civIV Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

This is a great mod. Interesting too. I just tried the 110BC scenario. Haven't tried the others. Any chance of adding formations to the units? I just have a soft spot for the organized units.
looks good:goodjob:
I have no clue how to download this.[pissed] And it looks so good!!
Can anyone help me, i am quite clueless about computers.:(
OK, so I downloaded and then loaded the mod in Warlords. When the mod loaded, I really didn't know what to do. There was nothing special under the "Play a Scenario" section. The only clue that I had even loaded the mod was that when I hit "Play Now", all the civs were Roman stuff (Carthage, Western Roman Empire, Aegyptus etc.) Is there something else I have to do?
Check the mod folder and see what you have under public maps or private maps (I don't recall where Pstew put the map files). Also, make sure that warlords is fully patched up.
Great game....should be included with the purchase of Warlords. Very creative from an historical perspective. Played it during development and going to play it again..
I haven't really responded because the patch didn't work and I thought I was screwed. Then I noticed the "Click the date" reply. It works!! Think you SO much.:thanx:
Quick question: When you research a "War" tech e.g. "Fist Punic War", do you autonatically declare war? Thanks.
Never war, but some things do trigger on the techs.

Most things are trigger on dates, though there is often a +/- offset which is randomly determined when the scenario starts. Thus a game can be reloaded and the same offsets will be used, but start another game and they could be different.
Another question: what are the techs that the hero upgrades (scipionus, caesaris, trajanis, and belisarii) are available on? Thanks
> download

I just tried it, and while a bit slow, it did work. Maybe there was a temporary problem?

> hero promotions

These are all applied to both of the Consular Legions throughout the limits. So if they die, the new unit will still get the promo. When the limit is up, they are removed.

For Scipio you need to let Hannibal complete his romp through Italia, and he lasts until Carthage is taken, or 190BC.

Caesar begins with "Triumvirate", and lasts until Gaul is subjugated, or when he was assassinated in 44BC.

Trajan is 98AD until Sarmizegetusa is taken, or 117AD.

Belisarii comes with "Justin the Great" and just stays ;)
Well I've given up waiting for the DLL to come out, but since they've fixed the issues with total conversions, the civ5 version can actually move ahead. There are a bunch of limititations still, but much can be done. A version with similar functionality has to wait for the DLL, so for now it would be similar to the civIII version (eg no revolutions).

I wrote a small script to convert the tech tree, and some other files. This is much easier than moving from civIII to civIV was! The map translated just fine too. There is now also a "Battle of Cannae" scenario, which is the only playable thing at the moment since many of the civs are not in yet.

So my question here is for anyone who has played both this, and civ5, what sorts of things would you change for the civ5 version?

The only real new thing I've come across is a "tax farming" policy (Romans used this ~100BC -> 40BC), but most of the policies will map from the civics. Not sure how this will translate since the policies in a branch are cumulative, until that branch is made obsolete by another. Civics were not cumulative within a type, only 1 was active.

Also, which other "battles" would be good candidates?

I'll open up a new thread in the civ5 forums, but for now since this is a segway between the 2, this thread is just fine ;)
Great news primordial!!!

I played a lot civ3 version, less civ4 one, and for civ5 i dont know very much about this, but if you post something i will try it, sure.
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