings that corresponde to only one civ.
Feitoria was more a trading post than a building in a city. There were also feitorias from the dutch, the english, the french, etc.
"Factory (from Latin facere, meaning "to do"; German "Faktorei", Portuguese "Feitoria", Dutch "Factorij") was the English term for the trading posts system originally established by Europeans in foreign territories, first within different states of medieval Europe, and later in their colonial possessions." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feitoria

Of course a feitoria is always related to portuguese as they established nome few in africa, asia america and europe. But the game could get more diversity to the nation (and against civIV) in portugal had a UU instead of a UB.

This was my line of thinking for the second unique. After a research I thought portugal should be related to something in brazilian expansion and colonization. Bandeirantes were kind of scouts and slave traders of the portuguese empire that expanded the borders of the colony of Brazil. They had major importance in the development of portugal as they found the gold mines that brought lots of gold to the empire.


According to my idea: BANDEIRANTES (replaced musketman) had benefits for expansion. They could build mines or have more moviment points.

Abou the leader... Infante D. Henrique was very important in portuguese history but he was not a state leader, he was only focused on sea expansion. D. João II rulled the portuguese during their expansion. it is said that he sent sailors to india and they discovered brazil (before colombo discovered america). He was a very closed king who kept the state decisions only to his small court. he also sent spies to the middle east and asia.

So, portuguese UA should be related to merchants, exploration trought sea, city-state benefits or espionage. The idea of MARDUK80 is almost only related to great merchants. In fact, discovering a city-state is keeping diplomatic relations with it. That incluides trade. Portugal should me more related, in my opinion to contact with city states as carrack is related to sea discovery and bandeirantes to land exploration or improvment.
The name of the UA proposed by MARDUCK80 is a really good one. But it should have something more related to a portuguese national simbol (as england has SUN NEVER SETS, america has MANIFEST DESTINY, ...)

So, according to this arguments, I think PORTUGAL should have: Leader: John II; UA: SEAS NEVER BEFORE SAILED (passage of THE LVSIADAS) that gives a free great merchant when reaching the renaissance (or discovering astronomy; When playing with a sea exploration civ it's almost the same in the most cases) and double gold if first to discover a city-satate (portuguese were the first europeans to trade with asian cities by sea in a direct way).

Satring bias and music theme idealized by MARDUCK80 are really good.

This is just my opinion with the respective arguments. As I would like to see portugal in civ V again, I thought I should explore these forums and give my small contribution. I will try to give more suggestions to Poland-Lithuania, Assyria, etc.
Civilization: The Toltecs

Leader: Quetzalcoatl (Topiltzin if you want to go for his name before he became the grand ruler)
Symbol: A statue of the temple of the warriors
Capital: Tula
Colors: Calm red and shaded yellow

UA: The Prophet King will Return
Receive 30% combat bonus for fighting in neutral or allied soil. Great Prophets nearby increase movement of units +2 at start of turn and +2 strength.

Justification: Arguably the most famous myth of Mesoamerica is the rise and fall of the King/Prophet/God Quetzalcoatl. A once mighty king he resisted his prophets and priests and changed religion in the region. He told his peoples to stop human sacrifice. He defeated the Chichimecs and expanded the empire before being exiled by the house of nobles who feared his power. His supporters followed him throughout Mesoamerica and they conquered every city they passed reforming religion and culture (Many maya cities adopted Toltec culture and architecture afterwards). Eventually he conquered the Yucatan's coast (Chichen Itza, Uxmal, etc.) and then sailed to the east promising to lead his followers once again

UU: Itza Holy Warriors:
(Replaces swordsmen) 40 Production. 7 Strength (+50% strength fighting outside of borders) Require no iron. (Woodsmen Promotion)

Alternative UU: Cruzobs:
(Replaces Musketmen) May spend faith to promote unit when built (1 Faith per experience point). +10% Combat fighting near Holy Shrines.

UB: Chaacmools:
Replaces monument: +1 food +1 faith in city (in addition to the normal culture).

Leader: John II
Capital: Lisbon
Starting Bias: Coast/Grassland/hills
UU1: Carrack (replaces galleass) – can enter ocean in the medieval era (leading the Portuguese to explore the sea earlier than other civs)
UU2: Bandeirante (replaces muketman) – Ignores river movement costs. Can build mines of gold, silver and gems.
Colours: 1 – White; 2 – dark blue (inverse of America. The colours of the royal flag during the golden period of the country. Don’t be mistaken, I’m republican but the colours of the actual flag are already assigned to ethiopia)
Symbol: Armillary sphere (symbol in yellow in the middle of the portuguese flag).



Leader: Sigismund II (who introducel the democratic system)
Capital: Warsaw
Starting Bias: Grassland/plains
UA: GOLDEN LIBERTY: Cities grow up with only 1/4 of the happiness costs during renaissance. During the next era (industrial in CivV GaK?) each city grouth gives +1/2 unhappiness.
UU: Uhlan cavalry (replaces cavalry) – strength: 29 (+4 than cavalry)
UA: Slachetny farm – farm that provides +1 gold (Why “noble farm”? Because the nobles were who had most farm in the commonwealth. Why gold? Because this state provided lots of farming goods to Western Europe)
Colours 1- Gold (or a really dark yellow) 2- dark red (there are many white and red civs)
Symbol: knight on a horse (like in the coat of arms)



Leader: Pedro II
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Starting Bias – river/jungla/plains
UA: INDEPENDENCE OR DEATH – Construction time for railroads reduced by 50%. Cost of factory, seaport, public school and hospital reduced by 10%
UU1: Guarda Nacional (replaces riffleman) - +25% strength if fighting 2 or less tiles away from a brasilian city
UU2: Guarda Imperial (replaces wwi infantry) – double defense if is being attacked in a jugle/hills tile.
Colour: 1- green; 2- black
Symbol: The globe in brazilian flag

In civilization IV feitoria is present as the UB for portugal. But in civIV each nation only had 1 UB and 1 UU. Now you can have 2UUs or 1UU and 1 UB, bringing more diversity to the game. As many buildings in civ are related to the western civilization, many western empires in the game have 2UU right? There are few unique buildings that corresponde to only one civ.

Feitoria was more a trading post than a building in a city. There were also feitorias from the dutch, the english, the french, etc.
Of course a feitoria is always related to portuguese as they established nome few in africa, asia america and europe. But the game could get more diversity to the nation (and against civIV) in portugal had a UU instead of a UB.

This was my line of thinking for the second unique. After a research I thought portugal should be related to something in brazilian expansion and colonization. Bandeirantes were kind of scouts and slave traders of the portuguese empire that expanded the borders of the colony of Brazil. They had major importance in the development of portugal as they found the gold mines that brought lots of gold to the empire.
You said the Feitorias would be a bad choice because: 1) They were featured in Civ IV ; 2) They were a kind of trading post, an “improvement”, and not a “building”; 3) Although they’re always related to the Portuguese, they are not unique to them.

In my opinion, we should not evaluate Civ V diversity from a Civ IV viewpoint. You recognized the fact that Western civilizations lack UBs in Civ V, but, for the sake of distinction from Civ IV, Portugal should get yet another UU. And does the Bandeirantes help with uniqueness? I mean, at least the Feitorias are always associated with the Portuguese; Bandeirantes are often associated with Brazil. I don’t want to start a historical debate over this, but I’m sure the Bandeirantes were and are more important and close to Brazil than to Portugal. They could include the Bandeirantes as a Portuguese UU in a similar way they did to Sweden and Denmark (with Brazilians cities in their city list, and so on). I don’t think that would work, tough.
it is said that he sent sailors to india and they discovered brazil (before colombo discovered america).
So, portuguese UA should be related to merchants, exploration trought sea, city-state benefits or espionage. The idea of MARDUK80 is almost only related to great merchants. In fact, discovering a city-state is keeping diplomatic relations with it. That incluides trade. Portugal should me more related, in my opinion to contact with city states as carrack is related to sea discovery and bandeirantes to land exploration or improvment.
So, according to this arguments, I think PORTUGAL should have: Leader: John II; UA: SEAS NEVER BEFORE SAILED (passage of THE LVSIADAS) that gives a free great merchant when reaching the renaissance (or discovering astronomy; When playing with a sea exploration civ it's almost the same in the most cases) and double gold if first to discover a city-satate (portuguese were the first europeans to trade with asian cities by sea in a direct way).
Every civ receives 15 gold for discovering a CS, and already get a 2x bonus (=30 Gold) if it’s the 1st civ. If you meant “double doubled gold” (60 Gold), than I would say it’s a pretty weak UA. For instance, you have to be the first discoverer of more than 16 City States to amount 500 Gold from the UA. This UA is very similar to the Spanish, but they’re able to do 500 Gold much easier.

Also, the UA Marduk and Pouakai compiled (I believe steveg700 created it) also involves missions to CSs (representing the Portuguese historical influence in CSs) and acquiring “We love the King day” (giving importance to the Luxury resources). The UU “Carrack” has to do with naval exploration and CS discovery, and the UB “Feitoria” stands for the Portuguese former economic power. IMO it’s a nice suggestion, with an unique gameplay while being historically accurate. I really wouldn't change that.
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