I cant really beleave what all the whining is about here. Its great, isnt it? Dont get me wrong, I love paper manuals, even if I almost never look at them. Well... somehow I feel some contradiction creaping up my legs but well.. you cant have everything, right?
In our society, money is the only thing that is of any value to a company. People are just things that make more money than they cost (There is even a name for that: "human resources"). Everything else is just money in different forms. And everything any company is supposed to do, is make profit. Thats their only goal. There is no moral component to it. The only thing a company can controll is, where the money goes. Thats basically the only decition they have to make. And all decitions are in such a way, that they earn money somehow. Now, the marketing of donating to charetys is in no way different to that. This decition is made to make profit. And there is nothing wrong with it because thats what a comany does. The difference to paper manuals and advertisement is, they give the money to different people. And if I had to name one thing that makes the world more livable, reduces war, hatret and suffering, I would take education. And therefor, thank you very much 2k and firaxis, I very much appriciate that decition. Thank you very much!