Clown Car VII: Or "Gulliver's Travels 2: The Witch Hunt Continues"

My old man went to a house party in his classmate's basement in the 70's while Jerry Ford was there visiting their dad (WaPo editor) and had a close call when they up to the bathroom and almost ran into him and the Secret Service detail.
how's that clownish?
Blinken was there to improve relations. Courtesy of Biden, one day later relations are worse than before. How is that not clownish?
Xi indeed is quite clownish.
If Biden was lying, it might be foolish, but Xi is a dictator. His goal has been to be the second Mao and he has achieved the status and power to be that.
I'm only a little black rain cloud. Pay no attention to little me.
It's like Springer.
Xi indeed is quite clownish.
I thought Xi looked like a certain bear owned by Disney who always gets into trouble getting honey. :mischief:
Biden calls the leader of China a dictator, a day after Blinken was there to "mend relations".
Pretty clownish ^^
The problem is the follow-through, and whether or not we will continue to have an overly-conciliatory policy towards Red China as we have since the Clinton years (MFN.) This includes Bush, Obama, and Big Mouth Felon.
Meanwhile in the real clown car, Greene calls Boebert a "little b****" on the house floor :popcorn:*****-on-the-house-floor you can replace the asterisks to get the url

Two people, both concerned only with their own glory and the resulting enpoopification of politics, end up tearing strips off each other to see who can be the most nakedly partisan the fastest?

What lovely people: they deserve each other,
Biden calls water wet.
People are very upset.

They call his words a fail
100 journalists in jail

Lets not anger the dictator
We will regret it lator.

That last line wasn't a hit
Because alligator didn't fit
The outcry was not about a word
used not befitting China's lord;
it was because you just don't send
a diplomat but then yourself undo the mend.
More generally, of course
this is on Biden's mental woes and always was.
God save the Queen
you lyin’ dog-face pony soldier
Turn up the record player
I got to squint to talk
and plagiarize the Labour Party
Get them hair plugs
very clean and articulate
Stand up wheelchair guy
sneeze everywhere on a plane
The problem is the follow-through, and whether or not we will continue to have an overly-conciliatory policy towards Red China as we have since the Clinton years (MFN.) This includes Bush, Obama, and Big Mouth Felon.
Nixon's biggest F-up.
AP, 26 June 2023 - "DeSantis unveils an aggressive immigration and border security policy that largely mirrors Trump’s"

AP said:
Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis promised to end birthright citizenship, finish building the southern border wall and send U.S. forces into Mexico to combat drug cartels as part of an aggressive — and familiar — immigration policy proposal he laid out Monday in a Texas border city.
AP said:
He likened illegal border crossings to home break-ins and warned that drug traffickers trying to bring their product into the United States could wind up “stone cold dead.”

“If somebody were breaking into your house to do something bad, you would rspond with force. Yet why don’t we do that at the southern border?” DeSantis asked. “So if the cartels are cutting through the border wall, trying to run product into this country, they’re going to end up stone cold dead as a result of that bad decision.
I can't tell whether DeSantis is saying that drug smuggling should be a capital crime, or he's saying that US law enforcement should shoot to kill anyone they think is carrying drugs, or he's encouraging vigilantism (or all of the above - why stop with just one form of violence when you can have three?). And what're the odds he's even thought it through that far? The fact that I'm not sure what he's saying is probably by design.

As ever, the more conservatives talk, the more progressive I get. What a [tool]. :lol:
I can't tell
The one thing that you can tell is how tough he is, because under his administration, these drug dealers would not only end up dead but stone cold dead. In 2016, I laughed at the candidates who ran on repealing "every word of Obamacare," as though there were some Republican candidates who were willing to leave the occasional "with" and "about" standing. That tells you everything you need to know about this as a policy: there is none there. It's just a pretext for showing how tough-talkin' he is.
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