the download page says it's forbidden. Any update on the CIV V version?
I'm nearly stuck on the civ5 version. From my point of view, a huge difference is how the maps are done since these are historical. Civ4 was text based, so easy to modify. The file used "symbolic names" for the civs (eg CIVILIZATION_ROME) and "UNIT_OWNER/CITY_OWNER=0". Consider 200AD to 400AD. The Empire is split. In vim (a powerful text editor) the bulk of this change is accomplished via a single search and replace operations

'a,'b s/_OWNER=0/_OWNER=46/). There is some further editing since the split doesn't match the Y coordinate exactly. 5 min later, bam!, the map is ready.
In civ5 the map is binary, so we need to use the map editor. There is no search and replace. To accomplish the same thing each unit needs to be deleted, and replaced. Each city needs to be deleted, and replaced, along with all the buildings, culture, and what not. Very labor intensive and error prone!!!!
So I've been trying to follow the Medieval scenario, which is the closest thing I can find to what I need to do. I've hacked the loadscreen.lua, and split out the contents of the civ4map into: a base map file, scenario specific: map file (roads + improvements), civ file (which civs are alive), religion file, and finally units+buildings. All these files are loaded in the correct order (AFAIK since there's no CTDs or errors), but after it all there is a CTD, but even the debug DLL gives no obvious reason.
The only thing I can think of is to try the DLL (I didn't make any changes to it) on a different mod, and the same thing with the map.