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Civ4 BTS Patch v3.13 is up

aaaaaah. That makes sense. And that's what I was doing wrong. I tried the fort chain.

With a few minor lakes, you can come a long way towards a fort-lake chain across a minor continent.
Anyone know if it fixes the Lock Modified Assets crash?
To reproduce:
Start a custom game and check Lock Modified Assets (other options don't matter) and it will CTD.
I never had that crash in 3.03 but then again I never used the non-HOF Mod version of 3.03 because I feared all those bugs.
3.13 does not crash with LMA on my machine.
In the patch description it says:
Corporation Headquarters give 4 gold per corporation city to balance corporation immunity to inflation
But in my current game I am clearly suffering inflation on the corporation expenses too (I did the math). So where is the error, in the description or in the patch itself?
Zongo said:
In the patch description it says:
Corporation Headquarters give 4 gold per corporation city to balance corporation immunity to inflation
But in my current game I am clearly suffering inflation on the corporation expenses too (I did the math). So where is the error, in the description or in the patch itself?

The error is probably in the description (guess they were thinking of Solver's patch when they wrote it). Corporations definitely do still suffer inflation under 3.13, but given how low they've made the base maintenance costs, they're leaning to overpowered already.
i was just wondering does this patch fix the Failed to initialize renderer problem with the BTS?
or have yo guys discovered how to fix it already? ive been reading threads about that and there seems to be no answer to it so i was wondering does this patch fix it at all?

thanks.. :)
Okay that is a big file. It's 100+ MB for a few fixes and what different ways for bandits to wreck havok is farmlands and more ways for foreign criminals to be found in my lands. Can't they fix this stuff in the original release and first 2 patches. 122 MB Damn. took me 3 hours!:rolleyes:
The error is probably in the description (guess they were thinking of Solver's patch when they wrote it). Corporations definitely do still suffer inflation under 3.13, but given how low they've made the base maintenance costs, they're leaning to overpowered already.

Thanks for the reply.
I don't know about overpowered. Given corporations' massive benefits, my personal test for their "overpowerdeness" is a simple question: should I spam it to each and every city? If the answer is yes, then it is too powerful. As things are in 3.13, global spamming does not strike me as the way. Unless one has the Rathaus or the Ikhanda, of course. That's why I play HRE :mischief:

If not for the Rathaus, I'd play the Dutch :mischief: I like late-game mass production. I always go for Mining Inc, and never look back. If I get the extra GPs, I found the competing corporations in one of my culture cities, just to prevent other to found and spam them. I try to spam Mining Inc. to every city in the planet, taking resources away from other civs through trade or sabotage.

Sushi is, of course, the ideal complement of Mining Inc., expecially for a specialist economy.
Thanks for the reply.
I don't know about overpowered. Given corporations' massive benefits, my personal test for their "overpowerdeness" is a simple question: should I spam it to each and every city? If the answer is yes, then it is too powerful. As things are in 3.13, global spamming does not strike me as the way. Unless one has the Rathaus or the Ikhanda, of course. That's why I play HRE :mischief:

If not for the Rathaus, I'd play the Dutch :mischief: I like late-game mass production. I always go for Mining Inc, and never look back. If I get the extra GPs, I found the competing corporations in one of my culture cities, just to prevent other to found and spam them. I try to spam Mining Inc. to every city in the planet, taking resources away from other civs through trade or sabotage.

Sushi is, of course, the ideal complement of Mining Inc., expecially for a specialist economy.

My limited experience so far has shown that you can spam corporations to every city. This is especially so if you build the HQ in your wall street/grocer/market/bank city. That's a +200% bonus on the 4 gold per city with the corporation (12:gold:). You may even be able to get away without courthouses in most cases (but why would you do that?).
My limited experience so far has shown that you can spam corporations to every city. This is especially so if you build the HQ in your wall street/grocer/market/bank city. That's a +200% bonus on the 4 gold per city with the corporation (12:gold:). You may even be able to get away without courthouses in most cases (but why would you do that?).

If you've managed to get as far as corporations without building courthouses, then plain and simple, you don't have enough cities or are playing far too easy a lvl ;)
I downloaded and installed it, but when I check the game version it still says 3.00 :confused:

Install it properly.

This is bug with the patch, and it happens for some people even if installed correctly. I started with a completely normal installation of 3.02 (default installation path and no mods or otherwise altered files) and patched to 3.13, and it still says "version 3.02." But it's clearly 3.13 since I've encountered all the 3.13 gameplay changes (like Blitz for ships) in several games.
If you've managed to get as far as corporations without building courthouses, then plain and simple, you don't have enough cities or are playing far too easy a lvl ;)

Newly conquered/built cities do not always have courthouses in them. You may want to spread a corporation there regardless. My point was this is possible since you can still make a profit from it. You don't have to wait for courthouses.
Newly conquered/built cities do not always have courthouses in them. You may want to spread a corporation there regardless. My point was this is possible since you can still make a profit from it. You don't have to wait for courthouses.

If I am still expanding after the industrial age, I usually build 1 or 2 new cities at a time, spread Mining Inc to them right away while building a Rat... -ehm- Courthouse, and only then spread the second corporation and start the "normal" building queue.
Newly conquered/built cities do not always have courthouses in them. You may want to spread a corporation there regardless. My point was this is possible since you can still make a profit from it. You don't have to wait for courthouses.

Oh Im agreeing with you, it was just a lazy morning comment thats all ;)
Does it effect the MP game because when i downloaded it and tried to play MP it said i was out of sync?
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