Civilizations selection, Historical Spawning Dates, Civil Wars & Revolutions

Thanks a lot !

For the format, the optional attributes are to be removed completely, not leaved blank (ie for the code there is a difference between a <null> entry and an empty string entry)

So preferably like that:
<Row CultureType="CULTURE_X" CultureName="LOC_CULTURE_X" StartDate="-4000"/>
Thanks a lot !

For the format, the optional attributes are to be removed completely, not leaved blank (ie for the code there is a difference between a <null> entry and an empty string entry)

So preferably like that:
<Row CultureType="CULTURE_X" CultureName="LOC_CULTURE_X" StartDate="-4000"/>
Great, I'll remove those fields in the future.

1. Another thing I was concerned about was how culture groups would be "spawned". A culture group that spawns shouldn't replace all pre-existing cultures. In some cases a pre-existing culture has a latter EndDate than a spawning group.
Maybe the proximity to the EndDate could affect the rate at pre-existing culture declines? After the EndDate, it should decline rapidly in any case. A Group without an EndDate, wouldn't decline with time, but only due to other factors.

2. In some cases the regions I've defined do overlap, and I hope that this isn't a problem. I mean, the culture group shouldn't get awarded double % just because the same plot is included in two different regions.

3. Then there's the question of succession. Can we define a successor culture? Successor groups could inherit all the pre-existing cultures %-share. Groups with an successor wouldn't decline when the EndDate draws near, but rather be replaced when the StartDate begins. I guess you could differentiate Succession and a culture being Supplanted. In which case the pre-existing group declines as normal but its losses are aquired by the supplanting Group.

 Like <EvolvesInto> and/or <SupplantedBy>

For e.g. I've divided some Groups that are based on languages into chronological divisions like archaic, old, middle Egyptian. The reason being that languages (and cultures) evolve and change over time, and I wanted to include all new regions in which the language had spread.

4. Finally, the most difficult issue. I've defined Culture Groups following historical patterns. The benefit of this, if I understood you correctly, would be that when starting a game in a latter Era this could pre-populate the world with historic Cultures, up to that point at least?

But the spread and dominance of a particular Culture/Language is very much tied to military conquests (Empire-building) and spread of religions.

Maybe some culture groups should require military conquest or a certain religion to be present, in order for them to spawn?
Like <RequiresConquestBy> or <RequiresReligion>
For e.g. the spread of Arabic is definitely tied to the Islamic conquest beginning in the 600s. I don't think a particular Arabia Civ needs to keep control over all of North Africa for the rest of the game, just to spread Arabic. Instead just conquering it once and spreading religion could trigger the start of those particular groups. I know we can't have vassal states (subjugated Major-Civs) without the DLL access, but maybe Suzerains or maybe a new Civ can be spawned/break free at specific dates or when reaching pre-defined conditions?

For e.g. I've defined Egyptian Arabic as a separate group from Peninsular Arabic. My reasoning is that it would allow an Islamic/Arabic Egyptian Civ that was independant to appear. Like the Mamluks.

5. But it would also be useful to be able to define affinities to specific Civs, like you mentioned earlier. Each CultureGroup would then be more positive to certain Civs, but with negative modifiers if there are differences of religion/government.

6. In any case, my current definitions of culture groups should allow us to get rid of the vanilla abstract Civilization names, and instead rename those Civs to their particular entities.
For e.g. "Arabia" under Saladin would rather be the Ayyubid dynasty/sultanates. "Egypt" under Cleopatra would rather be "Ptolemaic Kingdom", which was a Hellenic Greek successor state, in which the ruling class was Greek, rather than of Ancient Egyptian heritage.
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1/ Plots can share multiple Culture Groups (CG), when a new group spawn (or a Civilization) it doesn't erase the previous CG from the plots.

ATM only Cities "generate" Culture Points (based on their size and the culture yield of the city, with a maximum value also based on size and yield), a percentage of that culture is then "diffused" on the adjacent plots (with bonus/penalties depending on terrain, route, rivers, features...).

Note that city create culture point for the other CG on the plot (but only based on size), but also convert a small portion of all those CG points to the CG of the City owner.

Culture Points are also transferred from one plots (or city) to another (plot or city) with the current population migration mechanism (using the ratio between people moving and the total population on the origine plot/city)

What I plan to do is to have new features (think Tribal village or Barbarian stronghold-like) on some "good" plots (based on the adjacent plots "fertility" value), and those features will act like small cities and will "generate" Culture points (but not only, I'd like to use them for population growth, migration and units spawnin too, and maybe evolve to real CS/Civ) for one of the CG related to the region where that new feature will be spawned.

We have a <StartDate>, a (optional) <PeakDate> and an <EndDate>. If there is no <PeakDate> defined, then the code will use the middle date between start and end to determine the "peak". Probability/strenght of spawning a culture-related feature and the rate of culture generation on the plot will raise from <StartDate> to <PeakDate> then will go down until <EndDate>.

Culture Groups can overlap in a Region, I don't see an issue in spawning such features relatively close to each other, if I use fake CS to represent them, we could even have some small wars over the features with spawned units if the CGs have negative affinities between each other.

2/ Shouldn't be an issue to have a CG with such "features" in multiple regions.

3/ IMO that could simply be linked to the affinities values, with a CG being slowly converted to the CG it has most affinities with after the <EndDate>

4/ That's one of the possibility of the "Barbarian Invasion" mechanism discussed in the "City growth, Social Stratification, Population Migration" thread, when one of the new "feature" at a specific location spawn some units at a specific date and a specific objective, we can "attach" the CG to those units, and give them the ability to "convert" a percentage of the other CG on their paths to that CG, and not only push them away.

6/ For the AI, that's part of the "Dynamic History" that we want in the mod (with Historical Spawning Dates and some other Rhyes&Fall-like mechanisms, ie "real" Fall of Civilizations), still unsure for the humans players, "building" a specific nation. Choosing side in case of a Civil War during a "Fall of..." could be a long term (ie DLL) objective.

But how do you visualize the naming process ?
6/ For the AI, that's part of the "Dynamic History" that we want in the mod (with Historical Spawning Dates and some other Rhyes&Fall-like mechanisms, ie "real" Fall of Civilizations), still unsure for the humans players, "building" a specific nation. Choosing side in case of a Civil War during a "Fall of..." could be a long term (ie DLL) objective.

But how do you visualize the naming process ?
I envision the CG's as the more permanent elements, upon which Civilizations are built. I see Leaders and Civs as more temporary. When leaders die, the player would continue as the next ruler.

But if the Civilization is thrown into a Civil War or is conquered/disintegrates, the player can choose to continue as any of the successor Civs. The choice of successor Civs could be limited to the CG of the previous ruler, or any of the CG's in the previous territory. Possibly even continue the game as a vassal to the conquering Civ, and work towards breaking free.

Basically, when your Civ falls, you get to continue playing as another (possibly new) Civ.
I mean practically, how would you name a civilization based on the data provided ?
I mean practically, how would you name a civilization based on the data provided ?
I don't know what you mean exactly, maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

For historical Civs, on Earth maps, you can simply use historical names for any applicable Civs.

But if I understand you correctly, you're asking how we could name non-historical/generated Civs?

In these cases you could combine the CG name(s) and government type. A new Civ with Greek culture and Monarchy, could be named "Greek Kingdom". If that Civ conquers Rome, it could be named Greek-Roman Empire. If the Roman CG breaks free with the government Oligarchy, it could be named Roman Oligarchy. If there's already a "Roman Oligarchy" Civ, then the new Civ could be named "Neo-Roman Oligarchy".
An alternative or complimentary naming scheme would be to use the capital city name of the break-away Civ. If the city of Sparta breaks free from the Greek Kingdom, the new Civ could be named "Kingdom of Sparta"/"Republic of Sparta" and so on
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So we also need adjectives, CG suffix, CG prefix then coding the naming conventions. Not against it, and we'll need adjectives anyway.

Maybe we could ask @SeelingCat the author of the Rosetta mod if he is interested or how long he thinks it would take to mod such a thing. There was also a kind of mod like that (renaming Civs based on government) for Civ5 IIRC.

Because the "simpler" solution (historical names instead of combined names) is not so simple, unless we're scripting everything (which I can't do in my time frame), I mean how to code something like that without forcing actual History into the game, leaving no place to "what if..."
For e.g. "Arabia" under Saladin would rather be the Ayyubid dynasty/sultanates. "Egypt" under Cleopatra would rather be "Ptolemaic Kingdom", which was a Hellenic Greek successor state, in which the ruling class was Greek, rather than of Ancient Egyptian heritage.

"scripting everything" would look like that in pseudo code:
if upperClass in Egypt > x/100 Greek and era = "ERA_CLASSICAL" and Government = "KINGDOM" then EgyptName = "Ptolemaic Kingdom"
and you may have to write X lines or code where X = number of possible historical names for all civs, CG and eras...

while a combined name function looks like that:
  • for each civilization :
    • for each CG check if CG > civilization culture then create Civ name based on current government and CG name
    • else create civ name based on current government
and it handles all possible combination, and you can add any number of CG or civs later, it will still handle it without further (re)coding.
So we also need adjectives, CG suffix, CG prefix then coding the naming conventions. Not against it, and we'll need adjectives anyway.
I've written the CG names as adjectives where possible. But what kind of names/suffixes/prefixes are needed? Are the required fields listed in the Localisation xmls? Of course, I'm limited to working with English.

Maybe we could ask @SeelingCat the author of the Rosetta mod if he is interested or how long he thinks it would take to mod such a thing. There was also a kind of mod like that (renaming Civs based on government) for Civ5 IIRC.

Because the "simpler" solution (historical names instead of combined names) is not so simple, unless we're scripting everything (which I can't do in my time frame), I mean how to code something like that without forcing actual History into the game, leaving no place to "what if..."

"scripting everything" would look like that in pseudo code:
if upperClass in Egypt > x/100 Greek and era = "ERA_CLASSICAL" and Government = "KINGDOM" then EgyptName = "Ptolemaic Kingdom"
and you may have to write X lines or code where X = number of possible historical names for all civs, CG and eras...

while a combined name function looks like that:
  • for each civilization :
    • for each CG check if CG > civilization culture then create Civ name based on current government and CG name
    • else create civ name based on current government
and it handles all possible combination, and you can add any number of CG or civs later, it will still handle it without further (re)coding.
I believe I'm responsible for some confusion, so I'll attempt to make my assumptions and vision clear, since it may depart from your vision or what is even possible to mod (with or without DLL access).
  • All historical CGs and Civs requires an Earth map. Otherwise we might as well scrap the predefined Civs and CGs and use generated ones. (I'm not against this).
  • All CG's would be scripted, but they could be triggered by certain conditions (like conquest or religion).
  • I assumed that it is possible to decouple Civilizations (the cities and units linked to a player) from CGs.
  • Civilizations wouldn't have their own CG, but rather a Civ's "culture" would indicate the control over plots, meaning political/military power. The point is to allow multi-cultural Civs.
  • Civilizations would initially be linked to one CG, its dominant culture. So a US Civ would have lots of cultural groups, but the American-English (?) CG is the dominant one.
  • A CG without a Civilization could form one by spawning a City.
  • A Civilization could conquer plots with other CGs, without the Civ changing name.
  • A Civilization that changes its government would generally change its name.
  • Each Civilization would have a percentage, representing Stability/Internal control.
  • When stability goes low, because of military defeats and loosing cities to foreign invaders, this would increase probability of the Civ collapsing, cities breaking free and so on.
  • Cities in your Civ, where the Civ's (dominant) CG is in minority, are more likely to break free. Such cities would spawn their own Civilization.
  • Fulfilling some scripted conditions, would allow spawning of historical Civs. In order to spawn USA, there would need to be a majority of English/English-American CG on the North American continent.
For specific historical Civs, especially those with foreign rulers like the Ptolemaic Kingdom, it would definately require scripting.

I understand that you don't want to spend time doing that kind of scripting, but I could, as long as you specify the format. The what-if scenarios would use simpler functions like the one you exemplified.

For Ptolemaic Kingdom specifically, I would set the condition that Macedonian Empire needs to conquer a city (or more) in Egypt (region or Egyptian CG). And when Macedonian Empire collapses (or reaches its EndDate), it would spawn the Ptolemaic Kingdom that would inherit the Egyptian city from the Macedonian Empire Civ. If the Egyptian city is conquered by someone else before Macedonian Empire ends, then it wouldn't spawn Ptolemaic Kingdom Civ.

If you want to keep abstract Civs (like Greece) without having us/me spend time coming up with historical names and conditions, then I could still link the Civ to the CGs that I've already defined.

I guess the link between Civ and CGs would have to be defined under <Civilizations> rather than <CultureGroups>? You know coding better than me, but I would assume that we could add an attribute like <UsesCultureGroups="CG1" "CG2",.../>.

I'm open for suggestions and commited to forcing more (optional) history into the game :)
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Thanks, you've got everything right, I'll just do some more clarification and try to explain a bit more the relation between the database and the code.

But first I'll start by an important entry I've forgotten in the table for Culture Groups that your post has reminded me of (you'll see why it did just after)

Ethnicity can be one of those:

This is required to allow the mod's code to pick an unused Civilization (I'll reserve some "blank" CS and Major Civilization slots at the start of the game) that has an ArtStyle that will fit the Culture Group if it spawn a city.

All historical CGs and Civs requires an Earth map
Yes, that was the initial plan (with the requirement of YnAMP for its database) but I'm also thinking of possible solution for other (default or custom) map scripts. The Ethnicity entry in the Civilizations table allow to group all of them on any map (as per the option already available in YnAMP), and that could be used in the same way to spawn the CG-related features near Civilization of the same Ethnicity.

Note that we could add a few more entries, but not many.

The Affinity table can also be used to group Civilization and CG locations by affinities.

All CG's would be scripted
... to spawn in a date intervall, in a defined region (or near specific Civilization)

but they could be triggered by certain conditions (like conquest or religion)
not with the current organization of the CG tables.

About the way the data is presented in the mod, I'm trying to do it in a way that would allow modmod (and easier data management for the development)

For example, there are a few tables related to the relation between units, their equipment and their "PromotionClass", ie the "upgrade path"

Those tables can be edited by another mod using a higher load order than this mod, which could allow, for example, anyone to make a compatibility mod between this one and Allein's "Relive World Wars" mod or any of the mods adding more units to integrate them in this mod's units tree or completly replace it, and use the equipment/upgrade mechanism of this mod.

The rules to apply upgrade/downgrade based on equipment are relatively easy to formulate, and there are not many, so the organization of the tables is also relatively simple (see, but the code to use that data is so complex that I've trouble to understand it myself (search "equipment" in

And that's for a few simple rules.

Last time I tried to add a (seemingly simple) modification like allowing the Tercio to have two different weapons, because my current code fails at handling that, I've almost burnt myself out struggling to find a solution.

The current organization of the table related to CG give the code the following information: date, location, affinities, and ethnicity

We can add more information, we may have to, but it can become extremly complex very quickly, even more if the rules start to be complex.

I've tried to put some thoughts on it, but I still don't see how to organize the data in XML to allow the checks and calls in the code for renaming "Egypt" to "Ptolemaic Kingdom" with the proposed rules.

The very first step would be to determine what conditions we'll have to check for all cases we want to handle, then how many column/table we need to store the related data.

Civilizations wouldn't have their own CG, but rather a Civ's "culture" would indicate the control over plots, meaning political/military power. The point is to allow multi-cultural Civs.
I suppose we could call it "national identity", but it will be represented and act as the other CG on the map. Owning a plot will be determined by the Civilization that has the bigger value for its own CG on it (or maybe its affinities with the other CG on the plot not related to another Civilization, when they are dominant, which should always be the case at the beginning of the game)

Civilizations would initially be linked to one CG, its dominant culture.
Multiples CG, using affinities values.

Its own CG, the "National Identity" as I see it, won't be dominant until later eras and Nationalism. We may have to code something to limit it in earlier Eras BTW.

Cities in your Civ, where the Civ's (dominant) CG is in minority, are more likely to break free. Such cities would spawn their own Civilization.
Yes, but the major factor is the Civilization relations with the dominant CGs in the city, that are initially set by Affinity, but will change based on actions, diplomatic relations in case of other Civilizations CG and the "happiness" level in the city (based on fulfilling population needs), knowing that the Civilization own CG could trigger a revolt in case of unhappiness, and that a special CG called "independantist" will be generated in cities far from the Empire capital, with higher requirements for "hapiness".

Fulfilling some scripted conditions, would allow spawning of historical Civs
yes, conditions being based on date/location ATM...

In order to spawn USA, there would need to be a majority of English/English-American CG on the North American continent.
... so not with the current design, but I've not looked at how to differentiate post-colonial Civilizations from the others in the spawning mechanism (meaning that at this moment it's just date/location for them too)

If you want to keep abstract Civs (like Greece) without having us/me spend time coming up with historical names and conditions, then I could still link the Civ to the CGs that I've already defined.
Linking the civs to the CGs is one of the roles of the Affinity table, using positive values.

The role of the <SpawnCivilization> tag in the CultureGroups table is very specific: to force a CG-related feature to be placed on the exact Civilization's Starting Position some time before this Civilization spawning date.

The Affinity table would be presented this way (slightly edited since the previous examples)
  <Row CultureGroup="CULTURE_BALTS"AffinityWith="CULTURE_GERMANS" Value="15"/>
  <Row CultureGroup="CULTURE_BALTS"AffinityWith="CIVILIZATION_GERMANY" Value="15"/>
Linking the civs to the CGs is one of the roles of the Affinity table, using positive values.

The role of the <SpawnCivilization> tag in the CultureGroups table is very specific: to force a CG-related feature to be placed on the exact Civilization's Starting Position some time before this Civilization spawning date.

The Affinity table would be presented this way (slightly edited since the previous examples)
  <Row CultureGroup="CULTURE_BALTS"AffinityWith="CULTURE_GERMANS" Value="15"/>
  <Row CultureGroup="CULTURE_BALTS"AffinityWith="CIVILIZATION_GERMANY" Value="15"/>
With linking I meant that the Civ would change its national identity CG over time. To take an example: For Egypt I've defined several CGs, Archaic-, Old-, Middle- and Late Egyptian. These groups represent an evolution over time and they start in different regions. If we keep the Egyptian Civs generic "Egyptian" CG together with these, then it's going to look quite weird and confusing, and make little sense.

If possible, it would be better if we could assign the CGs to the Civ, so that "Archaic Egyptian" is the CG that the "Egypt" Civ uses. When Archaic Egyptian reaches its EndDate, then the next linked CG (Old Egyptian) would be used instead.

Alternatively I could remove all CGs connected to the national identity of in-game Civs.

Or I guess it should be possible to add some startup code to exclude Civ-CGs, if they are in the current game? Meaning that if Egypt is in the game, then Egyptian CGs (like the examples above) are disabled.
I've tried to put some thoughts on it, but I still don't see how to organize the data in XML to allow the checks and calls in the code for renaming "Egypt" to "Ptolemaic Kingdom" with the proposed rules.
My suggestion would be to define/generate a new Civ, instead of renaming the same one. The Egyptian Civ would cease to exist, and its cities would be inherited by the new Civ. If the new Civ isn't scripted then it would need a generated name. If generating a name is too difficult, then I guess we can scrap that idea.
Well, we really need more coders if we want to have a v.1 before 2025, and we definitively need a database designer, because things start to get out of my league here :D

New features added to what I've drafted will have to wait another pass on the subject, so, sorry, Egypt Culture Group will be "Egypt" for now.
Well, we really need more coders if we want to have a v.1 before 2025, and we definitively need a database designer, because things start to get out of my league here :D

New features added to what I've drafted will have to wait another pass on the subject, so, sorry, Egypt Culture Group will be "Egypt" for now.
Alright, thanks for taking time to explain the limitations and answering my questions :)

I'll add ethnicities to the CGs, and remove all CGs connected to national identity from now on.

I can keep the Pre-Civ CGs, the ones that <SpawnCivilization>.
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Added ethnicities and removed some CG's and optional attributes (blank fields ""), but no new CG's added.


  • CultureGroupsGiantEarth_26_10_2018.7z
    3.5 KB · Views: 157
I'm writing some code related to dynamic change of Civilization during the game, the easier/faster application to test my current work would be your proposition the renaming of current Civilizations description ("Empire of [civname]") based on their government.

So, what should be the naming rules for that ?

Chiefdom : Clan of [civname]
Autocracy: Empire of [civname]
Classical Republic : Republic of [civname]
Oligarchy : ?
Theocracy : Holy Empire of [civname]
Merchant Republic : Merchant Republic of [civname]
Monarchy : Kingdom of [civname]
Communism : Socialist Republic of [civname]
Fascism : Nation of [civname]
Democracy : Democratic Republic of [civname]

Edit: Even if I don't plan to have leaders in the mod, while they are still there, we could add title to the current leaders name too.
I'm writing some code related to dynamic change of Civilization during the game, the easier/faster application to test my current work would be your proposition the renaming of current Civilizations description ("Empire of [civname]") based on their government.

So, what should be the naming rules for that ?

Chiefdom : Clan of [civname]
Autocracy: Empire of [civname]
Classical Republic : Republic of [civname]
Oligarchy : ?
Theocracy : Holy Empire of [civname]
Merchant Republic : Merchant Republic of [civname]
Monarchy : Kingdom of [civname]
Communism : Socialist Republic of [civname]
Fascism : Nation of [civname]
Democracy : Democratic Republic of [civname]

Edit: Even if I don't plan to have leaders in the mod, while they are still there, we could add title to the current leaders name too.
I guess "Oligarchy of X" would work just as well as any other name, since the definitions of the government types (Autocracy/Oligarchy/Classical Republic) aren't that clearly and easily delimited.

I guess Oligarchies could otherwise be called "Free cities of X" or "League of X", taking Greek City-states as the inspriation.

Merchant Republic could simply be "Republic of X" as well.

Communist countries could have some variation if you like, some could be called "People's Republic of X".
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Thanks, I'll start by something generic, we'll see if we can extend it to specific names per civilization.

Spoiler Dynamic names :
Naming seems to be working fine, I'm even a bit sad that I've pushed the addition of Basic Civilization into the mod at the same time (as it has removed leaders, and the female titles, but it's required for future plans), but I think it would not be too much work (on my side) to provide a mechanism allowing anyone to put a list of Civilizations leader names with a start/end date (and gender) in a XML/SQL file to be shown on the Diplo Ribbon and the Diplo screen.
I think I'll use something like that to personalize the Civilization description :
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Narmer"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-3200"    EndDate="-3100"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Djoser"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-2686"    EndDate="-2649"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Snefru"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-2650"    EndDate="-2550"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Khufu"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-2589"    EndDate="-2566"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Khafre"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-2560"    EndDate="-2535"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Pepi II"        Gender="Male"    StartDate="-2278"    EndDate="-2184"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Senusret I"        Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1971"    EndDate="-1926"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Ahmose I"        Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1549"    EndDate="-1524"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Amenhotep I"    Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1525"    EndDate="-1504"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Thutmose II"    Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1493"    EndDate="-1479"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Hatshepsut"        Gender="Female"    StartDate="-1478"    EndDate="-1458"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Akhenaten"        Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1353"    EndDate="-1336"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Nefertiti"        Gender="Female"    StartDate="-1334"    EndDate="-1332"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Tutankhamun"    Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1332"    EndDate="-1323"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Seti I"            Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1290"    EndDate="-1279"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="RamsesII"         Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1279"    EndDate="-1213"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Merenptah"         Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1000"    EndDate="-1000"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Twosret"         Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1000"    EndDate="-1000"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Xerxes I"         Gender="Male"    StartDate="-1000"    EndDate="-1000"    />
    <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_EGYPT"        LeaderName="Cleopatra"         Gender="Female"    StartDate="-51"        EndDate="-30"    />
I am like a month and a half behind, but I just saw that you pinged me here, Gedemon. Funnily enough, dynamic civ naming is something I've been wanting to implement, but I'm running into the issue that there doesn't seem to be a lua command to change a civ's name like there is for leaders, but as I look back as I write this at the pictures I didn't see before - it looks like you've gotten around this somehow - that's very exciting!

Here was my default name list based on gov:
Chiefdom                        The [ADJ] Tribes
Autocracy                        The [ADJ] Empire
Classical Republic                The [ADJ] Republic
Oligarchy                        The [ADJ] League
Merchant Republic                The Republic of [NAME]
Monarchy                        The Kingdom of [NAME]
Christian                        The Holy [ADJ] Empire
Orthodox                        The [ADJ] Empire
Muslim                            The [ADJ] Caliphate
Muslim (Modern)                    The Islamic Republic of [NAME]
Confucian/Taoist                The Celestial Empire of [NAME]
Buddhism                        The Kingdom of [NAME]
Generic                            The Holy State of [NAME]
Hinduism                        ???
Judaism                            ???
Shinto                            The Empire of [NAME]
Sikhism                            The Sikh [ADJ] Raj
Zoroastrianism                    ???
Communism                        The People's Republic of [NAME]
Democracy                        The Republic of [NAME]
Fascism                            The [ADJ] State
Absolute Monarchy                The [ADJ] Empire
Constitutional Monarchy            The Kingdom of [NAME]
Noble Republic                    The [ADJ] Commonwealth

EDIT: I've also got many unique names for civs as well - hadn't started looking at leaders yet though

EDITx2: Also here's a link to some words that could be used to avoid 'Greek-Roman' in favor of things like 'Greco-Roman'
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