Civ on the list with leader, but traits, UU, and UB not appearing on it + minor mod help


Jul 8, 2020
I've been chugging along on my first mod and I've finished most of what is needed, but when testing the mod, none of the unique units, buildings, or even trait appear on the list, simply defaulting to whatever civ I had selected opening the game.

Minor things I need help with:
While testing the mod it's noticeable that while testing my mod, the leader's icon hasn't appeared. That's because I have no idea how to do all the other icons (such as with units, leaders, or buildings), and attempting to replicate the method I did for the civ itself just led to a blank icon. This is the thing that's frankly been frustrating me the most.

Leader Image:
Like how most mods have a leader picture for when interacting with them in single player, I haven't found any tutorials on how to replicate this.

Sorry for any messes with coding in there, I'm a very new beginner and even if you don't know what the problem itself is, any help with the minor issues or advice in general would be very helpful!


  • Kingdom of
    7.1 MB · Views: 50
Not only do the Unit-Classes not match, but there is a Mismatch in the Unit Name. Capitalization matters.


File XML/Civilizations/Puck_Trait.xml is never activated so the leader never has a LeaderTrait


See whoward69's what ModBuddy setting for what file types tutorial

Your file XML/GameInfo/CIV5IconTextureAtlases.xml should not be listed as a InGameUIAddin.


Everybody and their brother's cousin uses CIV_COLOR_ATLAS_LEGENDS the first time they make a mod. But there can only ever be one such atlas defined for use in the game at one time. When two or more mods use this same atlas name, the mod that loads last will be the one all the other such mods will attempt to use. You need to make up a more-unique name for your atlas. etc do not have eight columns and eight rows of images. They have one image total so they are 1 x 1 files. So not only are you telling the game to use the wrong column x rows settings, you also have this
Which can never work in a file with only one image. is, well, not done correctly.

See: FramedArchitect's Icon and Screen Pixel Dimension Reference tutorial
whoward69's DDS Texture (Image File) Creation and Usage for Beginners


I see no unique building anywhere.


Also what you posted is not a mod, it is a modbuddy project from which a mod can be constructed. But we generally prefer the built version of the mod to ensure that what you are attaching as a zip is the same as the game is seeing:

whoward69's zip your mods and attach tutorial
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