Current Version: 10.03 (Brave New World)
Current Release Date: 1.3.2014
Change Log
This is a DLL mod intended to add features from Civ IV Diplomacy into the game, such as Sharing Opinion, Map Trading, and Technology Trading.
Implemented features:
- Sharing Opinions
- Map Trading
- Tech Trading
- "Request Help" replaces "Demand" with civs whom you have a DoF with (no diplo penalty)
- AIs with DoF's will now offer you gifts if you require them.
- Vassalage
- Much more (visit the Steam Workshop page)!
The AI is fully aware of what it is doing and will make decisions based on how it's relations are going with you. It should work with any modded civs, but it is not compatible with other DLL mods or mods that conflict with the interface.
Steam Workshop Page
Mod & Source Code Package
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I will post updates as much as I can!