Imperial Slave
Alright I'm going to clear through the techs tonight. I'll hold back with clearing through untis, except for anient ones. Tomorow, I'll edit the civiliopedia with what I have.
As far as I know most people do not delete the entries for not needed units because any unit that is "replaced" no longer appears in the build que. From the tech tree you posted I think the units you will be looking for will be futuristic ones like what will be in warhammer 40K. I dont know of any really good futuristic city grapgics offhand maybe take a modern asian city and place a dome over it? I am working on my Korean War scenario but as I have time I can help you out. You might want to add resources for your future units if you come up with a list of possible resources you might want to associate as strategic in order to build things and cant find a resource graphic for them let me know and I could work on making some.If you want to, maybe you can help me look for some units that would be suitable, flags, city graphics even. Or you could clear out all the uneeded units. (I still haven't done that yet)