Community Balance Patch Mods Compatibility

I would argue about that, because Newgrange provides enough faith to found a pantheon at around the same time you would if you went for Stonehenge. The latter also requires you to research a tech that's basically only useful for that when you could be researching more generally useful techs, such as pottery etc. Imo, Newgrange reduces the value of Stonehenge.
Stonehedge essentially provides you +3 faith and a free shrine yielding +4 faith in total. Because you require a technology to get stonehenge, you have the ability to build a scout/worker/warrior/monument to allow you for a good ruins or better improvements on your cities etc while waiting for The Wheel. Unlike Newgrange, you have to take it from the start and have a GOOD production start, so you do not lose the wonders to the AIs.

On a different note, concerning BUSC: science building (library and such) upgrades behave differently compared to culture and gold building upgrades, as the scaling effect seems reverse relative to each other (libraries scale better than universities, while markets scale worse than banks). Any reason behind that?
It's the realistically paradox of reality. As we advance up in technology, we see less innovation as a need to improve our technology. Although, we do feel a little need to improve our technology, we only do so via reinnovating the technology thus creating lesser science bonuses as the science building upgrades are more advanced. Meanwhile, simple money investments help the economy more than you know it, upholding stocks restrictions and banking limits may toll on the government treasury, but as time passes on, the government hope that it reduces poverty and prevents another market crash and such.

Also, agora has a pretty low maitenance for a building that gives an artist slot so early on, especially considering that: a) cultural specialist slots are the rarest; b) overall specialists are much stronger in the CBP than in the vanilla game. Besides, while we're on the subject: perhaps the broadcast tower upgrade should give a musician slot instead of an artist one? I always found that the game lacks musicians, while the BUSC already gives an additional artist slot for the museum upgrade. Maybe it's just me, but I never seem to even fill any broadcast towers with great works of music.
I'll look into that.
It's the realistically paradox of reality. As we advance up in technology, we see less innovation as a need to improve our technology. Although, we do feel a little need to improve our technology, we only do so via reinnovating the technology thus creating lesser science bonuses as the science building upgrades are more advanced. Meanwhile, simple money investments help the economy more than you know it, upholding stocks restrictions and banking limits may toll on the government treasury, but as time passes on, the government hope that it reduces poverty and prevents another market crash and such.
I see. Although each subsequent upgrade is still much more expensive to maintain than the previous one while also being worse. Weird, but oh well (:

I'll look into that.
I see. Although each subsequent upgrade is still much more expensive to maintain than the previous one while also being worse. Weird, but oh well (:


You make more money late game, you pay more money late game. :pat:
Hey there, I have a problem where my tech tree screws up (no longer scrolls and I can't select anything) whenever I install this mod, I run quite a few other mods so it's probably some kind of conflict. I run the non EUI version of the patch project so it might have something to do with that... Any ideas why this would be happening?
Hey there, I have a problem where my tech tree screws up (no longer scrolls and I can't select anything) whenever I install this mod, I run quite a few other mods so it's probably some kind of conflict. I run the non EUI version of the patch project so it might have something to do with that... Any ideas why this would be happening?

Well it would be nice if you gave me a mod list and a screenshot of the non-scrolling tech tree? :mischief:
Good news is I found out installing the eui version of the balance patch completely solved this issue. I'm guessing you might have used the eui version when developing and so your mod might be kind of dependent on that.. Although it's very possible my modded game is just being screwy.

Bad news is my mod list is kinda huge.... I have a problem with mod addiction apparently xP The main mods are whowards mods, and new race mods. Some of the mods I can think of that affect the ui would be; events and decisions, piety and prestige and Exploration continued expanded.

Doing some testing I turned off some of the mods I know have problems with compatibility and it didn't seem to make a difference. I lack a bit of patience for that since my civ takes around 20 minutes loading the mods into the game. It makes testing out different mods a nightmare. The tech tree was just kind of stuck on where it normally would open but didn't have a scrollbar, clicking on the technologies didn't do anything but still made the noise, it became impossible to advance past the ancient era, I fixed it before I took a screenshot so hopefully that description helps.
Bad news is my mod list is kinda huge.... I have a problem with mod addiction apparently xP The main mods are whowards mods, and new race mods. Some of the mods I can think of that affect the ui would be; events and decisions, piety and prestige and Exploration continued expanded.

Doing some testing I turned off some of the mods I know have problems with compatibility and it didn't seem to make a difference. I lack a bit of patience for that since my civ takes around 20 minutes loading the mods into the game. It makes testing out different mods a nightmare.

I so feel your pain. I experienced that kind of loading time for a long, long time. I finally did a complete reinstall for the third time and something unknown clicked and now my load times are far, far more reasonable. Since that happened I've been working on determining which mods are compatible with each other with the Community Patch as the base. I'm running several hundred mods now :) Shh! don't tell anyone I'm crazier!!
Would love to hear back and see what you thought of it... I can't play for a couple days but I'll probably install the new stuff soon... Though admittedly I worry if I add more early-game wonders it'd be a bad thing for me since the AI tend to always get them! :lol:

Seems fine, most of the other civs race to get the production wonder (BARNENEZ}. So i do see the ai use it.
Buildings - Upgrade System (v 12)
Classical Building Pack (v 4)
Industrial Building Pack (v 2)
Terrain - Brazilwood Camp Extension (v 3)
Terrain - Kasbah Extension (v 3)
Terrain - Moai Extension (v 3)

All works fine.

When I try to add Terrain - Polder Extension (v 3) or Terrain - Terrace Farm Extension (v 3) there is a very strange problem : I can make a save but when I try to reload it I can't because it says that some mods are missing.

I'm playing with CP/CBP so each time I want to reload I reload all the mods.

HUm maybe that is what i am having issues with, i can save a game but it doesnt load the saved game. gonna test it now.
HUm maybe that is what i am having issues with, i can save a game but it doesnt load the saved game. gonna test it now.

Sometimes, BlouBlou's mods has this glitch where his .modinfo files have
instead of
which results in game not properly saving because the game thinks the mod doesn't affect the saved games at all. Which you then run the error into some missing mods.
Not sure what dang mod is causing it. i am systematically going thru the alphabet loading mods to find which one is causing it. i am at the j's right now. Time consuming way to spend a Sunday meh! Good thing there is a baseball game on :)
(v 5)
  • You can now convert production to faith. (Available at Theology)
  • You can now convert production to tourism. (Available at Radio)
  • Tradition Finisher now applies happiness properly to the National Wonders.
  • More various diplomatic texts
  • Separated the Shrine, Monument, and Temple Upgrade into five different categories giving out different yields. AIs has been flavored as well with this change. You may only build one of the category in each city!
  • Separated the Broadcast Tower Upgrade into three different categories giving out the same cultural yields but different specialists (Musician, Artist, and Writer).
  • Market, Bank, and Stock Exchange Upgrades now grant one great merchant point.
  • Non-save game compatible.

It is now mandatory to have Building Upgrade Systems activated.
Does anyone still have v3 of this mod? Can't enable v5 without crashing and if I go without my top bar ui is broken. Really wanted to finish this game before I update to the new CBP.

EDIT again: I was wrong, this is the missing file. Does anyone have a copy? Thank you for your time.

Here is a screenshot of the issue:


EDIT: Nevermind, I'm a moron and I'll show why. The reason for the above has nothing to do with this mod (it wasn't even installed) but me using the CBP - Compatibility Mod (EUI Version) file when I was using the non-eui version. I never even knew what EUI was. I was putting the EUI (called UI_bc1) in the MOD folder, when it should go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC
This is working great, I have used some farming in the ancient and classical age, but not as much as I used to by far. I have not got a chance to look inside an AI city yet, so I don't know how well the AI is choosing it's upgrades.
Why is Building Upgrade System a dependency?
Tends to get glitchy with you have the building upgrade system and the diverse monument/shrine/temple/broadcast tower path. I'll make the Building Upgrade System a reference again once I fully test out LUA of activating a SQL file if this XML file exist etc.
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