Civil War in Japan

Alright I'm going to clear through the techs tonight. I'll hold back with clearing through untis, except for anient ones. Tomorow, I'll edit the civiliopedia with what I have.
Um... do we need a tech icons folder under civilopedia? I want to edit the civilopedia and I don't know what I should save the tech icons in. Plus, I use Civ3 Multi Tool Tech Icon editor, and I don't really knwo how to use it... Actually I have no dam clue.
I've got an interesting idea for a Japanese flag.

Since the traditional Japanese flag is a rising sun, why not do a rising moon for the other faction?
The path for tech icons is Art\Tech Chooser\Icons............I may have missed the icons folder inside tech chooser I was in a hurry but that is where they go.
I renamed some units, and I added a civilopedia entry, but I really don't know if I did it correctly...
That's what I need to test. I also got a tech icon for mech, and converted it with MM image converter. Used picture it! 9 and got it in the tech chooser. :) I'm currently looking around for units and other cool stuff.
Alright. I'll do that tomorow. Currently I am doing a civilopedia test with a scratch scenerio.
Alright, BK here is the file. I need to clean out the rest of the units I don't need. I added a civilopedia icon for the assault (you can find that unit in the units section. I plan to clear out the units tommorow. Tell me if I did the pedia text correct. (Find it in Civilopedia folder.) If I did, I'm all set.
That will pretty much be all I need to know. Thanks so much. :)


Nope I redid it for you so you can see how it is done. When you unzip look in the text folder then open the pediaicons.txt scroll down until the end of the units just before the buildings start here and you will see the entry for the unit then scroll down almost to the bottom there you will see the second entry for that unit. The first entry the PRTO_ one is used to tell the game what unit icon to use and where to find that icon the second entry #ANIMNAME tells the game what unit animation to use. Next open the civlopedia.txt and scroll down until you see ; ____________________________________________MECHANIZED


right above that I added the entry for assault I used your description for the first description of the unit and also made it require resources to show you linking. For the main description I left that blank but added the words Main description goes here in the game if you view the civlopedia for this unit the first description will show up immediately if you click yhe more info box it takes you to the extended information the one that is now blank.


Basically the way it works is in the editor any unit building resource wonder etc you add has to be added to the pediaicons.txt also. If you want a description for what you added you then also need to add whatever you added to the civlopedia.txt also. The pediaicons.txt is the important one if you dont add the entries there the game will crash.
Alright, I get it now!:D :dance: :woohoo: Sounds great. Thanks alot. :)

If you want to, maybe you can help me look for some units that would be suitable, flags, city graphics even. Or you could clear out all the uneeded units. (I still haven't done that yet)

Here's the current folder, I edited the PediaIcons with all the units I added. I had the wrong story for the assualt. That was actually for the rebel. My fault. I changed it. I still need to put the story and info about the other units that I added, and add their requirements. I might need to clear out the folders. Theres two copies. I'll do that later. For now, here it is. ;)


If you want to, maybe you can help me look for some units that would be suitable, flags, city graphics even. Or you could clear out all the uneeded units. (I still haven't done that yet)
As far as I know most people do not delete the entries for not needed units because any unit that is "replaced" no longer appears in the build que. From the tech tree you posted I think the units you will be looking for will be futuristic ones like what will be in warhammer 40K. I dont know of any really good futuristic city grapgics offhand maybe take a modern asian city and place a dome over it? I am working on my Korean War scenario but as I have time I can help you out. You might want to add resources for your future units if you come up with a list of possible resources you might want to associate as strategic in order to build things and cant find a resource graphic for them let me know and I could work on making some.
The file got a huge upgrade! :goodjob:

I added some of muffin's great units. The folder is now 14 megs. :) I need to edit the civilopedia big time.
I'm looking for buildings and resources. I need to add in the units that I got and edit the civilopedia. I think they all have icons. I downloaded some more units from Hikaro Takayama, and Flamand.

EDIT: GOing back to the Map editor. I go to units and assault. Do I add in the entry name for the civpedia. Do I put #PRTO_Assault , or just PRTO_Assault?
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