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Civilization 5 vs. Tic Tac Toe

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A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

(ok, ok, I'm still on the upward swing of the Chick Parabola...but it had to be said)
Yes, quite a delivery, stealing other people's troll threads and reposting them as their own, that takes a lot of guts.

I don't get where you guys are getting the conclusion that I'm a hater or trolling. I'm defending Tic Tac Toe. There have been tons of comparisons to Civilization 5 to tic tac toe. I don't think these comparisons are fair, tic tac toe has lots more polish and features, and I outlined it in the OP.
Seek and destroy all negative commentary of Civ V...Anyone who wishes to express a negative opinion of Civ V must submit their impressions in a detailed, logically airtight thesis paper to be torn to pieces reviewed by one of our masters of debate...resistance is futile...:assimilate:

I, at least, am not against criticism aimed at Civ V.

But I'm against forced satire that is neither subtle, nor funny (including the poster above).
I was playing tic tac toe the other day and had my X's in three out of the four corners, I was headed for a "three in a row" victory.

I couldn't pay for the upkeep on my military to protect them all...

My only option was to allow one corner X to form a colony...

H's ended up winning the game.
For all you critics of Tic Tac Toe...there is a patch on the way to improve some of the complaints in respect to diplomacy that have been expressed in the forums. Great new modding tools on the way as well so you can jazz up those "x" and "o"....s. So you can make new excellent new opponents to play as against. I mean look at the advancements made so far? Clearly the AI has evolved.

It was developed in Ancient Egypt so with just a few more thousand years the game will finally reach its pentacle. Civilization has no where near this long clear record of customer support.
People have been making illusions to tic tac toe being at par with the level of strategy in Civilization. As a tic tac toe fan, I find this very offensive. So, I've come up with a coherent comparison of Tic Tac Toe and Civilization 5.

Steam: Tic Tac Toe does not require Steam. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Streamlining & Organic Feel: Tic Tac Toe is extremely superior in this respect. Tic Tac Toe has exactly one rule: place an "X" or "O" in a square, in an attempt to create a line of 3 of them. Civilization 5 has many rules, 1UPT, Hexes, Global Happiness, all of which make the game increasingly complicated. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Turn Times: Tic Tac Toe has nearly instant turn times, even near the end of the game. Civilization 5 has long turn times, even on duel maps. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Moddability: Tic Tac Toe mods have been spawned into entirely new games, such as "Connect 4". All and any of the game rules can be altered. Civilization Modibility has been found lacking. It's modding tools are incomplete and buggy. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

The AI: Tic Tac Toe's AI is extremely well written. The AI never loses, and at worst, will tie. Tic Tac Toe's AI does not cheat or receive any handicaps or bonuses. Neither can be said of Civilization 5. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Replayability: Tic Tac Toe is very replayable. I can personally attest to having played tens of thousands of games in my lifetime. I think I've played 4 games of Civilization 5. Tic Tac Toe benefits strongly from it's good AI, quick turn times, and low barrier to entry. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Cost: Tic Tac Toe is free. Civilization 5 costs 50 USD. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Multiplayer: Tic Tac Toe's multiplayer supports up to 2 players, is fully functional, and very enjoyable. Adding a human to Tic Tac Toe does not increase turn times beyond the time the other human takes. Tic Tac Toe also supports mods in MP. Civilization 5 MP hides animations, has random unit movement, slower turns, and does not support mods. Plus 1 for Tic Tac Toe.

Overview: Tic Tac Toe scored every point, and thus is a superior game in every way.

Comments, Suggestions for other catagories to rate, and rage are welcome. ;)
Hahahahahahahahahaha! I just can't stop laughing! hahahaha.

Ahhhhhh, that made my day.

This is going way back, but did anyone every see the movie Wargames (1983 according to imdb)?
Long story short: US computer which controls all the nukes goes AI. AI thinks its playing a world war III game and prepares to launch nukes at Russia. Kid teaches the computer to play tic-tac-toe like a billion times and the computer determines its pointless to play.

I can't wait for the Wargames II sequel based on CiV!
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

(ok, ok, I'm still on the upward swing of the Chick Parabola...but it had to be said)
Oops. Replied first then saw this. Clearly some have seen the movie.
This what I have to say about Tic Tac Toe. It is boring and civ 5 is not, lol! But there are isuues with the game that need to be addressed. The modding of the new game should be the same way as civ 4 was. We should not need steam for modding whatsoever. Also, we should not need steam to download or upload or enable any new mods whatsoever. Steam reminds me of big government it is too intrusive!
For all you critics of Tic Tac Toe...there is a patch on the way to improve some of the complaints in respect to diplomacy that have been expressed in the forums. Great new modding tools on the way as well so you can jazz up those "x" and "o"....s. So you can make new excellent new opponents to play as against. I mean look at the advancements made so far? Clearly the AI has evolved.

It was developed in Ancient Egypt so with just a few more thousand years the game will finally reach its pentacle. Civilization has no where near this long clear record of customer support.

Damn you. I was about to comment that civ V was way more sexy than tictactoe untill I saw your post. Another +1 for tictactoe.
I made a Tic Tac Toe computer in 1965 with just a few rotary switches, some wire, some light bulbs and a soldering iron. Stole the show at my school's Science Fair: +2 science. I am so glad technology has advanced since then, as it was difficult to make any mods but very easy to get burned with solder during the extensive quality assurance testing phase: -1 happy. And the computer housing was made of wood: +50% organic feel.
Maybe your sarcasm is lost on some, but not on me. Your comment is clearly poking fun at Civ V. :mischief:

I don't get where you guys are getting the conclusion that I'm a hater or trolling. I'm defending Tic Tac Toe. There have been tons of comparisons to Civilization 5 to tic tac toe. I don't think these comparisons are fair, tic tac toe has lots more polish and features, and I outlined it in the OP.
i play tic tac toe for many years, but i never saw something like that

by the way, i like Singapur very much. it was just a test and i reloaded immediately.


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