Civ Unique Ability Elimination Thread

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America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 24-3=21 Its often very powerful but when its not, it nearly destroys your culture game. Also it confuses me, hence i avoid Australia.

Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 15
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 21
Norway - Knarr: 8
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 21
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 23+1=24

It’s my favorite ability as it motivates you to gather amenities and keep orderly cities. I combined with Temple of Artemis in an Immortal game and runaway with science ahead of everyone else. Nice to feel the Scots are leading the way on civilisation building with peace. And the reason Scotland is a great civ as the other abilities suck majorly.

Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 21
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12 (15 - 3). Time for a little warmonger distribution of points. This ability is just too situational. When it's good, it's really good! However, half of Mapuche's abilities are entirely out of your control. Not good
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 21
Norway - Knarr: 8
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 21
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22 (21 + 1). And just like that, you never have to build/buy melee units to be used for forming corps and armies, AND you get a significant boost to loyalty for conquering, AND it combines well with Shaka's ability because you can form these earlier
America - Founding Fathers: 21 (20+1) Selling DF to the AIs is part of the game now and the bonus DF that America generates really adds up fast allowing the player to sell off DF and still have more than enough to win votes.
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 21
Norway - Knarr: 5 (8 - 3) Would be good, but Elvis has all your boats so it's kinda useless.
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 21
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 21
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22 = 21 + 1. The river adjacency bonus is the best part. It makes for super efficient districts and easy era score. The extra production towards damn is nice too as well as the occasional cultural bomb from harbors.
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18 = 21 - 3. Culture bombs are nice but encampments are my least built district, even when going for domination. I can count the number of forts I've built on my hands. The military to wildcard policy slot is nice but most other civs have something better.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18 (21-3) While I like the revisions this bonus has gone through, for much of the game it's the difference of 1-2 diplomatic favor per turn, and the very slight bonus of changing your one diplo card slot to something you might stick an econ card in (given how late getting multiple diplo slots is). It's not bad, but it's still underwhelming and back heavy.
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21 (20+1) This isn't an insane bonus, but I consider it a solid one. Generally, you want to kill barbarian encampments for era score and security. You also usually want to get all the tribal villages you can find and reach first. This bonus combines these into a single, more valuable task, which is a pretty nice bonus if you make use of it, and goes into effect right away. Additionally, levying units is an underutilized strategy that can be excellent defending your city states, harassing your rivals, interacting with distant emergencies, and so on. Doing it cheaper is solid.
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9 - 3 = 6 (It's not that I don't like war. Rather, this ability makes Macedon a one-trick pony. If you aren't going for all our annihilation, then you don't get much out of Hellenistic Fusion. It's boring. And it's still unpredictable, too.)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 21 + 1 = 22 (The free roads and trading posts mean faster movement and earlier foreign trades, which boosts every victory condition. Good stuff!)
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
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America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 17-3=14 This, on the other hand, does provide just a little in the grand scheme of things. China has a worse science game than Macedon imo.
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 9+1=10 The amount of backlash against this great ability so early is insane. It also enables a war-heavy science game, so it's NOT a one-trick pony.
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22

EDIT: OP, can you please update the current standings in the first post?
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 5-3 = 2 This ability is terrible. Honestly if you were to play three straight games as Georgia this would net you maybe or two extra golden ages that you wouldn't otherwise have had over the three games. If you were to offer me +1 culture/turn or this ability, I would take the +1 culture/turn.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 10+1=11 How is this being down-voted. This is easily a top 5 civ ability. Downvoting this because you like to play peacefully is like saying that the Lavra district is weak because you don't like going for a religion.
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23
Brazil - Amazon: 9 (12-3) This ability really doesn't seem to do much - I think you still get more benefit from chopping rainforest, even though you can now eventually improve them.
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - 2
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24 (23+1) I love the flexibility an extra wildcard slot brings.
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 11
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24 (23+1) This ability synergizes so we’ll with the Eagle warrior, and later in game it is just plain awesome.
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 2-3=ELIMINATED This ability is too restrictive. As others have said it makes it difficulty to get Heroic ages, but also it locks you into a dedication that is less optimal. Monumentality is a great golden age dedication, but it’s means of generating era score is weak, so it makes it harder to chain golden ages. If you could select those separately, and take the good golden age Dedication while choosing another that generates era score more easily this ability would be much better.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 11
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 23
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 12
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 23
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 11
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24 (23+1) The Maori have a huge starting advantage on water heavy maps with their ability to cross ocean tiles from turn 1
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17 (20-3) While the Pitaki Archer is indeed the best UU in the game, the Civ ability to create ranged units a bit faster is underwhelming by itself
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
Vote from @_Calyx was skipped. Fixed in my vote.

America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 9+1=10 - +6 Campuses were never easier, with the exception of Australia. This is actually very great.
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 11
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 12
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 5-3=2 - Huh, both Phoenician and Maori abilities sound like better versions of this to me.
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 21
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 10
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 14
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9 (12-3) Half of this is good but you have no control over when/if you ever get anything out of it, the other half requires micromanage-y anti-synergy as other than Victor you don't want to put governors in unit producing cities most of the time and so the benefit is mild at best.
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 2
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22 (21+1) Fun and flavorful and encourages leaving a wild frontier to barbarian farm, which is the sort of variation in gameplay I like to see. Also if you ever play on an Inland Sea map you'll probably get more inspirations from this than you will from Macedon's ability.
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22

Edit: Corrected per @lotrmith comment below
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America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11 = 10 + 1 My +6 campus districts beg to differ on how useful this ability is. Yes it requires you to play different, don't chop those rainforests except at the very end. And since I mentioned civs that can out science China 2 lines down, this civ is one of them.
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 11 = 14 - 3. On paper this looks good. In reality it seems rather weak. China is never high in my turn of victory for science victory. Sad really. So many other civs can out science them.
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 18
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 2
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22 (21+1) - The immunity to surprise wars is strong on Deity and the other diplo favour bonuses are also handy
China - Dynastic Cycle: 11
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 16
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 15 (18-3) - Powerful but map dependent as you need enough river bends to maximise the value of it
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: 2
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22

Have to say this one looks a lot less clear cut than the unique unit thread. I don't think we are going to get a run away winner.
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22
China - Dynastic Cycle: 11
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 17 (16+1) The recent patch made this ability into something actually impactful and fun. With +4 to the yields of powered buildings, England becomes a decent generalist civ in the later game. +10 production factories are probably the best building to benefit from this, especially with how the other bonuses from this Civ ability synergize with it. For starters, the extra coal extraction is nice since you can support more coal factories and units with fewer coal sources. Then the stockpiles from Harbors allow you to have large stockpiles without needing more than one encampment (You'll still want one for Military engineers). The bonus which makes military engineers effectively 4 times more efficient is great for setting up your green districts very quickly in new cities, which means you can have new cities with big industrial district yields in a short number of turns. The 20% increase to building IZ buildings also lends to this ability to quickly set up highly productive industrial cities. Basically the most effective way to use these abilities together is to find good spots for high IZ adjacency cities (Preferably on a different continent), then send a settler with a military engineer or two, and maybe a builder, then settle the city and immediately start building your green districts, usually starting with the Aqueduct. Then you start building your IZ, which when finished will make this city already become decently productive (assuming you're using the craftsman card). Then you build your IZ buildings with the Coal Powerplant and +10 factories, and now you have a high production city, probably at least +40 assuming at least 5 adjacency for the IZ, the craftsman card, the coal plant, and factory. Someone correct me if I messed that up.
But anyway, in conclusion, the set of bonuses from this Civ ability make England probably the best at setting up high production cities up quickly (Aside from maybe Germany), which is why I like it a lot.

Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 15
Inca - Mit'a: 21
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Norway - Knarr: Eliminated (2-3) Like others have said, it just feels inferior to Maori's ability.
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22
China - Dynastic Cycle: 8 (11 - 3) Oh, is this still around? Yes, it is going to add up to a bit of science and culture during the course of the entire game, but most games are decided in the first few eras, so the question should really be about how much this is going to help you come out ahead. Not very much, I think.
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 15
Inca - Mit'a: 22 (21 + 1) I absolutely love this ability. For one thing, it is unique and thematic. For another, you can get some great tile yields from this in the type of terrain where the Inca tends to start. Finally, mountains are already great for adjacencies, but for other civs, they do take up valuable space which can not be worked or used for districts. For the Inca however, each mountain becomes a farm/mine hybrid.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 14
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 12 (11+1) As pointed out earlier in the thread, people are overlooking the +1 science per converted city. With a little effort you can get to +30 easily enough (your cities plus 2 other civs converted) and it's not hard to get way more than that. If you're not taking advantage of that by making use of your religion, I think you're playing Arabia wrong. I don't find the guaranteed final great prophet to be as bad as others claim either, because unless you're playing with tons of religions you're going to still probably walk away with something nice. You know, for example, that the first religion will ALWAYS take Warrior Monks (meh). Finally, just because you get last choice of founder beliefs doesn't mean you get last choice of everything else - pop those apostles out and evangelize beliefs you want before the AI grabs them (AI always seems to pick the buildings first).
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22
China - Dynastic Cycle: 8
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 15
Inca - Mit'a: 22
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 17
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 11 (14-3) I think it's okay VERY early on in the game, but it loses it's luster pretty quickly IMO.
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 18
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
America - Founding Fathers: 18
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 12
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 24
Brazil - Amazon: 11
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22
China - Dynastic Cycle: 8
Cree - Nihithaw: 22
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 21
Greece - Plato's Republic: 24
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 15
Inca - Mit'a: 22
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 21
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Kongo - Nkisi: 23
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: 8
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 22
Maori - Mana: 24
Mapuche - Toqui: 9
Mongolia - Ortoo: 21
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 22
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 18 (17+1) If you like Ranged Units, this ability is fabulous to get that early punch; especially since the UU is so good. The extra gold and production ain't no slouch, either.
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 18
Persia - Satrapies: 11
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 14
Poland - Golden Liberty: 15 (18-3) On one hand, it encourages you to build Encampments and Forts, so you'd likely lean to warmongering, right? Then that Military-gone-Wildcard slot is likely going to be used by... a military card.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 22
Russia - Mother Russia : 24
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 24
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 21
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 22
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 21
Zulu - Isibongo: 22
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