[CIV 5 Issues] - The complete list

I still believe that health/pollution should be back in the game.
Without fresh water supply via aquaeduct or well, no city would
have ever grown to a reasonable size in prior to the modern era.
Industrialisation should have the negative effect of pollution,
a sewage system should be required for any larger modern city.

I would also really prefer happiness to be a local and not a global issue.

Finally: my absolute dream would be for this game to dare try new
game mechanics in the modern era. Growth no longer depends on food
supply these days, it should thus depend on something else (happiness?).
Workers should be able to build food ressources at some point. After all
that is why rice, potatoes, chicken, milk etc. are available across the globe.
Electricty could also turn into a new global ressource later on in the game.
Food would also make much more sense as a global ressource later on.
I think it would be super exciting, if something as important as food would
become a minor issue later on, while electricity or happiness would gain
a huge importance instead...
In brief:
Suggestion: There needs to be a way to "find a city" for puppet cities. At the moment, only annexed cities can be zoomed to by using the city drop down box from the top left of the UI. For newly acquired puppet cities from trade, this feature does not zoom to the city before asking you if you want to annex it.

I am playing on a large map, and as part of the peace agreement I just signed with another civ, I was given a city. I already have a lot of cities, and the minimap is not useful for spotting new tiny cities.

There was no way to find where the heck the new city was. Using the top left city drop down thing, I could select the city but it only brought up the "would you like to annex" box and only if I annexed it would it show me where it was. In the end, it turned out to be a crappy ice city with its only redeeming quality being it had a single fish resource. :eek:
They should make autosave each turn the default setting.

Then you have a chance at recovery, until they take the lemon out of Civilemon 5. ;)

Seems like it is too easy to buy stuff with gold, specifically units, unit upgrades and buildings. Appears to be generally more viable to use trading posts to max out your GPT then buy your buildings then to actually build them. maybe this was intended with production so low, but should require more thought as to whether spending that gold is worth it (besides the gold maintenance of the building/unit itself). Buying+unit upgrade should not cost less then buying the more advanced unit.
Crash in turn 544.. I'm so "happy" ... :| ... and I was finally having fun... Pls try to fix all crash issues.
One thing I didn't see in OP is the lack of UU & UB descriptions in the game set up screen (there's a pop up but it only shows the name, not the info).
is it just me or is the "avoid growth" checkbox busted? i would think that checking that box would rearrange your citizens so that your cities avoid growing, but apparently it just means rearrange your citizens randomly and let the city grow anyway.
is it just me or is the "avoid growth" checkbox busted? i would think that checking that box would rearrange your citizens so that your cities avoid growing, but apparently it just means rearrange your citizens randomly and let the city grow anyway.

I find it rearranges them for the least amount of food, but it doesn't put them in the unemployed list or whatever it's called so they don't work tiles at all.
is it just me or is the "avoid growth" checkbox busted? i would think that checking that box would rearrange your citizens so that your cities avoid growing, but apparently it just means rearrange your citizens randomly and let the city grow anyway.

The Avoid Growth feature is being addressed in the upcoming patch. Of course, there could still be problems with it afterwards. :mischief:
One thing not mentioned is that when you are using multiple monitors, the mouse cursor is not properly constrained to the game screen/window.
Dropping in with some more stuff which probably should or can be looked at. Again, might have been said before but adding it anyway ;)

1) If you conquer a city and choose the raze option any city of yours which is building anything like national epic or national college will stop working on it because during the time you OWN the burning city you do not meet the requirements of the mini-wonder anymore.

2) Please for the love of any diety (insert god name here, not difficulty level) let us keep the custom map settings when starting a new game or/and add the regenerate map option again. Right now I have to switch back to start game from custom game just to let the game remember the civ. Let alone all the other custom settings which are always lost at restart it seems.

3) Add path of multiple turn moves. Plain and simple, if I sent out a couple of units to different locations and one stops moving half way I have to redo them all because I have no way of telling who was going where.

4) Maybe if possible tell if a ranged fire unit will move or fire on right click. Normally if you pay attention (or use the command ranged fire) the unit will do what you want but I have sent a few archers to their death because a hill or forest was blocking the sight and they started to move.

5) Let the AI be a bit more aggressive towards barbarian camps and such. They seem to pretty much ignore them most of the time.

6) AI does not seem to bombard with cities or attack embarked units with land based ranged fire. In my last game an embarked barbarian warrior was sitting next to an AI city until I finally came by and sunk it with my caravel. If they actually blockade or make it impossible to work a tile this should be looked at even faster.

7) Sometimes cities turn invisible on the map until a reload.

8) AI suicides (financially or in conquest terms) with placing new cities spread all over the map and then tries to road them up. Even if they are at the other side of the continent. If possible the AI should always try to settle near their current border or do NOT try to connect a very distant city by roads. Also related, workers being sent through enemy territory during wars constantly.

9) Said more times then I can remember but adding it again, let automated explorers NOT enter city state borders.

That's it for now. Still massively enjoying the game but there is much to be done :goodjob:
One thing not mentioned is that when you are using multiple monitors, the mouse cursor is not properly constrained to the game screen/window.

That is being fixed in the upcoming patch, I believe.
I want my alt s signs back. It was a handy little tool and I miss it. :cry:
One thing not mentioned is that when you are using multiple monitors, the mouse cursor is not properly constrained to the game screen/window.

I understand where people might take issue with this, but I actually found it very beneficial to me. The only thing I lose is the ability to scroll in one direction by moving the mouse to that edge (the left edge for me), but I can still move around the map multiple different ways with the arrow keys. Plus, I can now go over to my other monitor and use another program on that monitor without having to alt-tab out of civ. Ideally, I would push for them to make this an option so that everyone will be happy, but I'm sure they don't have time to mess with something like this given the other much more serious issues.
That is being fixed in the upcoming patch, I believe.

I've noticed you mention a couple of times that different issues are being fixed on the next patch. Is there another thread either here or at 2K that addressed the issues that are actually being fixed?
I've noticed you mention a couple of times that different issues are being fixed on the next patch. Is there another thread either here or at 2K that addressed the issues that are actually being fixed?


Quoting them:
Fix for full-screen game when running dual monitors. Previously, the curser could scroll off the “open” side, and not be able to scroll the map in that direction.

There's also some discussion about the patch (and other things :lol:) in the thread at civfanatics:
I agree on not fixing the monitor. Mine works perfectly with the game. I am able to scroll the map during my turn, but if a menu or popup comes up, it will let me scroll to the other monitor.
I've got one: Great Engineers should be able to rush wonders. Not only does this make historic sense (the engineers who should be called "great," would likely be those responsible for those wonders' constructions), but also, the fact that most normal buildings are rarely worth rushing.

Also, make the leaders more like their historical personalities by default. People like Montezuma already work, being rather warmongering, but I've been attacked by Gandhi rather savagely in nearly every game I've had him in. Similarly, England has on a few occasions settled in WTF places, like unconnected to water, despite water being just 3 or so squares away, and despite it making gameplay and historical sense.

Also a more personal issue: with the advent of buying tiles, the "culture bomb" aspect of the Great artists is minimized in economical civilizations. While it might not always make great sense, I think there should be an option to adopt a policy or two, under the guise of Political commentary in their work prompting social reforms in terms of the policy choices
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