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Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!



Kievan Rus'






First to Iron - Mined Iron produce +1 Gold. Horse and Iron resources produce

Friends of the Great Lakes - Pastured Horses produce +1 Gold. Horses produce double quantity.

I believe these two are underpowered. Compare them with the Russian UA.

Jewel of Asia - Religious Buildings produce +2 Culture. Artists produce +2 Faith.

Perhaps the Khmer are too powerful this way. The first religious building, the Shrine, costs little and is unlocked quickly. If you're going religious, you'll probably build them as soon as it's possible, so it becomes similar to the the French UA, but progressively stronger. (Loved the UB idea, though)

Muslim Scholarship - Cities with the dominant religion receive 50% Science. Specialists produce 1 Science and Scientists produce an extra 2 Faith.

Maybe it's too strong as well, compare it with Korea for instance.
If you have seen my thread showing the preferred religion for every civ, you may know what I am talking about. If you haven't seen it, link:

You notice that both Judaism and Sikhism are unrepresented. I have seen requests for Israel, but what about the Sikh Empire?

Possible leader: Ranjit Singh (founder of the Sikh empire)

Possible unique unit: Nihang (Sikh military group, replacing ???)
Possible unique building: Gurudwara (Sikhism place of worship, replacing temple?)

Not sure what the UA should be, should probably look up more about the Sikh Empire...

Any thoughts on the Sikh Empire? Do you think there is a better civilization to represent Sikhism? And simply discuss civilizations that can represent Judaism and Sikhism. People were discussing this on the thread listed above, but it truly belongs here.
I believe these two are underpowered. Compare them with the Russian UA.

Perhaps the Khmer are too powerful this way. The first religious building, the Shrine, costs little and is unlocked quickly. If you're going religious, you'll probably build them as soon as it's possible, so it becomes similar to the the French UA, but progressively stronger. (Loved the UB idea, though)

Maybe it's too strong as well, compare it with Korea for instance.

Thanks for the input. The Hittites are a carbon copy of the WOTAW civ, but that's not to say I can't work on it. I can see how the Malinese UA is overpowered, I'll remove the Specialist bonus and tone done the city bonus. Not sure exactly what to do with the Khmer, but I'll figure something out.
The insinuation of a civil war scenario that failed to materialize in anything but files got me thinkin'; what about a "might have been" civ list that uses some resources from existing Civs? These Civs would use the color scheme of their "parent" Civ and couldn't be in the game at the same time as the parent Civ. For example:

The Confederate States of America (USA)
Leader: Robert E. Lee (I don't care if Jefferson Davis was the real leader, he's not as interesting. It's just like Gandhi and India.)
UA: Foraging; Units suffer no Strategic Resource penalty.
UU: Minutemen
UU: Black Knight (Replaces Cavalry); Ignores terrain costs.

Teutonic Order (Germany)
Leader: Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim
UA: Furor Teutonicus
UU: Teutonic Knight (Replaces Knight); +1:c5strength:, +20%:c5strength: near cities with no majority religion and Barbarians.
UI: Hochmeister's Castle (Replaces Citadel); grants +2:c5food:, +2:c5production:, +2:c5gold: to the tile.

Achaea (Greece)
Leader: Agamemnon
UA: Scourge of the Mediterranean; all land units gain +20%:c5strength: when attacking or defending on or next to coast tiles. Embarked units gain +1:c5moves: and +25%:c5strength:.
UU: Hoplite
UU: Siege Machine (Replaces Swordsman); can't attack units. +100%:c5strength: versus cities.

Occidental Empire (Rome)
Leader: Flavius Stilicho
UA: Stilicho's Guile; barbarians defeated inside your territory join your civ.
UU: Legion
UI: Watermill; unlocked with The Wheel. Can only be built on river tiles. +1:c5food:, +1:c5production:. +1:c5gold: with Machinery.
The Tibetan Empire
Leader: Thubten Gyatso
UA: Peace-Love (+20% Culture, Faith when at peace, DoF's give +5% Happiness)
UU: Monk (Replaces missionary, 50% stronger)
UGP: Dalai Lama (Replaces Great Prophet, can spread 6 times instead of 4)

This would be a very faith-centric civ as you can tell. The UA maybe a bit unbalanced, and the UU and UGP a bit repetitive, but whatever!
I've edited my UA's to re-balance the traits on the OP, here's the upshot.

the Hittites;
First to Iron - Mined Iron produce 1 Production and 1 Gold. Horse resources produce double quantity. Iron resources produce triple quantity.

Not sure if it's overpowered now, it seems like it to me.

the Khmer;
Jewel of Asia - Natural Wonders produce 1 extra Production and Culture. Artists produce 2 Faith.

This seems reasonable enough.

Muslim Scholarship - Cities with the dominant religion receive 20% Science. Scientists produce 2 Faith.

20% appears most reasonable to me, I can drop it a bit further though.

the Sioux;
Friends of the Great Lakes - Pastured Horses produce 1 Food, 1 Production and 1 Gold. Horses produce triple quantity

This also looks overpowered to me. And just on a whim,

Land of Two Rivers - Ignore terrain cost across Rivers. Cities produce 1 Culture from every 2 tiles next to a river.

Seemed underpowered where it was, so I added the Culture mechanic.
Hey everyone! This is my first post to this site, though I've played Civ and perused the site for many years. I just downloaded G&K and I'm loving it!

I don't know how to mod, so before I even attempt to learn, I figure I'll throw an idea I had out and see what reactions I get. I enjoy learning about history, and one of the more intriguing civilizations I have come across was the Sea People. There are a number of theories about them, but not much is known for certain. What is known is that they terrorized early Mediterranean civilizations, especially Egypt, and likely led to the downfall of the Hittites (another civ I know many people think should be added) and Mycenaeans.

This is what has not been discovered about them (though there are plenty of theories):
-How they coordinated
-Where they originated
-How they managed to constantly fight and defeat large empires
-Who their leader/s was/were

You might wonder how such a civilization might be incorporated, but I've got an interesting idea.

Civilization: Sea People

Colors: Green & Black

Leader: Unknown
*Diplomacy may still be conducted, but the diplomacy screen will remain blank except for dialogue

Start Bias: Coastal

Capital City: ? (to the SP) or ??? (to everyone else)
All other cities: ??+ (to the SP; ?? for second city, ??? for third...) or ??? (to everyone else)
*City names may still be changed from their default, but the ??? will remain for other civilizations

Unique Ability: Unknown Origins

1) City information is initially unavailable to all civilizations.
*City names, statistics, graphics, and status cannot be seen by other civilizations. Only city locations, health bars, and garrisoned units are displayed. The other information may only be discovered through espionage, embassy creation in the capital, or conquering a Sea People city.

2) Demographics for the Sea People are not displayed
*The Sea People may see their own demographics.

3) The Sea People gain the immediate knowledge of all coastal cities established during the first turn.
*Only the city tile itself is revealed. The Sea People still must "encounter" any other civilization or city-state before engaging in diplomacy or receiving any benefits associated with their discovery (as in gold or faith for meeting a city-state).

UU1: Sherden Guard (Replaces Spearmen)

1) Starts with the Embarkation and Amphibious promotions

2) Starts with the Destroyer of Chariots promotion: Receives +50% combat strength during attacks on chariot units and +50% defense against ranged attacks by chariot units.

3) Starts with the Seafaring promotion: Sherden Guards are invisible to other units while embarked.
*To prevent issues, while not at war, units from other civilizations may share tiles with them; when at war, enemies units (not cities) may attack them, but the units themselves and their damage meters will remain invisible to the enemy.

4) Starts with the Amphibious II promotion: Receives a +10% combat bonus when attacking cities from the sea.

5) Starts with the Defector promotion: Defeated Sherden Guard units have a 75% chance of defecting to the enemy. These units lose their Seafaring promotion upon defection.

6) Costs 70 production

UU2: War Ship (Replaces Trireme)

1) May be constructed from the start. Sailing does not have to be researched

2) Receives the Naval Scout promotion: +1 movement and +1 visibility.

My logic:

1) I thought it would be great to include the Sea People, despite the lack of knowledge surrounding them, because they played an important role in early history. If anyone doubts me, please look them up.
2) The Unique Ability seems accurate given that to this day, nobody knew where the Sea People came from or what happened to them (though there are plenty of theories).
3) The Sherden Guards seem like a proper inclusion. They were considered to be so powerful, that Ramses II actually employed captured units in his royal guard. They may be the reason the Sea People were able to fight so well, possibly contributing to the downfall of a number of civilizations.
4) Though they have no formal name, the Sea People did have a common ship depicted by other civilizations. Not too much is known, except that these ships were fairly powerful. I gave the attributes to this ship that seems most logical given the nature of the Sea People.

Anyone have any thoughts? I don't know if I'll ever get around to making a mod for them, and it would probably be way more difficult than most typical mods for new civilizations, but eventually I might give it a try.
Wow, that's the most unique idea for a civ I've ever seen!
Kudos on the idea, but I have mixed feelings on it as a whole. Some of the ideas are great and well thought out; like no demographics and the naval UU before Sailing, but I think the Sherden Guard is overpowered. I get their domination on the battlefield, but an attack and defence bonus against chariots, and Amphibious II, it all seems a bit much for an early unit. Coupled with the 'instantly see coastal cities' trait and they really would be the Sea People dominating the world one guard at a time. I'd say drop the defence bonus - the attack bonus is fine by itself - and keep it to Amphibious I, other than that I like it, but you'll have a hard time getting city names.
Oh, and welcome to CFC. :)
Its an interesting idea, indeed... Unique and the like. May theories ponder what the Sea People were, Some say Libyans, some say Phygrans, some say Mycenaean Greek. We know with certainty that the survivors settled around Gaza, Askalon and the like, becoming the Philistines.

I think the bonus against chariots is a bit underpowered though, people rarely use them, after all.

Leader: Tiridates III

UA: One Nation, One Culture; +1 :c5culture: Culture for every +5 :c5faith: Faith per turn. Each expended Great Person permanently grants +5% :c5greatperson: Great People generation in the :c5capital: Capital.

Trivia: Armenia is a little great civ with a rich history and unique culture, often permeated and blended with religious elements. Despite being surrounded by major powers, such as the Persians, Turks and Russians, and going through the sad incident that was the Armenian Genocide, Armenia was able to preserve its heritage, which is illustrated by its lively language, popular culture, amazing medieval art, architecture etc.

UU: Mamikonian; Replaces Great General. Provides an additional +15% :c5strength: combat bonus inside friendly territory. After a Mamikonian dies or is consumed, the terrain he was last occupying works like a Holy Site, and your empire gains a significant amount of :c5greatperson: GP points towards a new Great General.

Notes: It's the terrain of the tile on which the Mamikonian died or built a citadel that works like a Holy Site. This essentially means that you can build whatever improvements do you want upon it, and it'll still yield +6 faith and, if you have completed the Piety policy tree, +3 Culture and +3 Gold.

Trivia: The Mamikonians were an important and influent family in Medieval Armenia, acting as political and military leaders and often fighting for the Armenian Independence. More than one Mamikonian was made Saint upon his death, thus the Holy site thing. The most famous is probably Vartan Mamikonian.

UB: Mountain Monastery; Replaces Monastery. Can be built in every Armenian city after Theology is researched, regardless of religious beliefs.
Cost: 150 :c5faith: Faith. Yield: +2 :c5culture: Culture and +2 :c5faith: Faith; +1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture for each source of Incense and Wine worked by this City and for each mountain within the City radius. 1 Engineer Slot.

Notes: With this UB, the "Monasteries" Follower Belief became useless. This gives an incentive to Armenia found and control its own religion.

Trivia: Armenia is regarded as the first Christian country in the world, establishing the Armenian Apostolic Church, so it’s nice to give the Civ an incentive to found and control a religion as soon as it's possible. The country has a gigantic amount of very old churches and monasteries, many of them at reclusive, mountainous locations. Also, the Mount Ararat plays a major role in Judeo-Christian tradition and Armenian Culture.
Spoiler Monasteries :
The Khor Virap Monastery, where Saint Gregory - who supposedly converted Tiridates III and, thus, the whole pagan Armenia - was initially imprisoned. Mount Ararat in the background, where Noah's Ark supposedly landed:

Additional Info:

Starting Bias: Plains, Hills, and Mountains.

Color Scheme: (((O)))

Symbol: Armenia has more national symbols than everyone else. Here are some of its historic flags:
Spoiler flags :

Music Theme: Sayat-Nova, Komitas or Aram Kachaturian; (Personal suggestion)
As you all probably know, Gods and Kings is adding 9 new civs to civ5. However, there are still lots of civilizations I want them to add to Civ 5 (dlc, expansion, etc...) Here's my list feel free to coment.

#1. Portugal- It is truly shameful Portugal is not already included in civ5. They were the first of the European powers into the age of discovery. millions of people speak portuguese now thanks to their efforts. They were both a cutural and explorative super-power in their hayday
Possible UA-Age of Exploration- Scouts, Caravels, and mounted units all have +1 line of sight and movement, +100% gold, culture and population yield from ancient ruins
Possible UU-Carrack- Replaces Frigate- +1 line of sight, and +1 movement
Possible UB-Feitoria- Replaces Seaport- +1 Gold on each water tile worked by the city.

#2. Sumeria-This is ridicules. The civilazation that brought us writing, the wheel, math and so on, isn't even in the full game. It would even be easy to include them because their already featured the Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario, Just slap on a new unique leaderhead, tweak somethings, and boom new easy civ.
Possible UA- Land of Two Rivers- +1 food from each tile adjacent to a river, and no movement penalty from crossing rivers
Possible UU-Phalanx- Replaces Spearman- +1 combat strenghth and is available at mining instead of bronze working.
Possible UB-Ziggurat- Replaces Temple- +1 culture and +1 hapiness than a temple

#3. Assyria- One of the most BA civs to ever appear in history. No civilization made a bigger impact on the major civs of the Ancient Age than Assyria, burning, looting, pillaging they did it all. They were the great bullies of the Ancient Age.
Possible UA-Total Decimation- +20% combat bonus versus civs that are smaller than them. (The opposite of Ethiopia's ability)
Possible UU-Heavy Chariot- Replaces Chariot Archer- is a melee unit instead of ranged unit
Possible UB-Training Grounds- Replaces Barracks- Costs no maintenance unlike the Barracks

#4. Poland- A superpower in it's glory days, and a proud nation always struggling for it's independence on it's off days. Poland has changed Europe in so many ways including being the tipping point of World War Two. Poland would nicely fill that gap in Eastern Europe, and Poland deserves it too.
Possible UA- Polish Heritage: +33% combat bonus in friendly territory.
Possible UU1- Uhlan- Replaces Lancer- +2 extra combat strenghth
Possible UU2- Winged Hussar- replaces Knight- +30% combat bonus against wounded enemies

#5. Sioux- A native American nation in the Great Plains is what civ5 really needs. More America civs need to be on it and the Sioux are a diverse and cultural people, who can be fierce in times of war.
Possible UA- Great Plains Nation: Culture Borders are invisible to other players other than teammates. +2 Faith from unworked flat unforested plains tiles.
Possible UU-Dog Soldier- replaces scout- has +2 combat strenghth
Possible UI (Unique Improvement)- Medicine Hut- +1 culture and +1 food must be built on a plains tile.

#6. The Apaches- Another Native American civ I always thought deserved to be included. When foriegners came the Apache adapted to the new kind of war. This makes them one of the most versitile civilizations ever.
Possible UA- The Warpath: during a golden age all units recieve a 50% combat bonus when attacking.
Possible UU1-Thunder Brave- replaces musketman- +20% combat bonus in open terrain
Possible UU2-Mounted Thunder Brave- replaces calvary- +20% combat bonus in open terrain

#7. Gran Columbia- A good South American civ to add to the melting plot. I'm hoping if they make a second expansion it's something about revolutions, i don't know it'd be cool. This civ would be the cover for that expansion and rightfully so,
Possible UA- Viva the Revolution- Anytime you liberate a prevously city culture output is doubled for 5 turns.
Possible UU1-Liberator- replaces Great General- anytime an enemy city is captured two tiles or less away you earn 150 culture .
Possible UU2- Colombian Militant- replaces infantry (WW2)- cheaper than usual

#8. The Zulus- As much as I hate them, Zulus are a part of the civ series and it would be awful to exclude them now. for their uniques you can figure anything they had in the past.

#9. Vietnam- A good Southeast Asian civ to counter Siam. They have held true against everyone from China, to Mongols, to the French, to the American. A true survive at all costs civ.
Possible UA- Jungle Survival- +100% combat bonus in jungle tiles
Possible UU- Viet Cong Fighter- replaces Infantry (WW2)- +25% combat bonus in rough terrain.
Possible UI- Paddy- changes marsh tile to worked bonus resource rice (similiar to wheat)

#10. Serbia- A bit of a stretch, but hear me out. Serbia was the main reason for WW1 which turned to be the reason for WW2, which was kinda a big deal I hear. Throughout it's life Serbia fought hard even though it was a tiny nation. That needs to be reconized. Also fun fact more Roman Emperors were born in Serbia than any other country besides Italy.
Possible UA- The Glorious Fight: +20% production on military units if you have less than 6 cities.
Possible UU1-Maceman- replaces swordsman- +1 combat bonus
Possible UU2-Nationalist Militia- replaces WW1 infantry- cheaper than normal

Honourable Mention:
Norway- too close to Sweden and Denmark
Akkadia- too similar to Sumer
Hittites- too similar to Assyria
Bulgaria- wasn't as deserving as my ten
Canada- not distintive enough
Australia- never a world changing power contender
Brazil- Similiar as Australia
Holy Romans- Too close to Germany
Mughals- Too close to India
Belgium- probably #11, too close to Dutch

That's my list, I thank anyone who read through it. Did I miss any? please give me your thoughts.
I hope I have encouraged some of the fine people at firaxis or any hardcore modders out there but I might of just been beating a dead horse

Moderator Action: Merged with the main suggestion thread.
I think the bonus against chariots is a bit underpowered though, people rarely use them, after all.

Yes, but historically, it makes sense. Most of the civilizations the Sea People faced off against used chariots, especially the Egyptians (whose UU is after all a chariot).

As for the Sherden Guard being overpowered in general, I understand. I was debating the inclusion of Amphibious II, but I guess it is unnecessary as invisibility might be good enough as is. I think it would make sense to keep the chariot bonus though.
As for the Sherden Guard being overpowered in general, I understand. I was debating the inclusion of Amphibious II, but I guess it is unnecessary as invisibility might be good enough as is. I think it would make sense to keep the chariot bonus though.

I agree completely, which is why I say to keep the attack bonus but consider dropping the defense bonus.

It's just me, so don't feel at all compelled, but I tend to focus on one of a unit's strengths; either give it good attacking abilities or good defending abilities. At the rare times when a unit has both sides of the coin I think of a way to balance it out.
I tried that with the Celts before G+K - +Strength when attacking, -Strength when defending.

Leader: Tiridates III

UA: One Nation, One Culture; Religious buildings get an Engineer Slot and Cultural buildings an additional Artist Slot; +1 Culture for every +5 Faith per turn.

Engineers are quite strong, maybe make it just the temple? Or just the faith purchased buildings?

UU: Mamikonian; Replaces Great General. Provides an additional +15% combat bonus inside friendly territory. When a Mamikonian dies or is consumed, he grants a Faith boost and Great General points.

Trivia: The Mamikonians were an important and influent family in Medieval Armenia, acting as political and military leaders and often fighting for the Armenian Independence. More than one Mamikonian was made Saint upon his death, thus the Faith bonus. The most famous is probably Vartan Mamikonian.

I dont mind this one. Its not really overpowered in any way, maybe a little underpowered?

UB: Mountain Monastery; Replaces Monastery. Can be built in every Armenian city after Theology is researched, regardless of religious beliefs.
Cost: 150 Faith. Yield: +2 Culture and +2 Faith; +1 Faith and +1 Culture for each source of Incense and Wine worked by this City and for each mountain within the City radius.

Notes: With this UB, the "Monasteries" Follower Belief became useless. This gives an incentive to Armenia found and control its own religion.

Trivia: Armenia is regarded as the first Christian country in the world, establishing the Armenian Apostolic Church, so it’s nice to give the Civ an incentive to found and control a religion as soon as possible. The country has a gigantic amount of very old churches and monasteries, many of them at reclusive, mountainous locations. Also, the Mount Ararat plays a major role in Judeo-Christian tradition and Armenian Culture.
Spoiler Monasteries :
The Khor Virap Monastery, where Saint Gregory - who supposedly converted Tiridates III and, thus, the whole pagan Armenia - was initially imprisoned. Mount Ararat in the background, where Noah's Ark supposedly landed:

This worries me a little. Though monestaries is not an often picked belief.
Maybe have it as a seperate belief, only avalable to Armenia?
Additional Info:

Starting Bias: Plains, Hills, and Mountains.

Color Scheme: (((O)))

Symbol: Armenia has more national symbols than everyone else. Here are some of its historic flags:
Spoiler flags :

Music Theme: Sayat-Nova, Komitas or Aram Kachaturian; (Personal suggestion)

I like the Lion one the best. Maybe invert the colours?
What would you make the capital, some cities? Yerevan is the capital of modern Armenia, but wasnt always the capital of ancient Armenia. All in all I think it is a good civ idea.
Engineers are quite strong, maybe make it just the temple? Or just the faith purchased buildings?

It seems a nice solution, so we'd have:

UA: One Nation, One Culture; Faith purchased buildings get an Engineer Slot and Cultural buildings an additional Artist Slot; +1 Culture for every +5 Faith per turn.

Since the Mamikonian wouldn't be the strongest UU in the game, I guess we could let the Mountain Monastery as it is. Also, it's a very situational building, specially when we consider that Armenia, as it was conceptualized, should be a small empire. These faith purchased beliefs are particularly strong in wide empires.

What would you make the capital, some cities? Yerevan is the capital of modern Armenia, but wasnt always the capital of ancient Armenia. All in all I think it is a good civ idea.

Yerevan sounds good, it's even a CS now in G&K. It is Armenia's capital for relatively short time, but it's an ancient city. Ani is another good option.
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