Civilization V's Social Responsibility (Community feature; manual example; 31 Aug)

This might be a stupid question, can we look at the manual without being online? I only as because it says it will be updated, so I was t sure if it's a file on my pc or a link to a website holding the file to load on a browser.

It'll be a file on your PC.

If it's a PDF, it has to be stored locally. There's no indication that there will be a web viewer or something like that, that wouldn't be very practical for either party.

When Steam games come with a PDF manual, it's always stored in the installation folder.
I guess some people can never be pleased (complaining about the manual, really?), but, I for one, appreciate 2K for what they are doing here. :)

Keep up the good work guys! :goodjob:
The good morale decissions are just there to calm down the community. Nothing else.


Donating money can work much like if 2k had just spent the money in advertising (from a public relations standpoint). Consumers can see lots of advertisements that will slowly persuade them into buying the game, or consumers can see the company put on the facade of care, donate some money, and gain customers who feel compassionate for the company now. (just building a "good guy" brand name) This is the same as saving a % of material on packaging. The company might truly not care at all, but just want to make themselves look responsible and green (the biggest PR trend around right now "going green").

Though from a social standpoint, atleast the donated money does go to a charity instead of a marketing firm or some other corporate division. *EDIT: and they are helping to leave less of a mark on the earth with the environmentally friendly packaging, but what I mean to get across is there exists two sides for the story.
Semantics, semantics...


That's not semantics. Capitalism can occur without democracy (see Singapore), and democracy often leads directly to non-capitalistic economic systems (see Greece, Venezuela).

The reason they work so well in conjunction is that a democratic or representative government tempers a free market's tendency to concentrate power and wealth, while a free market distributes goods and services more efficiently in both time and cost than a governmental bureaucracy.
Considering the manual for a civ game is usually a small novel on it's own it's refreshing to see that firaxis and 2K want to offer something different and arguably better than a dead tree. It's a massive improvement on my Civ4 manuals which are just pdf images of the printed manual.
Read the manual? Read the manual? What kind of wimps are you guys :)? Seriously, PDF is fine. If you want something to read on the toilet, buy a laptop.

And I think the people who are going to get the money don't give a rat's ass why they are getting it, for PR reasons or because everybody at Firaxis has heard Nimroy's line on meditation so many times they have achieved Buddha nature. They'll be happy to get the money. There are a lot worse things that cash could go to. Think political donations.

See? Sounds better already.
Good for 2K Games. I have criticized them about a lot of things recently but this I can appreciate. Good show. :)
I'll play the game on my PC. Five feet from there is my iMac whereon I'll read any parts of the manual I have to refresh on.

Yes, I will probably at least browse through the WHOLE manual before I play my first game. :blush:

... I'll see if it's Flash based; if not, I'll probably put it on my iPad to read. :D

The_J is NOT a grouch, but sometimes he acts like one. :p
I cant really beleave what all the whining is about here. Its great, isnt it? Dont get me wrong, I love paper manuals, even if I almost never look at them. Well... somehow I feel some contradiction creaping up my legs but well.. you cant have everything, right?
In our society, money is the only thing that is of any value to a company. People are just things that make more money than they cost (There is even a name for that: "human resources"). Everything else is just money in different forms. And everything any company is supposed to do, is make profit. Thats their only goal. There is no moral component to it. The only thing a company can controll is, where the money goes. Thats basically the only decition they have to make. And all decitions are in such a way, that they earn money somehow. Now, the marketing of donating to charetys is in no way different to that. This decition is made to make profit. And there is nothing wrong with it because thats what a comany does. The difference to paper manuals and advertisement is, they give the money to different people. And if I had to name one thing that makes the world more livable, reduces war, hatret and suffering, I would take education. And therefor, thank you very much 2k and firaxis, I very much appriciate that decition. Thank you very much!
I'm whining about that they decide for me, that they will donate something.
Maybe i would have wanted to donate myself? Maybe to a group which they will not donate to?
ROTFL seriously ?
You are whining because they didnt ask you if they can donate some money and because you can't choose who will they donate the money to ?

Oh my god, the long wait is having a bad effect on us :lol::lol:
So much anger about such good intentions?

I'm very glad about the announcement. good job 2k
Im fine about using a pdf instead of a paper long as its updated regularly. Now what makes me wonder is why the digital version of the game will cost the same as the packaged / boxed one ?? I'd think that electronic trees are cheaper :P
Now what makes me wonder is why the digital version of the game will cost the same as the packaged / boxed one ?? I'd think that electronic trees are cheaper :P

Yes, but all companies do that. And then they complain about piracy. Selling digital version at same price as boxed one is definately stealing. It's not just the manual and the box. They don't have to pay lots of things, like shops, plains, trucks...
Im pretty sure that im getting at least some hate for saying this (not sure why.. well maybe im just not politically correct about the environment and stuff :lol:) but it doesnt bother me too much :)

To me the civ manuals has been like a good book and i dont like reading my books from my desktop computer but on a couch or something :) Im so so sorry if someone gets totally mad about me saying this but to me the PDF just isnt the same thing :(

Lets put some humour at the end: Why didnt they help the environment by not designing the Giant Death Robot? Think about all the electricity it must of took to designg that useless monster! ;)
Im so so sorry if someone gets totally mad about me saying this but to me the PDF just isnt the same thing :()

What cheek!

You know most people don't like ebooks because they relate it to reading on the computer. If you're an avid reader I urge you to reconsider by getting yourself a Kindle DX. Join the revolution!
Well I knew I was already out of luck on a paper manual with D2D pre-order, but I'm sorry to hear the Civilization tome is no more. I still keep my CivIII and CivIV handy for some light reading, especially to jog my memories of CivIII (which I haven't touched since CivIV came out). And it looks like the digital version is over 200 pages, just like the paper manuals are. I'd rather not use up all my black ink for one print job :( I suppose it's a nice "save the planet" move, but don't we Civ players already do are part by creating fewer carbon emissions than the average person (i.e. we're constantly shuttered indoors playing Civ, so we can't be bothered to go driving) :p
Using charitable donations as an incentive to purchase a product for the purpose of generating profit is manipulative and in my opinion inappropriate. Lending a helping hand is a very respectible activity. Doing so in connection with a for-profit venture is, in my opinion, distasteful.

Oh get over yourself. I think it's a nice gesture, there's no reason for them to do it: they're suppose to be a soul-less corporation after all. And who the hell buys a video game because they want to donate to charity? They have hot-lines that do that directly with your money, without having to purchase a game that you (apparently) don't want. I think people that need help don't give a damn if the money is from nuns or suits, it does the job either way.
What cheek!

You know most people don't like ebooks because they relate it to reading on the computer. If you're an avid reader I urge you to reconsider by getting yourself a Kindle DX. Join the revolution!

For me its the simple staring at a white screen with black lettering for too long really messes with my eyes, and I do it enough on this bright forum: my eyes!!! Also, I have a desktop computer, so when I want to read I have to do it in my chair, I'd rather sit comfortably on my bed with a booklet, I could do that all day.
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