I download it again, and it still not working correct. It is doubly sad, cause mod looks really great! Can smb post some python files, or .CivWarlordsWBSave files, or anything else, to make it work/
Or tell me what I should download.
You'll have to turn on python debug so we can see what is happening. 500AD is the "other" in the scenario selection case, which means it's actually the 500AD, or that the szTitle string isn't set to something expected. The game has to be set for English. Any other language will CTD due to missing text.
To turn python logging on, find the Warlords CivilizationIV.ini.
For window7 it's at: Documents\My Games\Warlords
and for XP it "My Documents" instead of just "Documents"
; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1
After LoggingEnabled is set to 1, save and start the game. Once the map is ready to play you can exit out. Now, in the Logs dir (Documents\My Games\Warlords\Logs) there will be PythonDbg.log along with a bunch of other files. Open it up and search for "is szTitle", and post what that is.
In PythonDbg.log:
PY:276 BC is szTitle
> Sorry in the 400 AD scenario, what I'm saying is that the option to request open borders isn't even available in the diplomacy list when dealing between the ERE/WRE.
> You an request a defensive pact, but not open borders. Is it just changing a zero to a 1 in one of the wbs files?
Ahh.. hard to believe but this is a new bug! I don't know why it isn't available, and setting it in python doesn't work either in this case

So unfortunately there is nothing to do about it except wait and see if the other side will offer it.
I'm pretty sure these can't be set specifically in WBS either.