Civilization 6 Features Thread

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True dat :)

Trajan's agenda is "Optimus Princeps": he wants to control as much territory as possible and hates civs who control little territory.
Ok there was a tone of new info that dropped last night, if you saw anything new or updated could you let me know by posting it here
In a german video you can find some new agendas: For Rome, Spain, Greece and Kongo. The agendas of Rome and Spain were already mentioned in this thread, but not added in the first post.
You can also see some hidden agendas.

(Min. 18:26)


Thanks to this video, we get to see the tooltips for every civilization in that early access build, as follows:


Frederick Barbarossa, Germany
Free Imperial Cities: Each city can build one more district than usual (exceeding the normal limit based on Population).
Holy Roman Emperor: Additional Military policy slot. +7 Combat Strength when attacking city-states.
U-Boat: German unique Modern era naval unit that replaces the Submarine. Cheaper to produce, +1 Sight, and +10 Combat Strength when fighting on Ocean tiles. Able to reveal other stealthed units.
Hansa: A district unique to Germany for industrial activity. Replaces the Industrial Zone district.


Harald Hardrada, Norway
Knarr: Units gain the ability to enter Ocean tiles after researching the Shipbuilding technology. Naval melee units heal in neutral territory. Units ignore additional Movement costs from embarking and disembarking.
Thunderbolt of the North: Allows coastal raiding for all naval melee units.
Berserker: Norwegian unique Medieval era unit. 4 Movement if this unit starts in enemy territory. +7 Combat Strength when attacking and -7 Combat Strength when defending.
Viking Longship: Norwegian unique Ancient era naval unit that replaces the Galley. Can pillage enemy coastal lands and capture civilians if adjacent using its coastal raiding ability. 4 Movement while in coastal waters.
Stave Church: A building unique to Norway. Required to train Apostles. Holy Site districts get an additional standard adjacency bonus from Woods.


Hojo Tokimune, Japan
Meiji Restoration: All districts receive an additional standard adjacency bonus for being adjacent to another district.
Divine Wind: Land units receive +5 Combat Strength in land tiles adjacent to Coast; naval units receive +5 Combat Strength in shallow water tiles. Builds Encampment, Holy Site and Theater Square districts in half the usual time.
Samurai: Japanese unique Medieval era melee unit. Does not suffer combat penalties when damaged.
Electronics Factory: A building unique to Japan. +4 Production to all cities within 6 tiles. After researching the Electricity technology this building provides an additional +4 Culture to its city.


Mvemba a Nzinga, Kongo
Nkisi: +2 Food, +2 Production, +4 Gold from each Relic, Artifact, and Sculpture Great Work of Art in addition to the usual Culture. Receive double Great Writer, Great Artist, Great Musician, and Great Merchant points. Palace has slots for 5 Great Works.
Religious Convert: May not build Holy Site districts, gain Great Prophets, or found Religions. Gains all Beliefs of any Religion that has established itself in a majority of his cities. Receives an Apostle each time he finishes an M'banza or Theater Square district (of that city's majority Religion).
Ngao Mbeba: Kongo unique Classical era unit that replaces the Swordsman. +10 Combat Strength when defending against ranged attacks. Can move and see through Woods and Rainforest.
Mbanza: A district unique to Kongo that can only be constructed in Rainforest or Woods. Replaces the Neighborhood district but is available earlier. Provides +5 Housing, +2 Food, +4 Gold, regardless of Appeal.


Pericles, Greece
Plato's Republic: One extra Wildcard policy slot in any government.
Surrounded by Glory: +5% Culture per city-state you are the Suzerain of.
Hoplite: Greek unique Ancient era unit that replaces the Spearman. +10 Combat Strength if there is at least one adjacent Hoplite unit.
Acropolis: A district unique to Greece for cultural sites. Replaces the Theater Square district.


Phillip II, Spain
Treasure Fleet: May build Fleets and Armadas earlier than usual (Mercantilism). Trade Routes between multiples continents receive bonus Gold for routes to other civilization, and bonus Food and Production for routes between your own cities.
El Escorial: Inquisitors can Remove Heresy one extra time. Combat units have a bonus of +4 Combat Strength against players following other Religions.
Conquistador: Spanish unique Renaissance era unit that replaces the Musketman. +10 Combat Strength when there is a Missionary, Inquisitor, or Apostle in the same hex. If this unit captures a city or is adjacent to a city when it is captured, the city will automatically adopt the Conquistador player's Religion as the dominant Religion.
Mission: Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Mission, unique to Spain.
+1 Faith. +2 Faith if on a different continent than your Capital. +1 Science if built next to a Campus district.


Teddy Roosevelt, America
Founding Fathers: Earn all government legacy bonuses in half the usual time.
Roosevelt Corollary: Units receive +5 Combat Strength on their home continent. +1 Appeal to all tiles in a city with a National Park. Gain the Rough Rider unique unit when they research the Rifling technology.
P-51 Mustang: American unique Modern era air unit that replaces the Fighter. Gains +58 attack against fighter aircraft, has +2 flight range, and gains +50% experience.
Rough Rider: American unique Modern era unit when Teddy Roosevelt is their leader. Culture is earned from kills on their Capital's continent. +10 Combat Strength when fighting on Hills. Lower maintenance cost.
Film Studio: A building unique to America. +100% Tourism pressure from this city towards other civilizations in the Modern era.


Tomyris, Scythia
People of the Steppe: Receive a second light cavalry unit or Saka Horse Archer each time you train a light cavalry unit or Saka Horse Archer.
Killer of Cyrus: All units receive +5 Combat Strength when attacking wounded units. When they eliminate a unit, they heal up to 50 hit points.
Saka Horse Archer: Scythian unique Classical era unit. Ranged unit with 4 Movement with a Range of 1.
Kurgan: Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Kurgan, unique to Scythia. +1 Faith. +1 Gold. +1 Faith for each adjacent Pasture. Cannot be built on Hills.


Trajan, Rome
All Roads Lead to Rome: All cities you found or conquer start with a Trading Post. If in Trade Route range of your Capital, they also start with a road to it. Your Trade Routes earn +1 Gold for passing through Trading Posts in your own cities.
Trajan's Column: All cities start with an additional City Center building. (Starts with a Monument building in the Ancient era).
Legion: Roman unique Classical era melee unit that replaces the Swordsman. Can build a Roman Fort.
Bath: A district unique to Rome for city growth. Replaces the Aqueduct district. It provides this city with a source of fresh water from an adjacent River, Lake, Oasis, or Mountain. Cities that do not yet have existing fresh water receive up to 6 Housing. Cities that already have existing fresh water will instead get +2 Housing. Must be built adjacent to the City Center. In either case, the Bath provides an additional bonus of +2 Housing and +1 Amenity. Must be built adjacent to the City Center.


Victoria, England
British Museum: Each Archaeological Museum holds 6 Artifacts instead of 3 and can support 2 Archaeologists at once. Archaeological Museums are automatically themed when they have 6 Artifacts.
Pax Britannica: All found or conquered cities on a continent other than your home continent receive a free melee unit. Gain the Redcoat unique unit when the Military Science technology is researched.
Redcoat: English unique Industrial era unit when Victoria is their leader. +10 Combat Strength when fighting on a continent other that your capital's. No disembark cost.
Sea Dog: English unique Renaissance era naval unit that replaces the Privateer. Can capture enemy ships. Cannot be seen unless adjacent to it.
Royal Navy Dockyard: A district unique to England for naval activity in your city. Replaces the Harbor district. Also removes the Movement penalty for embarking and disembarking to and from this tile. Must be built on Coast or Lake Terrain adjacent to land. +1 Movement for all naval units built in the Dockyard. +2 Gold when built on a foreign continent. +1 Trade Route capacity.
thanks I have updated the Civ information, if there is anything else I need to add please let me know
Also I have fixed some images, but the rest will be fixed when the rest of the site goes live
As mentioned above:

Historical Agenda: Delian League - Likes civilizations that aren't competing for the same city-state allegiance. Dislikes civilizations that are directly competing for the city-state allegiance.

Historical Agenda: Enthusiastic Disciple - Likes civilizations that bring religions to Kongo. Dislikes civilizations that have founded a religion but not brought it to a Kongolese city.

Historical Agenda: Optimus Princeps - Tries to include as much territory as possible in his empire. Does not like civilizations who control little territory.

Historical Agenda: Counter Reformer - Likes civilizations who follow the same religion, and wants his cities to all follow the same religion. Hates anyone trying to spread their religion into his empire.

Hidden Agendas:
- Populous -
- Air Power - Tries to build up air power. Admires civilizations with greater air power. Dislikes civilizations with weaker air power.
- Paranoid - Likes civilizations who pose no threat. Dislikes civilizations with strong militaries or ones with nearby cities.
- Darwinist - Likes to see civilizations at war, and believes in constant struggle.
- Standing Army - Always tries to keep a large standing army. Respects other civilizations with large armies.
The suzerain bonus for Yerevan (Religious city-state):
Your Apostle units can choose from any possible promotions instead of receiving a random promotion

(also confirms both Nan Madol and Preslav icons have been fixed)

Environmentalist hidden agenda:
Builds National Parks, doesn't clear features, plants forests. Likes civilizations that plant forests or found National Parks. Dislikes civilizations that clear features.

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ok have updated the post with new info about the Galapagos Islands, Yerevan, Leader Agendas, and Late era wonder information
after some messing around all the images work again
updated some tile info
And Russia is in the house
Is everything new getting added to the first couple of posts? Any chance this might be put into a document :-)
According to the "First Look" video, Russia's unique ability gives science OR culture, not science AND culture. Great job on pulling all this together BTW!
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