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Civ3 High Score Hall of Fame


Oct 25, 2000
Our Civilization III High Score Hall of Fame section is now officially open for business! This new section will be updated and maintained by Duke of Marlbrough, a veteran forum member and a new site helper.

The rules for the Civ3 HOF are basically the same as the Civ2 HOF, except that we will only accept random map games. There is now a limit of 10 games per difficulty level -- so you can only submit a game if its score is higher than the lowest score in a particular HOF. We are also considering some kind of integration between the High Score HOF and the Game of the Month feature. Check out the new section and start submitting your games!

>> Civilization III High Score HOF
Just a question as to what constitutes a random map. I realize that this rule is to prevent people using premade maps which they already know, etc but does it mean the player cannot determine the structure of the continents and the type of weather/age of planet at the set up screens - ie do all settings have to be turned to random?
No, non-random maps are maps you or others made using the map editor. Maps created using the normal map setup process when starting a new game are considered random maps.

I can´t go to HOF. All I get is a "file not found".

I am sure the link is correct.
HOF is working fine IMHO. There are just no entries in there yet!

Duke, when will the first HOF be there, how are submissions proceeding?
Originally posted by Taé Shala
When I´m clicking on the link I am taken to this:


And then I get the file not found error.

Are you really sure that the link is right? :confused:

Am I doing something wrong?

The style sheet link for that page was wrong, but it shouldn't prevent u from viewing the page. Anyway, I've fixed the style sheet link, you should be able to view it now. :)
Originally posted by Beammeuppy
HOF is working fine IMHO. There are just no entries in there yet!

Duke, when will the first HOF be there, how are submissions proceeding?

We made up a blank page a couple of weeks ago just to have something for people to see right away.

I hope to update the page every week or two. When I do update it, I will post a message here. :)
This early on, it won't be a requirement. Many people are still learning how to play the game, and so getting any kind of high score, whether win or lose, is a victory for them.

Later, it still won't be so much a requirment, just that scores will be much higher from people who have started to master the game.

If you have a high score you would like to submit, send it in!! This is your chance to get on the board. Plus, once the slots fill up, you will have to actually beat somone's score to get listed.

Right now the score to beat is 0 ;)
I tink it's a great idea but I'm wondering how it will work with people modding the game and using different rules?
The only modding that should be done that affects the play of the game is the patches released. Any other Mods that change the game play are not allowed. The Mods that change the graphics are ok.

Any settings that people can pick in the set-up of a normal game are acceptable.

Part of the HOF is that many people look at the games very closely. If any game is thought to have been cheated, it will be reviewed and if found to be cheated, it will be removed.
There, I've sent it, my first submittable win, 5499 on Emporer (my win on Monarch was on the world map) I was just curious, but I assume saving/reloading is not considered a cheat, or at least, cannot be used for disqualification (I think everyone has done this at least once during a game) Also, does the year or map size have any bearing on the score? I think you would naturally get bigger scores on when you play longer on bigger maps.

In addition to the top ten for each difficulty, I think you should have the best score for each Civ (top 16) as well as the best score for each map size.
Originally posted by DarkSchneider

In addition to the top ten for each difficulty, I think you should have the best score for each Civ (top 16) as well as the best score for each map size.

Or best score for each win type: Highest culture win, Highest Diplo win, etc...
I'd like to at least be able to see the name of the civ played by each person in the highest score games.

Also, Darkschneider saving and reloading is considered cheating in the game of the month and I would assume it would be considered cheating here too.

I agree with Eliezar: no reloading.

By the way, what does random map mean?
May I choose weather and age or do I have to set it to "random"?
I think it is easier to get a honorable score on a 5 Billion years map than on any other. So I ask you.
In addition to the top ten for each difficulty, I think you should have the best score for each Civ (top 16) as well as the best score for each map size.
What I will be doing is highlighting various games with different colors to show what Civ they were playing as. Then you can see where they are within the ranking.

The size of the map is alrady going to be listed, so that would be easy to look for in the results.

Or best score for each win type: Highest culture win, Highest Diplo win, etc...
The type of win will also be listed, so a quick scan of the scores should also let you find the highest scores. What I do not want to do is list games on the results twice.

Also, does the year or map size have any bearing on the score? I think you would naturally get bigger scores on when you play longer on bigger maps.
As you said, the best scores would most likely be acheived on bigger maps, that were played longer, that allowed the players to expand more and thus get more points. However, you cannot play past the natural ending point of the game (I believe it is 2020 AD?).

By the way, what does random map mean? May I choose weather and age or do I have to set it to "random"?
A random map is one where the computer generates it. You can, however, set the parameters with which it uses. So, you can choose weather and age and such. You do not have to set them to random.

Reloading your game is addressed in the same way as it is for the GOTM.

If you submit a game and it does not show up on the results page after it is updated and your score looks like it should be worthy of being listed, PM me or post a message here. When I receive submissions that are not complete, I will PM the player.
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