civIV Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

Thanks that worked but when I opened it on warlords I can't find the scenarios but the civilopedia works fine
EEK - got a CTD, end of turn 433 (389 AD), researching Alliance with the Visigoths. PythonErr.log message states:

Traceback (most recent call last)

File "CvEventInterface", line 30 in onEvent
File "CvCustomEventManager", line 180, in handleEvent
File "CvCustomEventManager", line 191, in _handleDefaultEvent
File "rfre", line 897, in onTechAcquired
File "rfreUtils", line 382, in pal2lim

RuntimeError : unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function onEvent failed, module CvEventInterface

Like the change with Mauretania !

Regards - have a great Christmas etc ...

Did you skip any of the techs? If so you'll get ahead of the time line and it will CTD where the WRE is expected to exist, but doesn't yet.

If not please post a savegame.
Thanks! Also, any thoughts on having the ability to have "open borders" between the western and eastern roman empire's in the 400 AD scenario (or playing through the others to then)? If you can form a defensive alliance between the two, it makes sense to have open borders as well yes?

Also, is it possible to include the ability to declare war on vassals? I've found it annoying when vassals take over cities that "rebel" (i.e. Jerusalem) and I can't do anything about taking them back.
Please help! It start always in 500 ad, regardless of what date I chose. For example, I start 110 bc, states and diplomacy is 110 bc, but techs, events and date is 500ad.
sorry if my English is bad:)
Thanks! Also, any thoughts on having the ability to have "open borders" between the western and eastern roman empire's in the 400 AD scenario (or playing through the others to then)? If you can form a defensive alliance between the two, it makes sense to have open borders as well yes?

Also, is it possible to include the ability to declare war on vassals? I've found it annoying when vassals take over cities that "rebel" (i.e. Jerusalem) and I can't do anything about taking them back.

The function that splits the empires sets open borders. For the 400AD scenario, the attitude is set very positive, so signing should be very easy to accomplish. You'll want diplomacy to trade the luxury items too. Both sides will be hard pressed without some cooperation.

As for vassals, this is how the game works and I've not seen a reason to change it. The vassals that are forced (client kings) aren't likely to take over many cities, and if they do these will be merged in later anyway. The vassals that you choose, like the Galatians, Thracians, Seleucids.. they might take over something you want, but that's just how it goes and the chance you take when accepting them.

EoJl said:
Please help! It start always in 500 ad, regardless of what date I chose. For example, I start 110 bc, states and diplomacy is 110 bc, but techs, events and date is 500ad.

Did you edit the maps to change the start date? That's the only way I can see this happening. The start dates in the files are odd, but it's the way I found to load the correct python while avoiding the corresponding bugs in the .exe.
I download it again, and it still not working correct. It is doubly sad, cause mod looks really great! Can smb post some python files, or .CivWarlordsWBSave files, or anything else, to make it work/
Or tell me what I should download.
The function that splits the empires sets open borders. For the 400AD scenario, the attitude is set very positive, so signing should be very easy to accomplish. You'll want diplomacy to trade the luxury items too. Both sides will be hard pressed without some cooperation.

Sorry in the 400 AD scenario, what I'm saying is that the option to request open borders isn't even available in the diplomacy list when dealing between the ERE/WRE.

You an request a defensive pact, but not open borders. Is it just changing a zero to a 1 in one of the wbs files?
I download it again, and it still not working correct. It is doubly sad, cause mod looks really great! Can smb post some python files, or .CivWarlordsWBSave files, or anything else, to make it work/
Or tell me what I should download.

You'll have to turn on python debug so we can see what is happening. 500AD is the "other" in the scenario selection case, which means it's actually the 500AD, or that the szTitle string isn't set to something expected. The game has to be set for English. Any other language will CTD due to missing text.

To turn python logging on, find the Warlords CivilizationIV.ini.
For window7 it's at: Documents\My Games\Warlords
and for XP it "My Documents" instead of just "Documents"

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1

After LoggingEnabled is set to 1, save and start the game. Once the map is ready to play you can exit out. Now, in the Logs dir (Documents\My Games\Warlords\Logs) there will be PythonDbg.log along with a bunch of other files. Open it up and search for "is szTitle", and post what that is.

In PythonDbg.log:
PY:276 BC is szTitle

> Sorry in the 400 AD scenario, what I'm saying is that the option to request open borders isn't even available in the diplomacy list when dealing between the ERE/WRE.
> You an request a defensive pact, but not open borders. Is it just changing a zero to a 1 in one of the wbs files?

Ahh.. hard to believe but this is a new bug! I don't know why it isn't available, and setting it in python doesn't work either in this case :confused: So unfortunately there is nothing to do about it except wait and see if the other side will offer it.

I'm pretty sure these can't be set specifically in WBS either.
After LoggingEnabled is set to 1, save and start the game. Once the map is ready to play you can exit out. Now, in the Logs dir (Documents\My Games\Warlords\Logs) there will be PythonDbg.log along with a bunch of other files. Open it up and search for "is szTitle", and post what that is.

In PythonDbg.log:
PY:276 BC is szTitle

Oh, in my PythonDbg.log is:
PY:275 до н.э. is szTitle

in English it means:
PY:275 BC is szTitle

I need not-localized WB version, or I can still do something with it?
BTW, I've played the 110BC scenario through to 398AD and it crashes every time when I end my turn. I suspect it has something to do with the empire split at 400AD? See the attached save game. Thanks


Oh, in my PythonDbg.log is:
PY:275 до н.э. is szTitle

in English it means:
PY:275 BC is szTitle

I need not-localized WB version, or I can still do something with it?

If not here, then the game will crash elsewhere very quickly since there are many texts with only <ENGLISH> entries. Sorry, it's all I know. Only using English will work.

The mod is "stable" (maybe not 100% done, but there are very few changes anymore), so if someone wants to add in more languages I'll be happy to merge them in. Some of the python will have to be adjusted as well, but I'll figure out a way.
BTW, I've played the 110BC scenario through to 398AD and it crashes every time when I end my turn. I suspect it has something to do with the empire split at 400AD? See the attached save game. Thanks

It's the same thing. All games will crash here.

The fix is to make the "Conversion to Christianity" tech take 3 more turns, and the workaround is to just switch over to the other tech until the division of Theodosius happens. This will be at the end of the 395AD turn, but is a turn later in the 110BC scenario.
So...switch off the 'Christianity' tech until the split happens? Or the 'converstion to constantine'? I'm at 398AD with 1 turn to go until 'Alliance With The Visigoths'. Can you elaborate please? Thanks!
Hi Jcb - same problem as myself .... just change your research to Alliance with the Burgundians - this will take you past the split and you can play on ....
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