Mod Addict
Thank dude, nice job (y) Now I can play while enjoying even more. This is why I love Civ V mod community.
Yes, of course. However, the Chateau Extension is installed already in the mod separately since Bloublou's Chateau gives France a UU which isn't really balanced with the CBP..Sorry I meant to say also - Does your mod supply the other mods? Or do we have to subscribe to them from the workshop? I had the mods already, but then deleted them. But I have had problems with the steam workshop in the past, where mods I delete will redownload themselves for some odd reason. Or does it not really matter? As long as I have the Classic and Industrial building packs and the building upgrade pack, and your compatibility mod selected, I should be good right?
The old building of the Inn had 5% gold as a modifier which translates to 1 gold per 25 citizens or 1 gold per 20 citizens, if I go any higher it could result in a gold influx.Regarding the inn - is 1 gold per 25 citizens a little weak perhaps? Considering the market is available around the same time and gives 1 gold per 6 citizens?
I'm planning to have a more diverse text based help and strategy to prevent the boring "improve this building.. blah blah." in (v 2.1)Also, if you want to match the description for the market, the inn should say '+1 Gold for every 25 Citizens in the City... A little OCD of me maybe, sorry!
The old building of the Inn had 5% gold as a modifier which translates to 1 gold per 25 citizens or 1 gold per 20 citizens, if I go any higher it could result in a gold influx.
Sorry if I understood you wrong but: +5% of certain yield in a city is a lot more than +1 yield / 20. That's because late game you can have loads of certain yield going in hundreds (from tiles, trade routes, buildings, polices and so on) while you still won't go much taller than 50.
So I'm unlocking buildings and upgrades now into mid-game, and there's things like the lighthouse upgrade which gives +1 food to tiles but 8 extra gold maintenance? And the market 10 extra gold? Isn't this a little too high? Maybe you're just carrying over from what the original mod creator did, so fair enough, but he had the gold values too high I feel!
5% of a certain yield is going to be a lot in the late game if I did implement it. Not to mention even with the flavoring, the AI will attempt to rush these yield modifiers even though they shouldn't in the early game as I have seen in previous testing, so I had to make sure that the vanilla buildings had to be at least appealing to the AIs. Besides, these yield based on modifier helps with the unhappiness modifier(poverty, illiteracy, etc) realistically.
Yes, basing on is much better, but +1/25 is probably too little.
No due to limited modding experiences. Upgrades simulate a stabler civilization that is able to sustain itself in the late game much better. As a work-around, I recommend putting most of your buildings you want to the building queue and press the building header to hide most of the large upgrade section.Is there any way at all to hide the upgrades from showing in the city production panel if I don't want them? Certain upgrades are great and I'll always get them. Some I may only get in my capital or big cities. Others I'll just never get and they sit there right until late-game and I find it really annoying!
Did you activate this mod and the Moai extension? Polynesia should have a building called The Marae.I can't build Moai's after reserching The Wheel. Is this intentional?
Q. Can I have none of these supported mods installed and still have this mod work?
A. Of course, the Chateau and some of the Building Upgrades are installed automatically, but it is suggested you subscribe to the supported mods to receive all the benefits.
Yes...Could you explain this please? I've asked about it before but I'm not sure I entirely understand it still... Maybe I'm being dumb?! So far all I have subscribed to is your mod. I'm actually only really interested in the new buildings... none of the extra tile improvements or building upgrades. So I should subscribe to your mod, and the industrial and classic building packs on the workshop? And then activate them all when making a game? I can delete the folders in your mod to get rid of the tile improvements and building upgrades right?
Did you activate this mod and the Moai extension? Polynesia should have a building called The Marae.
Yes I did.
I would like a screenshot of your tech chart on The Wheel and a worker near a coastal tile would you kindly.