Civilization VII Attributes Overview

If you play Mississippians > Inca > America with Pachacuti, you can get Economic/Expansionist all the way through. Inca would unlock with Pachacuti so only America unlock will be a question mark.
The question is if playing the same attributes is a good thing.
Why you think it's not? Howso?
I could be that one attribute is helpful for another attribute. In civ 6 your military strength was tied to how fast you climbed the tech and culture tree. It's something i've seen in board game and I think the game designers do it on purpose to balance the game. In civ 7 it looks like to expand fast you need happiness to have more cities so you have to invest in that as well as buy war support with influence and still have to climb tech and civics tree.
OP updated with Qing, French Empire, and Lafayette
We have another civ guide coming later this week, per Steam News from Friday. So I'll update it after then.
OP updated
Oblique Freddy is Mil/Sci as per the screenshot.
I thought that civilizations and leaders gave attribute points at the beginning of the age (or the first civic) based on their own attributes. But I haven't seen anything like that in the videos. Has anyone noticed anything about this?
I thought that civilizations and leaders gave attribute points at the beginning of the age (or the first civic) based on their own attributes. But I haven't seen anything like that in the videos. Has anyone noticed anything about this?
I looked for it specifically, and no, leaders and civs don't give attribute points at the start of the age. However, if my memory servers me correctly, it was stated that they would do in one of the live streams.
From what i've understood, leader and civilization attributes determine which "narrative events" occur over the course of the game, and those narrative events give you the points, so you don't get all your points front-loaded at the first turn, but rather gradually over the duration of the game
The question for me is how it works for Ibn Battuta then: can he get specific wildcard point quests? Or does he get random other ones?
The question for me is how it works for Ibn Battuta then: can he get specific wildcard point quests? Or does he get random other ones?
As specified "Gains multiple Attribute points after the first Civic in every Age."

So He gains leader attributes faster (and maybe in a more consistent manner).
As specified "Gains multiple Attribute points after the first Civic in every Age."

So He gains leader attributes faster (and maybe in a more consistent manner).
Yes, but this is his ability, not his attribute. His attribute is a single "wildcard." He would still be able to get attribute points from quests like all other leaders, I assume.
The question for me is how it works for Ibn Battuta then: can he get specific wildcard point quests? Or does he get random other ones?

Him getting other leaders quests would sound strange from a storytelling point of view (For example, why would he have to do anything with the Roman senate when he would an event of Augustus?). So, my assumption would be that he gets his own events and quests, but either they provide straight up wildcard points, or there are much more options what to go for.
I guess we'll see in a few weeks 😉
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