Civ V Cracked Already

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Pirates get to play the game with no steam and quicker start ups

Paying customers suffer

Thanks alot Sid

I guess I'm in the luxury position as I start Civ V up real fast and like having access to the steam overlay. It lets me browse civ fanatics while gaming without having to alt-tab and it lets me talk to friends ^^
I have not found the Civ 5 copy protection on Steam to be arduous. I did not even know it was operating. On the other hand, I bought Assassin's Creed 2 a few months ago and found that it would not let me play unless I created an account on Ubisoft's site. I haven't played it since.
This is why Steam is so stupid, because it only hurts the paying customers.

Yeah, I feel so ripped off that I was able to install the game BEFORE it was released, play it as soon as it was launched, got a seamless patch soon after, and I don't have to keep the disk in the drive to play. Not only that, but I can go to a friend's house, go to the Steam site, install Steam, login, download the game, and play there.
If you think Steam "only hurts the paying customers", stop locking your door. Why should you need a key to get into your own house, right?
Personally I think this thing was cracked FAR earlier than you realized it ... so tell me, did we REALLY land on the moon?
lol "Quicker startups" ? I don't think so. Steam is great and doesn't hurt anyone except maybe some college students get over yourself people.
Hey, at least we aren't artifically limited to installing the game on 2/3 computers ONLY. Have to get another new machine after your original replacement fried and died? BETTER GET A NEW GAME TOO! That's almost criminal...
there was posts from people on the 22nd saying that they were playing with a pirated version.. ONLINE.

so either a bunch of people were lieing or it was 'cracked' or at least had a work around in less then 3 days. not to mention if it wasn't working it is a bit weird that over 20,000 people were downloading it which would be a big waste if it didn't work.

personally i don't mind steam as a mode of copy protection, it's better then most other forms.
BUT.. i did up until recently have a computer for the girlfriends kids that did not have an internet connection, and that would present a problem with playing such games so, even after i purchased some games i would need to use a crack or pirate version anyway.

the best way to keep pirating down is frequent updates!! so pirates will most likely be stuck with an old unpatched version without the added content / fixes of the patches.
This is why Steam is so stupid, because it only hurts the paying customers.

Not really, steam is actually pretty damn good.

The problem is that civ didn't go to the lengths of incorporating steam that other games have.

The main problem is that civ is essentially a single player game, and unless they went through additional hoops to ensure that your copy is legit via steam and internet connection, it would be easily crackable.

Of course, if they did that, there would be a lot more people screaming "steam sucks" etc all over ... everywhere.

If its any consolation, I doubt the cracked steam versions can play mp. Unless, of course, firaxis completely ignored any of steams features other than the delivery method.
Hey, at least we aren't artifically limited to installing the game on 2/3 computers ONLY. Have to get another new machine after your original replacement fried and died? BETTER GET A NEW GAME TOO! That's almost criminal...

you know, i would agree with that as well.. altho i don't know of any game that REALLY does that...

spore claimed to.. but i installed it on three different computers, two of which i changed operating systems on at least once.. and all together i installed it at least 8 different times that i'm pretty sure it would have considered different installs and never had a problem..
of course i did have other problems, that stupid securom disabled my ability to burn DVDs on 2 computers.. which is one of the reasons i reformatted, and changed windows versions on two of those occasions.
This reminds me of the quote: Everything is worth what his purchaser will pay for it :D
I guess I'm in the luxury position as I start Civ V up real fast and like having access to the steam overlay. It lets me browse civ fanatics while gaming without having to alt-tab and it lets me talk to friends ^^

I just discovered this feature today, it's awesome. (shift-tab -> webbrower btw for those who have not found it yet).
Personally I think this thing was cracked FAR earlier than you realized it ... so tell me, did we REALLY land on the moon?
So there ARE people who are not taking crap from the government after all :thumbsup:

Phew, it's good to restore some of the faith in humanity.
Freedom of choice - you're either blindly spoonfeeding yourself with "weed is bad", "pirates are responsible for high prices of games, terrorism and starving children in Africa", or you think a bit and realize it's all smoke and mirrors.

Thank you cr0ws.
Well as far as I know most cracks that are available atm crash the game like every half an hour.If this is true there must be some pretty desperate people out there that want to play civ 5 without buying it to even consider that option.I mean every 30 minutes?! that ruins allmost completely the game expirience.
I just discovered this feature today, it's awesome. (shift-tab -> webbrower btw for those who have not found it yet).

I personally hate the overlay - I own many steam games and cannot stand it.

However, if you do like it, I suggest you change it to a better key combination if shift tab does not suit your needs. I have it on the minus key; I played an online FPS where both shift and TAB were actions and I'd often accidentally strike those two together, usually resulting in my death and much, much rage.
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