Civ design challenge

I vote for Uighur.

(Though I must add that both your's and scapegrace's designs feature a... Risk of snowballing in the late game).
:c5faith: Susiana :c5faith:
:c5capital: Susa

UA: Elamization
Upon :c5war: conquering a city, your :c5faith: religion or pantheon becomes dominant and all religious pressure from other civilizations is eroded. Develop a pantheon with half as much :c5faith: as usually necessary.

UU: Sukkal
Replaces :c5greatperson: great general. Receive one free when selecting a pantheon, founding a religion, enhancing a religion, or reforming a religion. Nearby melee units receive +50% :c5strength: combat strength when defending against :c5rangedstrength: ranged attacks.

UI: Elamite Statue
Available at masonry. Can be built on any non-ice tile. Provides +1 :c5culture: culture and +1 :c5faith: faith per era, and +1 :tourism: tourism per Sukkal produced over the course of the game upon discovering archaeology.
Elamite Empire (Shutruk-Nakhunte)
UA: True Conquest -
When you takeover another civilization's capital the amount of influence :c5influence: that they had with each city-state :c5citystate: is added to your current influence. Once you have wiped a civilization off the map (By taking all their cities) gain a large bonus to all national yields. :)c5faith:, :c5gold:, :c5science: and :c5culture:)

UU: Copperman (Replaces Spearmen) -
Has 3 Movement :c5moves:. When attacking cities with at least one source either Iron or Stone gain +33% strength against the city.

UB: Stelai (Replaces Shrine) -
Yields +2 Faith :c5faith: and +2 Production :c5production:. Whenever a citizen is born gain +15 Production :c5production:.

Elamite Empire(Shutruk-Nakhkhunte)
UA: The Best of Them
Selling or destroying buildings in conquered cities grants :c5production: production in the ones you founded, doubled when you do so in enemy :c5capital: capitals. :c5faith: Faith buildings and wonders grant you an amount of :c5culture: culture upon completion for each city that has followed your pantheon.

UB: Statue
Replaces Monument. While intially having the same yields, it will grant +1 :c5faith: faith if its city follows a religion or a pantheon. Each statue you have increases the :c5gold: gold received from conquering cities. With CiD, it doesn't yield crime and also grants +1 :c5happy: happiness.

UU: Zagros Tribesman
Replaces warrior. Takes 33% less damage from cities. When within 2 tiles of a mountain, the Tribesman will ignore enemy zone of control and will heal 50% faster.

Elamite Empire(Shutruk-Nakhkhunte)

Copying my premise idea I see? Just kidding, I do like this design quite a bit and it was very limited in leader selection so I do see the reason behind having him and the Empire. :p
I was afraid I would be the only one who couldn't really find good uniques, there's no information on specific architecture or military formations
Elamite Empire


Bronze Sunrise

The first mine not built on a resource spawns a copper resource. While a city has a food surplus over +2, buildings require 10% less production and maintenance is reduced by half.

Anshan Archer
Replaces Archer. After shooting, gains +1 movement. Cost 10% less to produce for every social policy tree unlocked.

Sit Shamshi
Replaces Monument. +1 culture compared to the monument and boosts production every time a social policy is adopted however has +1 maintenance.
Woah Dude that's a crazy UA
Do you realize how OP is the UB? While its just +1 culture, this is pretty strong in the early game, and you're essentially giving this building 50% more yields.
(And halved maintenance is pretty strong as well. How will this part interact with JFD's crime mod? I know its just a design though, not an actual civ in the making...)
All the uniques are fairly OP, but imo not out of the realm of conceivability. The UA is a combination of weaker Indonesia and weaker Rome UAs, building is probably more OP than any other building although it's comparable to the Stele, and the unit is pretty good hit and run archer, super OP if it's a promotion that can be retained upon upgrade. I'd say that's good enough to slightly delay construction in order to spam them and then upgrade rush. I'd say though still not too ridiculous, building is the worst bit.
Actually, it doesn't look that OP, I've playtested something similar. Looks hella fun, too.
Slightly unrelated, but I've been trying to design an Elamite civ for months and recently picked it up again as a project, so if you could divert your creativity to my thread then that would be appreciated.
Slightly unrelated, but I've been trying to design an Elamite civ for months and recently picked it up again as a project, so if you could divert your creativity to my thread then that would be appreciated.

If only every civ I've struggled to come up with a design for could be done in a competition, eh? :p

I'd appreciate it if the next challenge was Yolngu so I can steal ideas from it
Slightly unrelated, but I've been trying to design an Elamite civ for months and recently picked it up again as a project, so if you could divert your creativity to my thread then that would be appreciated.

It's very hard considering the little known nature of their actual culture; their historically known aspects seem to be mostly political, which are great for UAs but not much else. They seemed to have not much specifically fascinating unique cultural facets or military techniques, I had to reach for my uniques. Hopefully this challenge will be of some inspiration. Also you should totally submit a design, we've got something of a shortage. If you've been working on one for a while you probably have some very interesting concepts put together.
Well, if I had a good design I wouldn't be going around begging for ideas ;P

I have the following

UA-Kings of Anshan and Susa (need to find a better UA name)

Something related to city state influence

UU-Zagros tribal levy thing, or possibly an archer replacement. All I can find on Elamite military was that it was similar to the Sumerian military, only it relied more on levies from the highland tribes, and apparently the Elamites weren't half bad at archery.


Amphitheatre replacement that yields like, bonus yields due to city state alliances or something. It was where tribute was presented.
I've slightly nerfed the UA which pretty much makes it useless while you're unhappy and added another maintenance point to the UB (although admittedly that doesn't affect it too much) but otherwise, I don't think it's too bad.

The UA effect is localized so only affects production and maintenance in the city.
The archer's promotion is comparable to Longbowmen and Chu-ko-Nu except it doesn't work in rough terrain.
The UB is strong but only as much as Ancien Regime in vanilla except now, social policies don't directly lead to victory. I think it would need testing in comparison the Poland's UA before it's declared OP. I only imagined the production boost to be less than chopping a forest anyway although I'm not sure about exact values.
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